Meltdown Soul

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Meltdown Soul
Player: @Failtest
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Corrupter
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Cameron Whitfield
Known Aliases: N/A
Species: Evolved Homo Superior
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Weight: 104
Eye Color: Pale blue,sometimes green
Hair Color: nearly white blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: White
Occupation: Unemployed
Place of Birth: Las Vegas Nevada
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles
Marital Status: single (gay)
Known Relatives: Mother, Father both estranged
Known Powers
Radiation control
Known Abilities
Normal clothes
No additional information available.



Cameron Whitfeld was born to Joeseph and Christine Whitfeld on April 26, in Las Vegas, Nevada. His condition was noticable from the moment of his birth exam. Cameron was born one of the Nuclear 90, a unique mutation which would later in his life grant him amazing and horrifying powers. His parents accepted his change at this time, and Cameron grew as most children would for the beginning stages of his life.

Around the age of ten Cameron began to show signs his mutation was not as dormant as his parents had hoped. His body temperature rose above the normal, his internal temperature steadying at 105. As more time passed and his powers developed more and more it became far more of a pressing issue. He would emit short doses of radiation at times, particularly when distressed by some emotional state.

At fifteen Camerons powers had become far more dangerous. His control had not gotten any better but the potency of hus mutation has. His radiation leaks would scorch floors and walls. Melt plastics and short out electronics. His parents began to distance him from them and other people. They began to fear he might kill them or get them into trouble, at seventeen he left home.

Cameron's original destination had been Paragon city, which he did make in short time. But what he found was not the beacon of hope and help he had been searching for. Instead he found people who wanted to contain him, seal him up in glass cells and keep him away from the world. He was labled " dangerous" and "uncontrolled". He was forced to flee a second time and turned to his last resort.

Once Cameron arrived in the Rogue Islands he found life to be far harder then he could of imagined. Poor and lacking the ability to fully control his powers he ended up sleeping on the streets. In fear his powers would become unstable and he would be harmed because it, Cameron began to abuse a designer drug known as " velvet". A mood altering drug which kept him calm and sedate, helping to stem the emotional trigger to his powers.


The Nuclear 90

The nuclear 90, a group of ninty childen all born in the span of one year and all of which possessed the unique genetic mutation that replaced there normal human hearts. With self contained, nuclear fusion reactors. The mutation's gifts manifest differently from child to child, some found them selves with the ability to project great bolts of energy, other to ignite the air into searing flames then some, like Cameron, found themselves able to generate and emit concentrated amount of nuclear radiation.

The source of what caused, or ended the string of mutant births is still to this day unknown. None of the Nuclear ninty have ever suffered an ill health effect from this mutation and many of them have gone on to use there powers to fight for the Hero cause. Making the strange event for the most part a welcome one.

Cameron's Powers

Cameron harbors within him the fusion heart of a nuclear 90 child. The heart raises his body temperature, increases his metabolism, fuels his body, is also responsible for the bleached color of his eyes and hair, and the lack of body hair.

When focused the energy from his fusion heart creates deadly radiation which he can then focus into more specific powers. When properly focused Cameron's blast measure in at over six hundred sieverts. More then a hundred time the lethal dose of nuclear radiation.

" An Exceprt from Radiation Poisoning and its causes"

Concerning a infection of high concentration. More then 50 Sv (sieverts) Acute Radiation Poisoning Such an exposure leads to spontaneous symptoms with in 5 to 30 minutes.powerful fatigue and immediate nausea caused by direct activation of chemical receptors in the brain by the irradiation. Cell death in the gastric and intestinal tissue, Internal hemmorhaging. Dehydration and delirium. Followed by Coma caused from a breakdown in circulation. Death is Inevitable and only pain management treatment is offered to such patients.

Cameron's problem

Cameron suffers from very shaky nerves at times which translates into a strange form of mutant asthma. When he is frightened or extremely nervous he begins to have trouble breathing and coughs rather harshly. The results of which is that he begins to cough up misted radiation between his fingers. Anyone with in close proximity to him is highly advised to move back to a required distance of at least fifteen feet and preferred distance of a hundred feet to avoid inhalation of the extremely toxic fumes.

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