Nacht Sniper/Breaking Point

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(( Note: Might find some spelling grammer errors in this story I've proof read over and over again and sent it through spell check a bagillion times... but evidently spell check doesn't like Nacht's accent. Go figure. So if you find an error please tell me about it in the Discussion section or fix it yourself. Thanks for the help and I hope you enjoy my story!))

An Arachnos Operative, clad in his black Bane Spider Commando armor and wielding his Arachnos Standard issue mace, darted into the alley followed by the sounds of machine guns and shouts of Arachnos Operatives. Disoriented and confused, Morder stops abruptly in the center of the alleyway. He felt like a rat in a rather large maze. His gut told him to keep moving but his brain ordered his legs to stiffen. He observed the contents of the dimly lit Paragon City alley as a longbow Chaser flies overhead, shining its lights into the darkness, searching for something hidden in the quiet neighborhood.

He pressed a button on his armor’s gauntlet and his helmet depressurized and Morder removed his helm slowly, revealing his pale, white face. He brushed back his long, coal black hair as his pupiless red flaming eyes shot across the alleyway, searching for something. A key. A lever. A door. His mind raced and then he—

“Sir, What are you looking for?! We have no time to waste looking for something in a dark alley! The longbow agents are on our ta—” disrupted a bane spider as he ran into the alleyway followed by three other Arachnos soldiers.

“Vill you zhut it?! I um trying to vind a vay to get in!” interrupted Operative Morder as he turned wildly towards the four Arachnos operatives.

Suddenly he spotted it in the shadows, a metal door on the side of the building. A sign is bolted to the door that read “Danger: Electrical Hazard”. Morder walked over to the door and searched for a knob to turn and realized that the door is locked and has no way to open it.

“How to get in…” Michael Morder thought to himself.

Then something caught his eye. And an old electrical box with a chipped off green painted surface. He opened the box, but instead of knobs, levers, and buttons, the box held a keypad.

“AHA! Zis iz it!” exclaimed Morder.

“This is what?!” Questioned a soldier as he leans forward to see what “it” is. “Is that an electrical box?! How does that even help us?!”

“Vell… It helps because ov ZIS!” Morder declared dramatically as he punched in the last number in the keypad.

The door unlocked and swung open. A light shined out of the doorway, piercing the darkness of the alleyway.

Morder grinned, showing his almost scarily perfect teeth. His long sharp canines shown in the light of the hidden room. He turned sharply and entered the room, holding his helmet under his shoulder. His long black cape flowed behind him as he went, leaving the four men confused and dumbstruck.

They all turned to each other in confusion, searching for a reason to follow their mad leader into this strange room hidden from the world in a Paragon alley way, but they found no such answer. They finally submitted, one by one, to their leader’s unspoken commands and decide to follow him, shutting the door behind them, leaving the alley in darkness again.

Morder stepped down slowly onto the concrete floor of the Arachnos Independence Port Safe House. Weapons, flashing lights, medical supplies, tools, computers, laptops, data files, food, and camera screens littered the small apartment-sized room underneath the “Dirty Duck Bar and Grill”.

"The exact location of the Dirty Duck Bar and Grill and or the location of the Arachnos Independance Port safehouse"

The four soldiers made themselves comfortable as they entered. They all removed their helmets, in the same way that Morder did, and set them down on the shelf next to the door.

A Tac-ops Wolfspider, James Norfolk. He had short dark brown wavy hair. His bright blue eyes show his true courage and optimistic spirit. He had served in Bloody Bay with Operative Morder and was a loyal Arachnos soldier.

A Bane Spider, Rick Kord. He has short blonde hair and greenish grey eyes. He was sort of a geek in high school, but that has helped him, more than anything, rise to the Bane Spider class within Arachnos. He has used his love of technology and adapted his suit to have more targeting features.

A Wolfspider Huntsman, Adam York. His hair is a light brown and his eyes a greenish blue. His curiosity and ability to take risks has enabled him to pull through tough times. His personality has brought many hardships and yet every time it comes out successfully. Let’s just say he’s pretty lucky, and sometimes luck is something that you need above most other things.

Finally, a bane spider, Carlos Montoya. His short spiky Mohawk and dark green eyes reflect his rebellious attitude that has earned him quite a few demotions in recent years. Even though he is unruly, his guerilla warfare techniques have proven fatal to Arachnos enemies and have kept Carlos in his current rank of Bane Spider.

The four sat down on the two couches facing each other in the middle of the hidden hideout. Meanwhile, Morder was frantically searching through the filing cabinets and data files in various parts of the room.

“What happened back there?!” Norfolk asked rhetorically.

“It zeemz az zough ve vere ambushed by a longbow patrol.” Replied Morder as he slammed a stack of papers, crammed into a manila folder, on top of the coffee table in front of him, and pulled up a chair.

He moved uncomfortably in his chair until he found the spot he liked and continued with his reply to the rhetorical question, “Oddly enough it zeemed az zough it vas a trap. All ze elementz vere zere. Ze size ov ze patrol. Ze quick rezponze und zeir complex ambush tacticz. All ze zignz ov a planned attack.”

“Are you saying that some punk in this room ratted us out to the Longbow do-gooders?” questioned Montoya.

“Maybe” Morder stated grimly.

The room falls silent. Each man thinks the same thing… Who is it? Why? ... they only hear beeps from the computers and the occasional siren from the local police. Everyone sat and looked around the room nervously. Morder looks down at his files intently. Finally the silence is broken.

“What WAS our mission anyway?” inquired Norfolk.

Morder put the papers down slowly and looked at Norfolk, “Our primary objective vas to break our vay into ze hazardous area known az ‘Terra Volta’, und retrieve a top secret device made by Crey Induztriez, zat vas recently ztolen vrom Crey by ze Zky raiderz, who are holed up in zeir base in Terra Volta.”

“Then, why in the world are all the way over here?! We’re on Mainland and nowhere near the island of Terra Volta!” exclaimed Montoya.

“I’m guessing that Operative Morder, here, suspected foul play earlier than we did, and once we were ambushed his suspicions were secured. If they knew we were here then most likely they knew where we were going.” Stated Kord defensively.

“Exactly, Ven ve vere ambushed, I knew zat zis vas ze only place ve could go at a moment’z notice zat ze patri—I mean… Longbow agentz couldn’t vind.” Explained Morder as he pulls out a paper and smiles to himself.

“What’s that paper for anyway?” Questioned York as he leaned forward to get closer look. “It’z a Ztory… A ztory ov a man who’z vatevul journey ztarted right here at zis very place…”


The same very alleyway that lay quiet and still a few years earlier stood nearly in the same dark and grimy fashion, but it’s shadows were darker. They were darker than the midnight sky that hung above Independence Port. Trying to shine it’s moonlight into the dark corners of this crime infest city. It was trying to treat an infected wound that cannot be healed.

Suddenly, two figures disrupted the alley’s quiet nature. They both belonged in th local Family mafia group. Their Tommy guns and suits made them seem as though they jumped out of the 1950s. They might as well have just jumped out of an old black and white mafia film. The two Capo gunners turned and looked at the entrance to the alley, waiting for their attacker to round the bend. And ominous fear lurked in the backs of their minds… Something was out there… They were being watched.

A shot rang out in the silent alley. And shadowy figure almost inhumanly ran across the rooftop above. One of the men fell to the ground. A bullet lodged in his brain. Blood formed a puddle around him. The other man looked to the roof trying to see their pursuer.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US!?” The Capo Gunner screamed to the midnight sky.

His voice echoed through the alley. Then the alleyway plunged into dead silence once again. He frantically shuffled back and forth, dazed by the whispers in his head. The whispers of the silent alley. The whispers of Death itself.

“SHOW YOURSELF!” the frightened man demanded to the shadows.

Suddenly His eyes locked onto a figure emerging from the shadows. It moved ever-so-slowly toward the panic-stricken man. The figure’s helmet glinted in the moonlight that pierced the shadows of the alley. He stepped quickly into the light, revealing himself fully.

He was an very decorated officer of the terrorist group known as the 5th column. His full black suit and terrifying skull-like helmet showed the true tactics of all of his kind. Fear.

“Guten Tag, traitor. You have crossed both ze 5th column und ze Independence Port Mafia… You aren’t ze zmartezt man around are you?” Stated the German as he casually rested his rifle on his shoulder.

“Man, I haven’t done any of dat stuff!”

“Vell, I guess it doezn’t matter now…”

“Very Good.”

A man walked into the alleyway from the same entrance, moments before was a false escape for two traitorous family members. The former Nacht Ubermenshen, Michael Morder, removed his helmet and looked up at his former trainer. His features were identical to Operative Morder’s.

“I see that the vampyri experiments turned out well for you.” Stated Johannes.

Michael Morder stared coldly at Johannes Pirscher, knowing fully well that the experiments changed his life, both for good and for bad.

“I’ve been requested to form a special team of highly specialized individuals to take on the biggest and most important assignment of the War. The Battle of Striga Isle.”

“A ztrike vorce?! Vat’z going on at Ztriga?!”

“I can’t disclose that information… it’s not safe here.”

“Both Nosferatu and Vandal have requested specially to be apart of this taskforce. They believe you could be the best Nacht agent in the 5th column. They also said that you would have become a Raserei Rifle if you hadn’t sent back all of the promotion requests.”

“You don’t realize how much pain I’ve been zrough. I know vat I vas meant to be, und I know zat’z not von ov zose veak spineless commanderz who zit back und vatch ze battle unvold bevore zem.”

I think you’re correct. Your talent lays in field work. Assassinations, sabotage, espionage, and stealth. But this is your chance. Your chance to show them all who you are. I urge you to take this offer. You could be the only key to winning this war.”

“You’re Right. I um in.”


It was a perfect star-filled night sky that hung over Galaxy City. The full moon shone its radiant light into the dark alleyways that were surprisingly crime free. This silence was something that residents hadn’t felt in along time. This tranquility was long needed, but soon they will find that it is the calm before a long and dangerous storm.

A murder of crows shuffled on the quiet streets in front of the entrance into the enclosed neighborhood. Suddenly crowd… No… an army turned the corner of the tunnel leading to Galaxy City. The man in the front held up his hand, signaling the engineers behind him to turn on a portable electro magnetic pulse frequency that caused the famous police drones that guard the entrance to the city to implode. You could almost feel the soldier’s grins behind their skull-like helmets as they passed the first line of defense against the oncoming storm. The crows cawed and took flight. The 5th column’s invasion had begun.

“Nacht division 7-293 has spearheaded the assault on Galaxy City and are making their way through Gemini Park, while Nebel divisions 9-82 and 5-74 are setting up out posts in Constellation Row and are gradually pushing Lon—*BZZZT*”

“Long bow forces are securing the high ground at the southern edge of Freedom Cour—*BZZZT*”

“All units! Please respond! All---*BZZZZZT*---Respon---*BZZZZT*”

The 5th column headquarters buzzed like a hive of bees. Alarms and blinking lights, radios blaring and soldier monitoring the battle’s progress from their slew of high tech screens filling a whole wall. Officers rushed back and forth delivering messages from the front lines to their commanders.

Nacht Elite Rifle, Michael Morder, paced back and forth. Thinking. Planning. Strategizing. The soldiers were represented by flags on the map of Galaxy City laid our on the table in front of him. His lieutenants gathered around the table discussing plans of action amongst themselves. Every few minutes the communication officers would rush to the table and whisper into the ear of an elder officer and he would then rearrange a few pieces on the map.

Morder’s mind raced. So much responsibility and duty. So many lives at stake. He sighed and pushed back him short blonde hair in frustration. His green eyes stared at the map. His mind calculated and premeditated all the possible moves.

“Ve must have ze right vlank zving around und take ze train station. Zen at zat point ve can launch ze azzault on Vreedom Court.”

“Sir, we have three squads in front of Freedom Plaza ready to take the frontal assault.”

“Hmmm Lookz like it vould take a zkilled und lucky leader to charge straight into who knowz vat…”

“Sir this is just in. We’ve confirmed the sighting of Back alley Brawler and Mynx in Freedom Plaza. On the positive side, most of the lesser do-gooders have been evacuated and are out of our hair for the time being.”

“There is minimum citizen resistance and longbow has been cut off from the outside world. The whole Freedom Corp building is running on emergency generators.”

Michael Morder grabbed his helmet off of the desk behind him. He snatched his gauntlets and boots and got into uniform. He turned slowly to his lieutenants.

“Notivy Command. I um going to ze vront linez.”


Nebel ubermenshen unteroffizer Heinrich Verderben walked into the large 5th Column base, followed by his once large and fresh regiment. As he looked at his horror stricken squad who had witnessed War for the first time, he realized how he used to feel. He was now numb from that horror. It no longer affected him. It was a part of him. A part of his very being. He was one of the lucky ones.

Heinrich Verderben was Michael Morder’s friend since the beginning. He was always at Morder’s side during their earlier battles as Nebel Rifles. Even Verderben saw great potential in Morder, and knew that he was a perfect soldier. Everyone who knew Michael Morder could tell you the same. When his friend was accepted into the Nacht rank, Verderben wasn’t jealous. In fact, he was glad for his friend. He was glad that Morder had his chance to show his potential in battle. It was where he belonged.

Heinrich looked around the bustling Head Quarters and plopped down on a crate of ammo with the rest of his exhausted troops. He smiled at his men when they groaned about their sore feet, but made sure not to show that his were just as sore.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a decorated Nacht officer dart out of the main command building. The Officer was fully clad in his battle armor and holding his gun firmly with both of his hands. Verderben shrugged the event off as just another soldier going to the front lines, and resumed his conversation with his troops.

“Wait! Officer Morder! You must stay in the complex! SIR! YOU CAN’T GO!” screamed an officer followed by a band of soldiers chasing after the previous officer.

Verderben’s eyes jerked towards the sprinting officers so quickly that his whole body turned and he almost fell off of his crate. He rose to his feet and yelled towards the line of running communication officers.

“HEY! Did you say officer MORDER?! What’s going on?!”

The group of officers turned and looked at Verderben as though he had asked them to do some sort of drastic action. They all began walking towards him. The conversations of the soldiers suddenly stop and a few stand to their feet.

“Yes. Officer Morder is heading to the front lines, insisting that he must lead squad 514-AQ on the final battle at the Freedom Corp HQ.”

“Yeah, only what he doesn’t know is that as soon as he left the communications center, we received word that when the equinox base was captured a few hours ago, the remaining Longbow agents had signaled the Freedom Phalanx.”

“Crap…” Verderben said quietly as he moved slowly towards the exit. “Does he have his radio on?”

“No. And unfortunately Morder seems to be determined to win this battle at all costs. He wouldn’t retreat even if the Freedom Phalanx has him between a rock and a hard place.”

“This definitely isn’t good…” Verderben said to himself as he looked up and faced his men, who were already packed and ready to go.

“Looks like we have a disaster to stop…”


Morder Ran up to a squad of Nacht regiments lined up in perfect formation. Ready to Strike. He stood in front of his men, basking in the glory of his hour to prove his worth. His voice rang loud and clear across the radio frequencies.

“All Nebel und Nacht Regimentz, Charge on my Command!”

He stopped and looked up into the sky. What a beautiful day it was. His pistol trembled in his hand as if this were his first fight. He readjusted the gun strap on his shoulder. Something was different… It felt too perfect…Morder saw this as an omen of his coming success… But he was dead wrong.


Civilians still in their offices high in the skies watched in terror as the one shining emblem of Freedom and Order was about to converge with Chaos and Fear itself. The five squads made their march towards the Freedom Corp. Building, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

Nacht Squad 742-AC came around the back of the building. They took position behind cars and trees and slowly moved towards the stoic Galaxy Girl Statue. They shot down the guards and two turrets. Their objective was complete in minutes and yet something felt out of place…. They continued to move towards the building hoping to converge with the other squads at the front.

Nebel Squad 971-ZB Crawled across the almost empty parking lot to the south of the Freedom Corp. Building. They took out the guards and remaining turrets as planned, but was then ambushed by three longbow chasers. Eventually, after taking some minor casualties they advanced towards the building, but this set back made their timing off… And in this battle, timing is everything.

Nebel Squad 951-DC took cover behind anything they could find. Their ranks were peppered with a rain of bullets no Kevlar reinforced armor could stop. Ten men died instantly in the first few minutes of their assault. Their ranks were greatly reduced, but they eventually pushed their way across the street, only to find that they were too late. The battle had begun.

Morder and his four Nacht Divisions burst through the Longbow blockades in the park in front of the stairwell leading to the entrance of the Freedom Corp. Building. It didn’t take long for Longbow defenders to realize that these Nacht soldiers were different than the others. The Super Soldier Serum, used on Morder’s division, gave the 5th Column’s forces and unfair advantage over the longbow soldiers only armed with their minds and guns. They stood no match to the onslaught the 5th Column unleashed.

Morder broke the neck of the last remaining Longbow Soldier and pulled out his riffle and turned to the four squads that awaited his command. He simply smiled at the sight. His mind was filled with adrenaline. He liked being on the battlefield again. He lifted his steady hand in the air and shouted to the skies.


All the men charged up the stairs. Confident and proud. The Nacht squads shouted battle cries and screamed at the tops of their voices, feeling as though Victory was within their grasps. When they reached the top…Of this dissipated into Death, Fear, Terror, Agony, and Defeat.

Like a wall the Longbow wardens and officers, gifted with superpowers crashed straight into the charging wave of excited 5th Column troopers. Bodies flew into the air like water crashing upon rocks. Their perceived luck had turned it’s back on the 5th Column.

Morder’s mind went into a frenzy. He shot and shot until his clip was emptied. He dropped his gun and pulled out a hunting knife and cut his way through the devastating waves of Longbow Forces. Then, when he thought all was lost… He heard that dreadful voice.

“Freedom Phalanx! ATTACK! Don’t Let The 5th Column Inside the Building!”


Hienrich Verderben turned and looked to the man running towards him, Nebel Ubermenshen Hammel, as Verderben’s squad filed up to exit the sewer and enter the battle.

“Sir! I’m from Command HQ having just received word of Heroes entering the Battlefield. There have been confirmed sightings of the Freedom Phalanx in the area and Squads 742-AC and Squad 971-ZB has lost contact with the Command center. Officer Morder is fighting in the Front lines with four Nacht divisions and taking a heavy blow. From what we’ve heard from the front, they’ve broken through the front park defence with no problems, but they hit a wave of Longbow Wardens and have lost more than their fair share of soldiers in that conflict. Command wants to know what you suggest they are to do, Officer Verderben.” Hammel stated.

“They need major reinforcements… Tell Command to send in every Valkarye they can get their hands on and call in as many Raserei Divisions as they can muster. It looks like we brought our knives to a gun fight” Ordered Verderben as he follows the rest of his men out.

“Good luck, Officer Verderben. For The 5th Column!”


Nacht Elite Rifle, Michael Morder stared in shock as Statesman, followed by a whole host of flying heroes zipped over his head. Wind brushed past his face as Synapse zoomed through the battlefield. Back Alley Brawler was dropped from the sky and landed in the middle of the battle like a meteor, creating a shockwave that made the earth beneath Morder’s feet tremble. Soon many heroes landed in the same fashion. Mynx. Ms. Liberty. Luminary. Citadel. Positron.

Morder watched in horror as Manticore landed in front of him. People moved out of the way as Manticore casually brushed himself off and pulled out his crimson bow. People in between Morder and Manticore moved to watch their leaders battle. Like in the Greek myths these two heroes were the center of the battle. Good versus evil.

“It’s sad. You fascists never know when to give up.” Manticore gloated as he pulled out an arrow from it’s quiver and placed it in position with the bow.

“HA! Ze zad zing iz zat ze 5th Column hazn’t already put you caped cruzaderz in your place…” Morder sniped back at Manticore. “Zix veet under!”

Manticore smiled. Then quickly he fired his arrow at Morder. Morder replied in a smile and dived out of the way in the form of a roll and pulled out two pistols, firing three shots from each. One of the bullets grazed Manticore’s leg. Manticore grasped his leg in pain.

Morder grinned, “Time to give up ‘Hero’.”

“Never!” Manticore declared as he jumped into the air and fired three arrows and amazing speeds towards Morder.

Morder dived out of the way, but was too late. Two arrows hit him. One in the leg. One in the shoulder. He pulled the arrows out in agonizing pain and tried to remain calm. Suddenly his eye caught something. He grinned.

“You zink you have me? ZINK AGAIN!” Morder Yelled as he raised his fist in anger.

As if on signal three Bloodthirsty Werewolves appeared from the crowded battle. They pushed their way through the crowd of people as though they were blades of grass. They roared in Anger and charged at Manticore. They rushed past Morder, almost knocking him over. Morder grinned under his mask as he looked into Manticore’s eyes and saw nothing but terror. The last Werewolf jumped over Morder and was shot through the chest by three arrows in mid-jump. The werewolf landed in front of Manticore, but this just angered the other two. One Werewolf punched at Manticore. Manticore dodged, pulled an arrow from his quiver and jabbed the arrow in the neck of the hairy beast, but Manticore forgot about the second brute. A large hairy claw met Manticore’s jaw with an incalculable force, sending the Hero flying in the air and landing against the stairs of the Freedom Corp. Building. Manticore seemed to be down, but he unexpectedly shot an arrow deep into the Monster’s leg and then in it’s chest.

Manticore was on the stairs and incapacitated. This was Morder’s shot. He loaded his pistols and walked casually up to the fallen Hero. It felt like the whole battle stopped. Time felt like it was going slower than normal… His chance… This was his moment of Glory.

Morder’s hands were slick with sweat. His eyes were focused and ready. He inched closer. Wait. What was that behind him? He saw a swift object fly over him. He looked up and his gun tried to follow the object. But where his gun pointed was in front of him.

He saw the being. It grabbed him by the throat. Their eyes stared at each other in helpless rage and frustration. For a second Morder completely forgot that his feet were no longer on the ground. He stared deeper into the man that saved Manticore’s life. The man who was the epitome of Paragon. Statesman.

Whatever happened as Morder Dangled helplessly at the mercy of Statesman is unknown and undocumented. What the record can tell us is that Morder was changed from that day forth. His views on the statesman and his Freedom Phalanx are both filled with respect and complete resentment.


Verderben heard the horrific sounds before he saw the sights of war. Moaning, agony, anguish, pain, death. The battle still raged on but the 5th Column forces were in a shamble. Panicked and disorganized the troops still were fighting with a thread of hope in their hearts but each and everyone of them knew that their odds were stacked against them. Their time had come.

Verderben and his eager division of 5th Column forces stood in amazement at the sight. Heinrich’s eyes scanned the battle looking for Morder. He was no where in sight. Heroes flew constantly overhead as well as Longbow forces on jet packs.

Then he saw it. Like a meteor falling from the heavens he saw Morder plummet to the earth. It was a horrible sight. Verderben’s angered mind followed where Morder had fallen and then he saw him, Statesman, flying the other direction to help the southern part of the battle.

Verderben instinctively sprinted in the direction of Morder’s mangled and mutated body, rested silent on the ground. Verderben’s troops followed their leader and gave him covering fire as he ran towards his fallen friend, bullets zooming past their heads.

Verderben got on one knee and stared into the cold lifeless eyes of his friend. Verderben saw something in those eyes… Fear. Verderben Wiped a tear from his cheek and put his hand on Morder’s arm. Then he felt a faint pulse from Morder’s wrist… Morder isn’t dead!

“Someone! Get a medical team up here! Morder’s alive! He needs to be evacuated immediantly!” Verderben declared to his troops.

Valkaryes and Resarei forces rushed onto the field by the hundreds to support the now routing 5th Column forces. The battle had ended. But the War would still rage on. Countless soldiers were killed, and much more were injured. Michael Morder was evacuated in time, but even then was hanging on his final breath. He barely made it out with his life and now the fear that shown in his eyes were replaced with anger, hatred, and revenge.


"Leery's Beach"

Nacht Ubermenshen Rifle Michael Morder stared out across the vast expanse of waves upon waves in the violent ocean surrounding the Isle of Striga. His flaming eyes focused on the looming mountain at the back of the island. Smoke billowed out of the top of the mysterious volcano. Striga Isle. Just within his sight. The center of the Council. The heart of his troubles.


Morder turned and glanced at the Nacht soldier who was saluting him.

“Sir! The meeting is about to begin and they cannot start without you. Ubermenshen Leery sent me to retrieve you, sir! Are you alright, sir?”

“I um vine… Und I don’t need your help to vind my vay to ze meeting room. You’re dizmissed” Morder commanded.

The Soldier nodded and saluted Morder again. Then he ran to the upper deck of the small ship. Morder made his way to the lower deck and after winding through countless corridors, he made it to the meeting room.

On top of the large table bolted to the center of the room laid countless piles upon piles of stolen documents, charts, maps, grids, blueprints and schedules. A single, dull, naked light swung back and forth as the ocean rocked the boat in a hypnotic and endless motion. As Morder entered the room and nodded to the other three officers in the room. These three men were all the family he had in the 5th column. They were all like brothers to him… except he and Ubermenshen Leery were known for their arguments that start out of thin air. So more or less I guess they were like most brothers. Heinrich Verderben was his closest friend and ally who had pulled his hind end out of the fires many times and counting. Johannes Pirscher was Morder’s mentor and friend. When faced with tough decisions, Pirscher would always aide Morder and has always considered him as if he was his own child.

“Late. As usual, Morder?” Snidely remarks Leery as he set down a map of Striga on the table, and picked up a glass of water.

“I vanted to actually ZEE ze Battlefield, Leery.” Morder responded, “I vould suggest you do ze zame, or zhould I bring up ze deveat at King’z Row?”

Gerolf Leery slammed his drink onto the tabletop in rage.

“Should I bring up your overwhelming losses at Galaxy City, MORDER?!” Gerolf reacted furiously.

“Silence, BOTH of you!” Pirscher stiffled.

They both fell silent. Gerolf picked his drink back up and began looking at the map again.

“Okay,” Pirscher began, “It sounds as though we can begin now. All of us have been assigned this particular mission based on commanding excellence and amazing leadership when faced with overwhelming odds. As I have told you all, this could be the end of this conflict with the Council. We cut off the head and the rest shall follow.”

Pirscher continued, “Now, all three of us have been given a tactical and highly trained special ops squads consisting of twenty men each. Our goal is to not only distract and disorient the enemy, but to hit them where it hurts. We need to cripple their communications systems and defensive bunkers. Verderben and Leery, you’ll both have on your squad a Mek Man in order to hack into the communication systems and quietly shut down the station.”

“Who’s going through the front door?” Morder asked Pirscher.

“The biggest 5th Column invasion force since our work in Paragon During World War Two” Pirscher answered.

“Does the Council Know our plans for invasion?” Verderben inquired.

“Unfortunately, they’ve known for months. It’s hard not to realize the thousands of soldiers controlling the ports across the bridge” Pirscher responded gravely.

“Vat vill you have uz do, Herr Pirscher?” Officer Morder asked respectfully.

“Well,” Pirscher explained, “We stick to the plan.”

Pirscher opened a manila folder and pulled out three four packets and passed each to the other three officers in the room. Morder picked up the “Plan” and read the title aloud:

“Operation Breaking Point”


"Verderben's Beach"

Hienrich Verderben stepped off his small motorboat onto the beach and stares up at the cliff as his squad ties up the boat on the beach shore. The Mek man known as N-13 steps up next to him and looks up to the cliff.

“Hmmm Looks like we have a wall to scale before we get to the communications stations…” states N-13.

“Get the ropes and equipment! We have a battle to fight.”


Morder looked through his binoculars at the guards on top of the bowl like harbor surrounded by cliffs that thy must invade with little resistance. Pirscher sat on an ammo box and cleaned his gun, seemingly completely unaware of their dangerous task ahead of them. As they entered the harbor quietly, Morder raised his arm, signaling the squads to begin sniping out the guards on the cliffs above. One by one they fell. Nonchalantly Pirscher stood to his feet and joined in the sharp shooting from the bow of the ship.

“Try to contact the other squads before we get too far into the base” Pirscher Ordered one of the Nacht soldiers right before he carefully sniped a council guard reaching for his gun on the southern cliff side.

“Sir Verderben says that they’ve cleared two bunkers, have climbed a cliff side, and are soon to be at the communications station, but unfortunately we’ve lost contact with Officer Gerolf’s company” informed a soldier.

“What do you mean we’re lost contact with Leery’s gro---?” Inquired Pirscher before he was suddenly interrupted by a huge explosion where the northern communications station was.

All of their eyes darted towards the explosion and soon the realization that Leery and his men must have died in the explosion sunk into their soul.

Then they landed in the dock space. Suddenly their attention shifted into an all out charge towards the surrounding guard posts. Guns blazing. Grenades Exploding. The bay was cleared out in minutes. They had arrived in their destination with little resistance.

Morder turned and nodded to Pirscher as he and his group set out to eliminate the interior of the mountain by force. Pirscher and his men walked back to the covered dock in order to wait for the other squads to converge and invade the base with one large army.

"An air shot of the dock"

“Good luck, Morder” Pirscher farewells while he shakes Morders hand.

Morder and Pirscher nod to each other and they both walk back to their squads. Morder’s Morder’s mind raced with plans and thoughts as he walked towards his team waiting for him at the door to the base.

Suddenly he felt an unbearable heat on the back of his neck and then he saw the unmistakable looks of horror on the faces of his squad members. His mind was shocked by thought. He turned and his fears transformed into reality. His mind was going so fast that he heard no sound though he saw the dying bodies of Pirscher’s squad members lay dismembered on the concrete walkway. He watched in horror as the remaining pieces of the flaming dock fall apart and sink into the ocean taking many dying bodies to the bottom of the ocean with it. Then he saw him. Pirscher.

Morder rushed to his now dying mentor and friend. Pirscher had been impaled by a piece of the dock when he was shot off the end of the dock by the explosion. He was barely coherent and kept mumbling to himself and then his eyes focused on Morder.

“Morder! MORDER!” Johnnes screamed in pain.

“Yez? I-I um here, Johannez” answered Morder as a tear rolled down his face and he sat next to his dying friend.

“M-Mor- you m-must defeat the C-council…T-the sirens call y-you…you must hurry…I-I can see Leery…” Pirscher warned incoherently as blood ran down his cheek and his face goes pale.

“Johannez… Y-you’re not… You’re going to be okay… We can get you to help” Morder tried to comfort more for himself than for Pirscher.

“S-Stop the C-council… avenge my d-death… M-morder….never give up” Pirscher quietly said as he faded away.

Suddenly an alarm burst into Morder’s ears. He quickly closed his deceased comrade’s eyes and stood to his feet. He rushed as fast as he could over to his squad. Shouts of soldiers, gunfire, explosions and sirens come into clarity. Smoke risesfrom behind the great volcano in front of them. Morder’s fiery eyes flare with rage.

“Let’z do zis!”



“Area secure sir!” declared a Nacht squad member as he checks the bodies for more ammo.

“Good.” Stated Verderben confidently as his fires a pistol round into the head of an injured Council soldier. “N-13 get to work on that control panel over there, the rest of you guys loud up and wait for us outside!”

The clanking Mek man stumbles over the dead bodies of the late operators of the Control panel that encompasses the entire north facing wall. Flashing lights, buttons, keys, switches, toggles, gages, and monitors are attached in confusing and complicated ways. This confusing configuration, at first, bamboozles the robotic hacker for a few moments and then it began mumbling to itself in beeps. It enters a pass code or five and flips a few switches and looks back up the monitors for a reassuring result.

“YES!... I mean… I’ve got it sir!” Declares the robotic hacker.

“Good. Not we can move on to---” Verderben begins before he is interrupted by an unbelievably loud explosion. “What in Requim’s name…”

All the men in the room rush out of the station only to behold a horrific sight. The dock was ablaze and men lay floating in the water and impaled on the remaining pieces of the flaming dock. Verderben’s mind filled with mixed feelings of anger and sadness. He turned to his squad of men in shock at the loss of their allies.

“Pull yourselves together men! We have a mission to accomplish! Morder and Pirscher and all the others are now counting on us to finish what they began. It’s up to each of us to win this battle… Now...” encouraged Verderben, “WHO’S WITH ME?!”

The squad overwhelmingly responds with a resounding, “FOR THE 5TH COLUMN!”

“Good. Now let’s get down there, save our surviving comrades and give the Council a surprise they’ll never forget!”


Morder and his straggling squad sprinted down the concrete roads of the Council base. Council soldiers burst out of training sessions, Target practice, and warehouses all around them as the squad rushed around the next corner. Sirens blaring and gunfire were in the distance. The Primary invasion force has taken The Maw.

“Varehouse 514… Varehouse 514… Varehouse 514… Varehouse vive von vour…” Morder thought to himself as he jumped over a sandbag embankment.

Suddenly he saw it. Warehouse 514. Morder and his squad of trained operatives kicked down the door to the Council warehouse, ready to shoot down any opposition.

They continued cautiously through the labyrinth-like warehouse. It was stacked to the ceiling with wooden boxes marked with the Council symbol.

“Everyvon! Zpread out! Zearch vor ze package!” Morder Instructed.

The soldiers began, one-by-one, taking down crates and breaking into it to search its contents. Then, one of the soldiers found something out of place.

“Ubermenshen Morder! I think I’ve found the “Package”!” Signaled one of the soldiers from across the warehouse.

"Warehouse 514"

Suddenly a mortar shell hit the roof of the ware house, blowing a hole through the ceiling and sending dust and debris into the air. Boxes and crates fell from their places on shelves and piles and crashed on the concrete floor below, emptying its contents onto the floor. Morder carefully ducked his head and rushed towards the box found by one of the soldiers. He ran his hand along the 5th Column symbol on the box and smiled. He reached up and grabbed a crowbar off of the top of a nearby crate top. He slowly opened the crate. Packing peanuts burst out of the box and nearly scares the “Bajesus” out of the majority of the soldiers.

“Here ve go…” Morder stated excitedly as he strapped himself into a Skyraider teleporter.

Morder reached into the wooden crate and pulls out a second teleporter and hands it to Nacht Elite Rifle Vilhelm. Both of the teleporters will allow them to teleport to and from the mountain, undetected.

“Okay. Vilhelm und I vill go up und complete our tazk using zese ztolen Zkyraider teleporterz. Iv ve do not return vithin an hour rendezvous vith ze nearest 5th column divzion und help out in ze invasion effort.” Morder addressed.


And then they were gone. Within the time span it took to blink both of the soldiers were from the confines of the enemy’s camp to the heart of the volcano itself.


Morder opened his eyes and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He took off his teleporter and set it on the nearby medical table. His eyes looked from the table to his dark surrounding, and his mouth gaped in horror. 5th Column soldiers sprawled out and mangled between turned over lab tables and equipment. Pools of blood. Blank, expressionless faces of unknown soldiers. His mind reverted back to that moment on the docks.

“Officer Morder? Are you Okay? We need to get going.” Said Vilhelm.

“Yez, You’re right.” Morder agreed and pulled out his gun, ready to avenge his fallen comrade’s deaths.

They both exit a room ad head down a series of confusing hallways. Left. Then right. Then left again. Morder stops and looks at a winding stairwell.

“Hmmm… Vilhelm. You head up ze ztairvay. I’ll head in. I vant you to cover me…” Morder ordered.

Suddenly and explosion from the room in front of Morder vibrated the walls. Morder’s flaming red eyes flared as he sprinted into the room, pulling out his gun and a pistol.

Morder burst into what looked like a generator room. Morder remembered that he needed to shut down the generator. He looked around the well-lit room and saw a soldier standing in the center of a pile of dead Council and 5th Column troops. Morder slowly moved closer to the man in the center of the room. Then he realized who it was. It was Heinrich Verderben.

“Heinrich!” Morder exclaimed as he rushed to his friend, not thinking about the place and situation.

Suddenly, as Morder grew closer he saw that Heinrich’s expression was not of happiness, but a blank one. A dead one. The lifeless corpse of his late best friend fell to the floor revealing the man who was holding him up. His face was hidden by a mask.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” Morder angrily inquired his friend’s murderer.

The man before Morder simply laughed and removed his mask slowly, revealing a man Morder hates to this day. Archon Gerolf Leery.


“LEERY! YOU VILL PAY VOR YOUR TREACHERY!” Morder Proclaimed in rage.

Archon Leery grinned widely and slowly walked around Michael Morder as if a Lion stalks its prey. Council soldiers lined up on the balcony above and pointed their guns at Morder, ready to fire upon the will of Archon Leery.

Leery began to speak, “Ahhh… The great Michael Morder. He stands in amazement that his greatest rival would betray him like this! How touching. You were always too soft, Morder. You cling to your emotions like a child to its blanket. Weak. Afraid. Alone.”

“Vhy vould you do zis?! Zay vere you’re comradez!” Morder responded to Leery’s barrage of insults.

“Glory. Fame. Money. Rank. I still wonder what else I could ask for… Possibly and army of my own, but that comes in time I suppose. The Council has recognized my strategically and military genius over all of you worms. Of course it was no contest really. I have to admit, Morder. You are a good fighter. I was hoping to eliminate you with the old man out by the dock… But I might have set the timer a little late… Oh well. I suppose its not too late to join me if you want. You could be a great general in the future of world dominating powers. Soon all of the 5th column will succumb to the will of The Council. Why not join the cruise early, Morder?”

“Never! I vill never verk alongzide the likez of you! You und your traitoruoz men vill die zis day!”

“Aww… that’s a shame. Though not surprising… You would’ve been a great Archon in the Council, Morder. Oh well. It seems like I’ll just have to take you out like the overachiever and the old windbag.”

“Not if I have a say in this!” Declares a man up in the balcony.

Vilhelm starts firing on the Council troops above and distracts them just in time for Morder to get some revenge. Morder Fires a pistol shot and hits Leery in the leg.

“GAAAH!” Screams Archon Leery as blood pours from his wound.

“Morder You go shut down the Genera—” Vilhelm starts but is interrupted by a stray bullet that hit him in the temple.

Vilhelm fell over the balcony and on to the pile of dead bodies below.

“Officer… M-Morder get to the teleporters! G-get out! I’ve set the generators to self destruct!” Sputtered the damaged N-13 as he placed the last code into the generator console.

“Not without you!” Declared Morder as he rushed and aided the damaged Robot to the door.

“You can’t win Morder! YOU WILL FAIL!” Screamed Leery as the two left the Generator room.

Morder and the robot quickly hurried through the confusing corridors, while constantly being reminded by the flashing red lights and constant siren that the base is about to explode. They finally made it to the lab and both placed the teleporters on and like the two soldiers had come in, the Mek Man and Morder left in a blink of the eye.

The two of them were welcomed to a falling supporting beam in a warehouse unfamiliar and filled with random equipment. The place was falling apart. There was no time to waste. The two 5th Column soldiers rushed out the front doors as fast as they could, removing the teleporters as they went. The building collapsed behind him as Morder exited the building and entered into the fresh seaside air of Port Noble.

“In the Name of Freedom Corp you are both under Longbow Custody!”

Morder squinted his eyes and looked at the surrounding area. 5th Column soldiers were being rounded up all around. Longbow agents ran back and forth, tackling and handcuffing fleeing 5th Column and Council soldiers. Morder heard a faint beeping sound. He looked over his shoulder to find N-13’s upper body jutting out of the fallen building. He was caught in the collapsing warehouse.

“Sir! You are under arrest for being affiliated with the terrorist organization known as The 5th Column. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you do not have an attorney, sucks to be you.”

“You have no clue who you are dealing vith!”

The longbow gathered what was left of N-13 and handcuffed Michael Morder. They brought them both into a chopper and flew them to Paragon City where for the next few months he waited to be tried and convicted of Murder, Theft, resisting arrest, and affiliation with a Terrorist organization. Michael Morder was sentenced to Life in the Zigersky Correctional Facility in Brickstown.


After several weeks Morder kept up a fierce resistance to Longbow interrogators trying to squeeze 5th column secrets from him. He was soon deemed “Harmless” and sent to live among the rest of the prisoners. That was one mistake.

Within the first two days, the body of Archon Ernest Chirstof was discovered in a janitorial closet, with bond hands and a slit throat. No evidence of who had murdered him or how any of that happened was to be uncovered…But it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Soon within the next five weeks seven council prisoners were killed in their cells. Morder’s murders had escalated to the point that almost none of the council prisoners in his block were left. Longbow acted quickly to stamp out this, what the prisoners called “Council Killer”.

Morder was peacefully eating lunch in the prison’s cafeteria when Longbow troops burst into the room, subduing everyone in an attempt to capture Morder. Morder killed three and sent two to the hospital in critical condition, while only using knives and forks. Morder was sent to Solitary confinement for the safety of the council prisoners.

For what seemed like years, Morder sat alone in his cold damp cell. He might have been always lounging around to the guards, but in fact his mind was elsewhere. He thought of all of the things he must do. To avenge. To kill. To gain Glory. He thought many thoughts of killing Leery over and over again. He thought of his friends and what they were like. He couldn’t ever forget who they were. He plotted and planned. His mind wallowed in anguish, rage, suffering, pain, guilt, and most of all revenge.

Then something happened. He heard the guards throw someone into the cell next to him. It sounded like a child. But he knew that this had to be someone of great danger to put in his cell block. He was a murderer. So this boy must be one too.

“Guten Tag?” Morder spoke loudly to the boy in the adjacent room.

“Hello… Who is this?” asked the child-like voice. “Zis iz an imprizoned murderer. Who iz zis zpeaking?” Sarcastically responded Morder.

“This is Mark” the child answered.

“Vat are you in vor Herr Mark?” asked Morder.

“Ohh… I just killed a few scumbags and it seems these security guards don’t like that sort of thing…” replied Mark.

“I know vat you mean… iv only ve could get out ov zis ztupid pl—” responded Morder, but was interrupted by the sounds of the guards rushing back into Mark’s cell and escorting him out again.

Countless days went by without word from Mark or anyone else besides the occasional guard, handing out food. Mark must have been sent to interrogation and then reassigned a new cell block. No matter. Morder sat alone again. He began marking the days on the wall but soon lost count.

Then he heard something important. Sirens. Red lights flashed and sirens blared up and down the corridors. Guards swiftly ran back and forth in a panicked manner. Something big was happening. Maybe a prison riot? Maybe a chemical explosion?

“Michael Morder, Stand Back! We’re Arachnos Operatives and we’re here to escort you to the Rogue Isles by the orders of Ghost Widow herself.”


“I um not leaving vithout my demandz met. Und zat’z Vinal!”

Morder was sitting in his cell. The door blasted open and filled with Arachnos Operatives.

“Mister Morder, you must come with us” Said and Arachnos officer weakly.

“I um doing no zuch zing!” Screamed Morder “You vill give me ze remaining partz und componentz ov ze robot N-13 und I vant my original 5th Column Univorm in my handz! I don’t CARE zat zis ‘Ghozt Vidow” vantz me vree. I vant my ztuff!”

“Fine” Answered an Arachnos Wolfspider Huntsman, “That Pilot Jenkins. Send him down into the Storage area outside and retrieve Mister Morder’s belongings. The rest of you guard this cell block. Make sure none leave alive!”

Within hours of gunfire and screams of agony by the other prisoners who were executed in the cell Block by Arachnos guards, finally the Wolfspider Huntsman returned, holding both Morder’s suit and a box of Robot parts. “Sorry for the wait, mister Morder. The Pilot we sent to retrieve your items was captured by Longbow forces” Stated the Huntsman.

They blindfolded Morder and led him into a Black, Arachnos Helicopter. Morder waited for many hours without complimentary peanuts or soda. Then, they arrived at Fort Cerberus and unblindfolded him. He opened his eyes to see a huge purple fort. It was amazing to him. They led him around and up ramps and through passages until they stood before a heavily fortified tower that jutted out of the side of the fort that overlooked the sea around Mercy Island.

“Ghost Widow’s Tower.”


“Ahhh… Just who we were expecting” Stated a floating pale Arachnos Widow.

Morder noticed her white features and unique black and white Widow Uniform. He thought he was dreaming. Her silky white hair flowed as she floated down to the floor and stood next to a helmeted Widow.

“He seems just as I foresaw he would be, Mistress.” Kalinda informed Ghost Widow.

“Excuze me… Vat ze heck um I even doing here?!” demanded the captive Michael Morder.

“Silence, Michael Morder! Your questions shall be answered soon enough!” Ghost Widow ordered as she picked up a piece of paper and scanned down it’s pages swiftly. “Is he the One?”

“I am not sure… He is important to the development of our goals. That is for sure. He is not a stable factor though. He is not a constant.” Kalinda explained.

“We do not need Wildcards in this game we play. Why keep him? Why not lock him away?” Ghost Widow inquired.

“No. We cannot change his destiny. Only he can do that. He will be tested again and again and if he succeeds he will become a force that not even Arachnos can match.” Kalinda warned.

“Let him go” Ghost Widow ordered his guards.

The guards unshackled his feet and uncuffed his arms. Morder rubbed his wrists where the cuffs used to be. He brushed off his shoulders and grinned at the two Widows.

“Vhy did you break me out?” Morder asked the two widows before him, “I um not going to be a mere pawn in your vreakizh planz.”

“We shall see, Mister Morder” Ghost Widow stated coldly, “When the time comes we shall all see what you have to offer. Escort Mister Morder to Fort Darwin and begin his training as a Destined One. We shall see…”


“Wait a second… you were one of those Nazi freaks, back in the day?” Montoya interrupted.

“I VAS NOT A NAZI!” Operative Morder Screamed in response to Montoya.

Kord leaned forward and looked at the file from afar. He gazed up at Morder in shock at all that he told them…Not only was he a 5th Column soldier… but a psychopathic murderer…Morder grinned slowly as he cautiously pulled both of his pistols from their holsters, laying them next to the open file in front of him on the table.

The room was silent for the longest time. Each man looked at Morder, knowing that their chances were slim when separated from their gear. Fear. Terror. Anger. Morder calmly picked up both pistols and stood to his feet. Everyone’s mind raced trying to find a way out without causing a bullet to go through their heads.

Montoya Suddenly Burst out of his seat and dived at Morder hoping to distract him long enough for the others to get their gear, and even the odds. Norfolk and York darted across the room in hopes to grab their weaponry.

Morder quickly signaled, “NIGHT BOT! AIM VOR ZE VACE!”

In the shadowy corner of the safe house a small blurry object flew across the room at lightning speed and knocked Montoya to the ground. Morder launches into the air, spinning and firing his pistols at the two escaping operatives. The two operatives fell down dead within seconds. Morder landed on his feet and reloaded both pistols quickly.

Meanwhile, Montoya struggled to remove the robotic monster off of his face. His muffled screams could be heard even in the quiet alleyway outside the hidden compartment. Morder turned to watch Montoya’s face be ripped to shreds, blood pooling up on the concrete floor. Within minutes Montoya was dead, and his whole face gruesomely mauled.

“Hey Morder!” Shouted a voice from behind Morder.

Morder turned to see Rick Kord holding a bane spider mace pointed right at him. Kord Fired two energy blasts towards Morder. It was too late to move. Morder and Night Bot were both hit with the blasts and were shot across the room. Kord saw this as his moment to escape his crazy captor. He turned to the control panel near the door and entered a code. The doors swung open and he stepped out.

“Thank God. I’m out of this mad house!” Kord exclaimed as his grabbed his gear and walked back into the dark grim alleyway, “Now al I have to do i—”

Suddenly thunder cracked above his head. Behind him he heard a strange chant. He was going to turn but then, Lightning stuck in front of him He shielded his face from the bright red light.

A Mu Adept floated before him, charged with a red lightning aura that sent chills down his spine. The Mu grinned and shot a bolt of lightning from his forehead. It hit Kord, but instead of sending jolts of electricity through his body, it wrapped around his Arms and legs and attached to the brick wall behind him.

“Ahh… Good job. You ALMOZT made it. Zo cloze but zo var avay” Said Morder who walked out of the building followed by Night Bot.

“You murderer! WHY?! Why did you do this?!” demanded kord as he struggled to break free from the electric chains that bound him.

“Becauze I vant all ov my pazt to remain a complete zecret… und zharing iz ZO overated!” Responded Morder as turned and opened a portal behind him.

“Night Bot ze chargez are zet vor a minute right?” Morder asked his robotic companion.

“BEEEP!” It responded.

“Vell, no need to get angry! I vas juzt asking… Vell. It zeemz you und I can’t verk together anymore, Kord. Too bad. You vere good at vat you did.” Morder said as he turned to enter the portal.

“Wait! Morder! You can’t leave me! You will pay for your actions! Arachnos will come for you!” Screamed Kord.

“Morder?” He inquired before he stepped into the portal.

“I um Nacht Zniper.”

(( Hey! That's my first Fully written story that I've been trying to write for as long as I've been playing Nacht. He's my favorite character and this is a really big hill for me :P SO PLEASE leave all comments and critiques in the discussion section. I may have spelling mistakes in there somewhere... I really hate those gosh darn tenses, and since I've written this in sections it becomes easy for me to have thought it out in past tense one day and present the other. I've gone through it a few times... however I am apt to have some mistakes. :P I'm not prefect you know! Anywho. If you find any please fix them for me or alert me to the existance of them so that I can make sure it's top knotch. I love to hear responses so make your voice known. Thanks for reading my work! Hope you enjoyed it! :P))

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