From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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· Science Brute ·
Super Strength
Player: @See-Thru
Super Group
Real Name
Cassidy (or C.A.S.S.I.D.Y.)
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Appears Caucasian
Apparent Age
Appears in her teens, actual age unknown
Body Type
Powers & Abilities
Super Strength
Epic Pool
Energy Mastery
Power Pools
Leaping - Fighting - Force of Will - Speed
· Known Powers ·
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·
Hacking - Infilitration - Most Science based fields (chemistry, etc)



Some of this is older and needs rewriting, and some of it is just not updated yet. Cass changes a lot!


"We're going to see how badly this can all fail when one of our units is deployed without the personality programming. A walking, talking, weapon of mass destruction with no concept of self control or morality or anything. There are too many ways this can go wrong" -Hector Westing, project assistant


Seemingly coming out of nowhere, it is hard to peg Cassidy with a history. She was likely manufactured in late 2018 by whatever corporation that created her, and kept under wraps until she was meant to be deployed. One of a series of super-powered infiltration units, Cassidy was deployed by accident by whatever digital fabricator was being used, and destroyed the facility that created her.

For weeks, Cassidy wandered Paragon City, eating what she could find and sleeping wherever she became tired. Whatever victimization she would have been vulnerable to as a real person was nullified by her immense powers, and she took to utterly devastating unwitting Skulls and Hellions that sought to take advantage of her, with extremely violent actions. But her personality was still in flux, and it was not hard to manipulate her if one was clever enough, so she was utilized by some villain groups to destructive ends until she was ultimately apprehended by Longbow and brought to conditioning with Freedom Corps.

FC tried to do what they could, but Cassidy's personality was so bizarre and undefined, they struggled to help her. She spent most of her time mimicking them, in action and verbally, but it rarely seemed to take. It didn't help that they could not figure out what she was... she was obviously not human, but certainly not a robot or android or magical construct. She was also hard to control; Cassidy would simply wander off if she felt like it, and no door or wall could keep her from doing so.

Freedom Corps had its largest success with Cassidy when they started taking her out into the field. She performed so well, and had such quirky personality and story, that they decided to feature her on their live streams of patrols. At first, things went well, but on one operation against the Council, things went poorly and several Longbow agents were wounded. And Cassidy suddenly went berserk, in a fashion they had never seen.

All while live on stream, Cassidy cheerfully ripped through the Council attackers. Quite literally. Warwolves had fist-sized holes punched into them, a vampire had its arm ripped off and at least one rank and file soldier had his head soccer-kicked clean off. It was EXTREMELY VIOLENT, and was rapidly cut off from live streaming. Still, the weird mix of her cute face, tiny body and cheerful demeanor as she violently murdered the Council gave the short video life as a viral hit, and the social media links were all accompanied by a single warning that would later become her callsign: Not Safe for Work.

Shortly after the incident, Cassidy simply disappeared. She has popped up here and there, but Freedom Corps has not yet been able to re-acquire her.


"I am a person." -Cassidy

Cassidy is barely a person, and so her personality is in flux. Her brain is essentially and extremely advanced learning computer, and she is constantly absorbing and filtering, but does not have a lot of context due to her brief lifespan up to this point.

She often mimics actions and words, almost like a parrot, in her efforts to appear normal. But she is learning, and hints of personality are developing. She is an eager learner and helper, though can be extremely thoughtless at times (because she has little understanding of social norms), and does not seem to understand certain moralities (like why punching someone's head in is a bad thing).

All of this can make her seem child-like, or even kind of stupid, but she is in fact extremely gifted intellectually, especially when it comes to combat and field tactics. She just needs time to learn who she is.

Cassidy loves to meet new people, study them, and make friends. At her best, she can't contain herself around people. At her worst, she comes off as overbearing, or shuts down completely in sullen rejection.



Cassidy appears to be a tiny girl in her late teens (she looks 18 or 19, even though she is incredibly small), or at least is designed to, to pass unnoticed in infiltration situations. She has long, blonde hair that is most often tied up in twintails. Cassidy tends to take her appearance seriously, likely due to her basic infiltration programs, but adds a lot of personal flair, including heavy use of the colour pink and 'cute' motifs. She has attractive, soft features that are smallish and delicate, belying her violent and sturdy nature. Her frame is lean and slender, but not unhealthily skinny.

Cassidy has a pleasant, song-like voice most of the time... the issue is she tends to struggle with maintaining her volume and containing her eagerness. She almost always has some form of earbuds on, and has taken to 80s music quite heavily (for some reason).



"DID SHE JUST KICK SOME DUDE'S HEAD OFF?!?!?" -Twitch user LivinCool03

Cassidy's powers are rooted in what she is, which is some sort of digital construct. She is warm to the touch, has weight, and body heat. She needs to eat, and sleep, but otherwise seems to be constructed of pure hard light, or some other form of digital projection not quite understood (as no-one has taken credit for making her). What is known is that her body gives her extreme strength. Alongside her violent livestream demonstration, she's been seen easily kicking cars into the sky, casually walking through walls, and apparently just threw a crocodile so far into the air, no one is even sure it came down. Her body rapidly alters in density to achieve these feats. Her resting weight seems to be just under ninety pounds, but often goes as low as twenty pounds to propel herself through the air, and as high as a few tonnes to brace herself for extreme actions.

Another benefit of her body is that it seems to be unkillable. Wounds digitally repair themselves instantly, severed limbs reappear in a flash, and even complete destruction seems to be a temporary setback as she always gets up after. An odd side effect is that her body is often wracked with digital ripples of unknown origin. She is also energetic beyond normalcy, with what one scientist dubbed "liquid cocaine" for blood, and an ability to throw herself into a berserker rage at times (dubbed the 'cuteserker rage').

Cassidy seems to have been designed with some sort of triggers, originally making her a sort of sleeper agent. It is unknown if these triggers still exist, but she does have an odd, uncharacteristic love for late 80s hair metal that she often cranks in her earbuds while going into combat.

Cassidy also has an array of projection powers that are believable, though entirely harmless. She can create images of many shapes and sizes in her projection radius (about twenty feet), create screens to display data or replay an event, completely alter her clothes (but not her physical appearance beyond makeup and hair), and can even create a duplicate of herself. These abilities can project sound as well, but are immediately obvious as projections (other than her hardlight clothing).

Another ability of note is the one that allows her to digitally deconstruct an item, and store it in some unknown space. The items cannot be large (no bigger than a 2 by 2 foot square or so) and seem to go into some sort of suspended animation in their storage area. The storage capacity is unknown.


-Cassidy is 100% based off Marie Rose from the DOA games for her appearance, right down to the height. Her personality is more an amalgam of a bunch of anime characters, plus some homebrew character development.
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