Moira Dirge/Historical Data

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Wristband Supercomputer Historical Data

The First Age and the Rule of the Unifier

1 AU[1] – 289 AU

The dawn of the new era began in what was once known as the 2009th year of the Common Era[2] when Lord Recluse I the Unifier successfully completed what was known as project Destiny. Though it is unclear what this project was it enabled him to make great strides forward in dealing with the corrupt and oppressive governments of the world.

They initially fought against him but fell one by one because of their disunity. As one country after another succumbed to the benevolent might of Arachnos they finally understood what true peace was and joined him in his struggles against the rogue nations.

By 34 AU all nations had unified under the banner of the true leader, Lord Recluse I. Though there were many pockets of resistance all over the world they were diminishing daily. In 35 AU, he founded the Amphitheater. The Amphitheater was the ruling representatives of the many former nations of the world. The Amphitheater was formed to ease the transition of government in our great nation.

In 38 AU the cold war between the Rikti empire and the Arachnos National Republic ended with the enforced treaty of White Plains. This treaty was quickly signed when a whithering army of over 3 billion soldiers were transported to the Rikti home world supported by an armada of Titan class warships in close orbit. The Rikti found themselves staring into the barrel of the Arachnos cannon and flinched. Though some in the Amphitheater screamed for conquest, Lord Recluse I stated in his famous quote. “We must first perfect our own world before we seek to perfect others.”

In 39 AU Lord Recluse established the Universal Standardized State Corporations Board. This board began the slow process of nationalizing all major industries, establishing a universal currency and dissolving all banking establishments to be merged with Aracorp Mutual (formerly Aeon Corp). With the slow and enforced stabilization of all markets there would soon be plenty for all in the Great Republic.

By 56 AU the peaceful transition of power was complete and Lord Recluse I dissolved the Amphitheater and established the Arachnos Republic Citizens' Seats (ARCS). The ARCS represented the many areas of the vast Arachnos National Republic. Their job was to represent the needs of the people while upholding the benevolent peace of Arachnos. Along with the ARCS a new police corp was established to help uphold the laws called the National Division of Order (NDO). The NDO also was assisted with by the Wolf Spider corps, the Bane Spider corp and the Widow corps for multi-continent intelligence operations.

In 57 AU the Education Act was put forward by the ARCS. This established a formal national school and training program for all civilians who wish to become citizens. Eventually this Act was amended in 63 AU and became mandatory for all civilians. The Military Act of 63 AU made only those that served an eight year stint in the military true citizens of our great Republic. Eventually with the 68 Military Reform Act this became mandatory for any civilian past the age of 14.

In 68 Lord Recluse I himself put forth the Superbeings' Immunities and Affairs Law. This law granted amnesty to all unregistered superbeings living outside the laws to protect the citizens. This law successfully brought in thousands of unregistered superbeings on earth and brought them into the benevolent fold of the Arachnos National Republic.

In 74 the ARCS passed the Individuals' Protection Act into law. This law made the health and welfare of all citizens of the Arachnos National Republic top priority. Each individual would be implanted with a health monitor that would alert the medicorps immediately if any citizen fell ill or injured. This act cut health and injury costs by almost 87% using the rapid teleportation system.

Due to a horrific upsurge in helpless children being abused by incompetent parents the 76 Lost Wayfarers Act was signed into law. This new law required all citizens to register for parent aptitude tests to get the Wayfarers License to have children. The Caroton Act was also signed into law to assist in enforcing citizens from having unlawful children. An anti fertility inducer was introduced into all female health monitor implants that wouldn't allow them to produce viable eggs. This inducer would be deactivated if licensed and joined with a licensed partner. This law enabled the Republic to cut poverty and crime by almost 74%. It also raised the standards of education and child rearing.

By 123 AU there was a drastic decrease in superbeing activity. It seems that almost no non-state planned superbeings were being born or reported. Lord Recluse I acted immediately to protect the strength of the diversity of the Nation's superbeing pool. He enacted many new laws to open up breeding centers for licensed families to be gifted with a superbeing child. “This nation was once overflowing with non-government and free superhumans. It will be again. The citizens need other citizens to look up to.”

In 156 AU a formal alliance was signed between the representatives of the Rikti empire and Lord Recluse I of the Arachnos National Republic. This alliance was achieved after decades of diplomatic wrangling and talking done by Lord Recluse I himself. “Heads that once clashed to the mutual destruction of their worlds will now come together for their mutual benefit. It is appropriate that we face the future together as allies and comrades against the unknowable foes of space.”

In 200 AU January 1st was declared a national holiday. Peace Day. Lord Recluse I made the declaration that this would be a day of national celebration and rest.

In 280 AU a visibly aged Lord Recluse I named his youngest son the heir to his rule. The nation cheered the wisdom of Lord Recluse I for his choice.

May 8th 289 was the day that Lord Recluse I the Unifier breathed his last loving breath. His final words: “I bore the burdens of leadership as long as I could. In the end it took my life and my livelihood but it left me with an undying love for my people in this great nation. Serving them was the greatest reward I could ever receive.” Forever after May 8th was known as Webfall.

The Golden Age

289 – 670?

The First Age was the crucible that forged the new nation into a galactic superpower. The centuries leading up to the Night Years were the nation's in its glory.

From 289 to 467 there was a continuous line of leaders. They ended with Lord Recluse XI whom had no sons and no heir. So ARCS passed a law assigning leadership by vote in ARCS. The first new leader was Seatholder Ryr. This was the first time in history that Lord Recluse was used as a title for the new leader of all of the nation.

Ryr was the first non-heir to hold the title of Lord Recluse. He was quickly deemed Lord Recluse XII.

By 470 ARCS and Lord Recluse XII successfully signed a non-aggression treaty with an alternate earth known as the Praetorian earth. This was the first inter-dimensional treaty signed ever in the history of the nation. Unfortunately in 476 a faction of the alternate earth violated the treaty and the nation was forced to act for the peace of all. In a vicious two year war, Praetorian earth was subdued. The Arachnos National Republic along with the Rikti Empire began the slow realignment of government on the Praetorian earth. In the years to come this new government became the Arachnos People's Republic. Together with the Arachnos National Republic and the Rikti Empire they became as a triad of power.

Around 670 six Nictus Worldships appeared in our solar system. It turns out they were only the spear point of a vast Nictus fleet that was sweeping through to enslave this and other worlds.

The Night Years

670? - 1300?

Recorded history becomes difficult around the time of the Night Years. The wars between the Triad of Power and the insidious Nictus and Rularuu did not allow for perfect record keeping and storage. This era was officially the end of the Golden Age of Arachnos.

This era was known as the Night Years because the Nictus took to eclipsing the sun with their world ships in hopes of starving our planet. This led to earth being cloaked in darkness for many decades at a time.

Much of our food came from the Rikti Empire or the Arachnos People's Republic. Essentially the nation's ability to grow food and sustain itself suffered from the constant night.

The war with the Nictus escalated when the Rularuu appeared at their behest and began to use their magics to counter our Mu specialists.

The war became desperate as our world sank deeper and deeper into starvation and death. The Nictus' technology and Rularuu allies made them nearly unstoppable. “A drowning man will grasp at any snake to survive.”

Then curious beings appeared from between the cracks of society. They called themselves travelers and wonder makers. We called them saviors. In the beginning they numbered only a dozen. They had no leader and did as they willed. They were only interested in assisting humanity and granting it their peculiar abilities.

To call these beings powerful is to call the sun warm. They wielded power unseen since the days of Lord Recluse I. One of the saviors downed a Nictus world ship in no more time than it takes to swat a bothersome fly. The Rularuu didn't just run from them, they literally murdered their own kind to escape these beings. This should have told us something about their nature but we were blind in our desperation.

What was worse is that these beings impressed many Mu mystics into their service to help turn the tide of war. These saviors only wished to share their unique and staggering power with others. Even civilian magic users and normals could learn their power if they chose.

Soon these beings began to multiply. From twelve there were twenty. From twenty to fifty. Fifty to one-hundred. Their numbers kept increasing. Opportunities to learn their power increased as they did. It seemed that as soon as one learned their power they sought to teach others their power as soon as they could.

Soon they became known as 'The Perfected'. They would meet and discuss the course of the war and how they could recruit more and give more power. ARCS and the Lord Recluse did not see anything wrong with this initiative and encouraged it.

Soon the war ended with the Nictus being obliterated and the Rularuu disappearing completely. The saviors were celebrated and haled as heroes to the nation. They spread to the ruined Rikti Empire and the Arachnos People's Republic to share their power with others.

The Reconstruction

1300? – 2200?

The years of the Reconstruction brought about many national upheavals. The greatness of the Arachnos National Republic was severely injured by the Nictus War. The Perfected continued to attempt to teach others about their power but their popularity waned after the end of the war.

The ARCS established temporary unlimited power to the Lord Recluse for quick decisive laws to help the people and maintain order. The Mu mystics were all but gone after the war. Many of their number either became Perfected or were murdered during the war. Those that didn't join the Perfected warned that they were a bad influence on the citizenry. ARCS and the Lord Recluse ignored the warnings of the Mu and continued on through the Reconstruction period.

By the end of the Reconstruction the Perfected were protecting the streets along with the NDO. The Perfected were almost everywhere in society. They openly disdained politics so the ARCS and the Lord Recluses included them in as a co-arm of the government (one they didn't have to pay).

The final straw broke when a representative of the Perfected came to the Lord Recluse and demanded he pass a law to mandate Perfected internship to all citizens young and old. The Lord Recluse refused and attempted to subdue the representative known as Aergulf. Aergulf flayed the skin from his still living body and boned him before he took his second breath. This was the last Lord Recluse to ever hold that title.

Immediately civil war erupted amongst the Perfected. The newly converted Perfected tried to use their vast power to destroy the traitorous older Perfected. ARCS declared martial law and a national emergency.

The newly converted Perfected became the Loyal Prefects. While the others simply called themselves the Peers. The Loyal Prefects knew they were outnumbered and sought more people to gift with their power.

Civil War

2200? – 5000?

The civil war between the Peers and the Loyalist Prefects and Arachnos began slowly and was difficult to figure out which side was which. Both sides attempted to subvert mystically inclined humans to their power while attempting to destroy the other side. They often sounded exactly the same and it seemed that no matter how brutal or destructive the maneuver no ground was ever gained. To make matters worse the Loyal Prefects were often fractious and backbiting and competative. The members of ARCS began to fear their growing power and loss of control over their own hierarchy.

The superbeing breeding programs and metahuman eugenics programs of the past left the world woefully free of superhumans to combat the growing threat of the Loyalist Prefect and Peer factions as they fought less and less amongst each other and more and more against the civilian populous for refusal of their power.

One of the last edicts to pass through ARCS before its dissolution was the Clear Sight Act. This law began a systematic extermination of all people with mystic talents or magical origins. This assignment was given to the Widow and Bane branches of the military. It was deemed that any of mystic origin could be corrupted into joining forces with either the Peers or the Loyalist Prefects whom began to be collectively called the Cursed Ones.

By the end of the Civil War nothing of magic existed in the multiverse. Either having been exterminated by the Clear Sight Act or by the Cursed Ones themselves.

The government of Arachnos deteriorated into that of a permanent war council of six webmistresses. Cybernetically enhanced they were able to live for many centuries before dying. The war councils began to organize and mobilize the citizenry of Arachnos against the threat of the Cursed Ones. They also passed Edict 11 which became known as the Soldier Program. They felt it necessary to create a caste system of ever-vigilant and ready-to-die soldiers for the good of the real people of Arachnos. This also outlawed any individual with seer abilities as they can be corrupt by the Cursed Ones as easily as if they were mystic.

The Civil War ended when the Arachnos National Republic died to become simply Arachnos once again.

The Current Era

5000? – Now.

The war against the Cursed Ones began nearly 3000 years ago. This war has known many hardships and much brutality but we have been making strides everyday and have driven many of the Cursed Ones from the land around our Hospitality Zones. There have been nearly two Cursed Ones destroyed these last 400 years and we have been making scientific leaps and bounds to control their population with the brave and selfless sacrifices of our citizenry. They make the sacrifices needed to keep our soldiers in the fight.

  1. AU refers to After Unification
  2. The Common Era often uses CE or AD for Common Era or Anno Domini.
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