Narcisse Benoit

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. . . . .
 Narcisse Benoit
Player:  @Esoteric Requiem
Basic Data
Origin:  Mutation
Archetype:  Tanker
Security Level:  01
Occupation:  Student
Personal Data
Real Name:  Narcisse Benoit
Known Aliases:  N/A
Identity:  Open
Species:  Human
Age:  18
Height:  5'6"
Weight:  134 Pounds
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:  White
Blood Type:  TBD
Biographical Data
Birthplace:  TBD
Birthdate:  TBD
Citizenship:  U.S.
Current Residence:  TBD
Religion/Faith:  TBD
Sexual Orientation:  Lesbian
Marital Status:  Single
Known Languages
 English, French
Known Relatives
Mother (TBD), Father (TBD)
Known Powers
Training / Abilities
She's kind of a bitch.

[Copied from her in-game profile:]
[RP Info]
Name: Narcisse Benoit
Age: 18
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 132 lbs

Platinum and blue, Narcisse stands out, whether she wants to or not. Her posture is rigid and straight, and she walks with a type of formality that's umistakeable. Perhaps she's the daughter of a military family. Or perhaps she's just that hardened.

Her demeanour might say she follows all the rules, but as far as she's concerned, rules were definitely meant to be broken. They don't exist to show her freedoms. They exist to be a repulsive leash that must be eradicated.

With an all-too-frequently narrowed expression, Narcisse is a main course of tactless phrasing with a side of cynicism and - at times - harmful realism.

[Points of Interest]
♦ She has a light French accent.
♦ Narcisse is cold to the touch. Consequently, she defines herself as 'hands off'.
♦ There are three piercings that stand out: a spiked barbell in the ear, the lower lip, and the eyebrow - all on her right side.

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