Molly Andrews

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Artwork by Adam H. / Colored by Molly's player
Molly Andrews
Player: @TranquilDawn
Origin: Natural/Magic
Archetype: Scrapper/Blaster
Security Level: Rising
Personal Data
Real Name: Molly Andrews
Known Aliases: Operative Violet, Mollywoggin', Maul, Molls
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blue (right now)
Biographical Data
Nationality: Mish-mash American
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Tampa, FL
Base of Operations: Undecided
Marital Status: Engaged to Emma
Known Relatives: Holly, twin sister
Known Powers
Sarcasm counts, right?
Known Abilities
Fencing / Gunning people down
Jian / Pair of Pistols
(Most of this is a placeholder for now.)

Molly Andrews [Unhinged Humanity (V), Integrated Humanity (H), Molly Andrews (H)], identical twin sister to Holly Andrews [Humanity Unhinged (V), Humanity Integrated (H)]. Yes, it's confusing. Don't worry, only Holly will play tricks on you with it.

Past: Mirrored Childhoods

Molly is the younger twin by 6 minutes. Both she and her twin, Holly, were delivered by Caesarian section to Carmela Bradshaw on June 11th, father unknown. When Carmela was returned to prison a month and a half later, having recovered from her surgery and nursed the twins to sufficient health to survive the switch, the girls were entrusted to their grandmother, Joanne Andrews.

At 6-months-old, they were legally adopted by their grandmother following a lethal prison riot that left Carmela dead and buried. They remained under Joanne's care until their teenage years.

Joanne kept a strict household. Curfews, rules, religion.

This same environment had created Carmela. Not a single thing had changed, not even the threadbare furniture of lime green purchased in the 1950's. Joanne maintained that her third husband, the one that had helped to spawn the mobster queen, had infected her daughter with his evil. The following two husbands only contributed with their constant 'attention' lavished upon Carmela.

This time around, Joanne would have no male figure in her home to defile and sway her grandchildren from Christ and the light of good.

All well and good under normal circumstances. However, their grandmother deteriorated into an almost violently severe case of dementia. Nothing was remembered beyond five or ten good minutes. With such opportunity, the twins found it easy to manipulate their world to their advantage. No punishment would ever last very long.

It all started with simple shoplifting.


Within weeks, the pair found themselves in over their heads. One night in particular, they stood side-by-side against a wall deep within Mercy with their hands extended above their heads. Molly stood sobbing while her sister stared down the gunman.

The moment that she decided that this thug would indeed pull the trigger and end her, something within Holly snapped. Her left hand swung down to grasp the cool metal and shove it to her right while a booted foot kicked up and into the thug's crotch.

Buckshot tore through Holly's shoulder and forearm while her palm and fingers seared with the burning heat coming off the barrels.

Molly straightened immediately beside her sister, the false sobs broken so that she could step forward and send a curled fist into the man's side, ribs snapping. By that time, Holly had the shotgun turned about so that her own finger found the trigger. Molly stepped back and Holly squeezed.

Self-defense, certainly. The elation that each twin experienced might not have gone over well had they ever ended up in a courtroom.

The Allure of the Spider


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