Maid of Flame

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"Immortal Beauty"
Maid of Flame
Player: Teh Kail
Origin: Magic
Archetype: '
Threat Level: 15-25
Personal Data
Real Name: Claudia Desiree Scofeild
Known Aliases: Flamey, Maid
Species: Human
Age: --
Height: '
Weight: '
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Raven
Biographical Data
Nationality: American Resident (French Origin)
Occupation: Carnival of Shadows Seneschal in training
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: Vanessa DeVore's Haven
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Psychic whine, Fire breath
Known Abilities
Flame manipulation, Sonar manipulation
Carnival of Shadows Mask, Torch


Notes of first therepy session with Claudia, female, diagnosed with compulsive personality disorder.

"I made my parents mad." Claudia's parents are concerned for her actions earlier that week, is she aware of the real reason for why what she did was wrong? "I dunno, you're the doctor."- She shows no signs of real worry or remorse. Claudia set her baby sisters hair on fire, which quickly caught to her skin and nearly killed the child. Her parents barely made it in time, Claudia is aware of what she did though. "Yeah." - Claudia only shrugs, with a mild look of amusement. Does she find conflicting pain funny? "I guess." Does she think about hurting people a lot? "No. I only did it because I was mad. It was only kinda funny because she was crying but couldn't really do anything." Claudia doesn't seem to set fires consciously, though she does do it when she's mad. "I dunno. I just do." Why are you so mad Claudia? She suddenly gets aggressive and leans forward. "How old do you think I am Doc?" Claudia looks no older then a twelve year old female child. "I'm seventeen..."

A Beautiful Child

A wrinkled photo.

I Look At her In That Paper Dress.

Born in 1977, Claudia was the apple of her parents eye. Amber eyes with color that seemed to move like mist, naturally pink lips, porcelain like skin and raven hair that fell from her head like silk brought the infant constant dotting on by her parents and those that were draw to her side. And so, when she turned three her parents gave to her the middle name 'Desiree'. As she slowly began to grow her natural beauty granted her a life of luxuries; admirers constantly left toys at her front door, sent gifts to their mailbox, and would call asking the family phone asking to have a play date with small Claudia. But with all admiration there is a price to pay; Claudia was constantly the victim of child abduction, wether by those simply desperate for her audience, or by the few with unspeakable desires. Local police, feeling Claudia was like their own, would use all capable bodies to search for this heavenly child and would never leave the crime unpunished. This lifestyle became constant for Claudia, and luckily enough she was much too young to comprehend the power she had over people. And then the world came crashing down around her. When Claudia was fourteen her parents traveled from doctor to doctor, desperately seeking an answer to what was wrong with their child. Because she just wasn't growing. For twelve years Claudia grew physically like any child would, yet once her third year passed she seemed to be in a constant suspension physically. All the doctors told them the same, Claudia was growing yet it wasn't affecting her body. It was the start of Claudia's living hell. As soon as the news spread of this "immortal" beauty people became chaotic, there were constant intruders just wanted a few seconds to touch Claudia's hand, some times people would grab her in public and try to pull at her hair- hoping that taking a strand would give them some sort of ward against sickness and death. She couldn't be placed into schools with children her own age, and eventually stopped leaving her house all together. At seventeen her little sister was born, and Claudia began showing signs of pyromania, and in some cases; sadism. The "immortal" beauty was stuck in a body she didn't belong in, fated to live out her years in constant, inner turmoil.

Running away to the Carnival

Salvage CarnivalofShadowsMask.png

I Wonder Why She Won't Burn.

Though no socialite, it was Claudia's immortal beauty, and inner rage that the the Carnival of Shadows where drawn to, and saw as great potential for a Seneschal. It didn't take much to convince Claudia to put on the mask, and swear her loyalty to Vanessa when Vanessa herself convinced Claudia she was not meant for the eyes of just anyone. Her immortal looks were a gift and Vanessa would show her how to harness her rage into something much more productive then an occasional apartment fire. As soon as the cool porcelain mask touched at her skin all the uncertainty, hate, angst and self-hate she held seemed to become lost in the rush of unleashed memories the mask possessed. Claudia was now the adolescent she was fated to remain, but not even Vanessa can control the sands of time; Claudia was still a woman inside of her youthful shell, craving the things all women crave.

She's Just A Paper Doll.

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