Nemesis Rector

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((This page is very much under construction.))

((Everything non-canonical within this page is my own creation. Canonical materials have been used where appropriate, and due credit is given to the controlling interests of NCSoft for such material.))

"You cannot know my motives. You are unworthy of my plans. You are fit only to provide a foundation upon which I will build my empire."

Mender Silos.jpg
Nemesis Rector
Player: @Fireforged
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 44
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: The Prussian Prince of Automatons, Nemesis?, Fake Nemesis
Species: Human (formerly)
Age: Indeterminate
Height: 7'2"
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Confidential
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Overlord on the Mend
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Robotics & Force Fields
Known Abilities
Steam Ionization Rifle
No additional information available.


Cast back from the end of things by the meddlesome Menders, Nemesis is a shell of his former self. The temporal scaling not only ravaged his powers, but degraded his armor. He has been forced to scavenge, steal and recreate his technology from lesser materials. He has taken on the sobriquet of a rogue Nemesis automaton. He seeks to rebuild his empire in this timeline, and become master of all that is once more.

Nemesis Rector 1.jpg


The Methuselah Device

Nemesis is now bound to this time. His tether to the future was severed by the Menders using one of his own creations: the Methuselah Device. Steeped in mystery even in the dark future, the Device was built for one glorious purpose: to make Nemesis the supreme power in all the multiverse by binding all incarnations of himself from all space and time into a singularity, a pandimensional being. This was meant to be the end game.

In the untold millenia of his existence, Nemesis had been moving behind the scenes, making contact with other versions of himself across the dimensional boundaries. He had bartered, conquered, and cajoled his way through countless alliances. He had seeded versions of himself throughout all timelines. The Device would bring all of those versions together, creating a being possessed of all knowledge from all time.

But before the Device was complete, the Menders of Ouroboros and their vassals finally made the connection. Their endless alculations over the ebb and flow of eons had finally revealed the intricate network of Nemesis' influence.

In force they came.

Millions of them.

Countless fell before they ever reached Nemesis' sanctum sanctorum; a pocket dimension, a nexus of spacetime, where a great brass City stood, bellowing smoke and steam, fire and lightning. The minions sworn to the Prince of Automatons waged a relentless battle against the invaders. In his chambers, Nemesis could hear the din grow more loudly by the hour, even as reports reached him of the deaths of thousands in the onslaught.

As the hour drew near, the Menders breached the inner chamber. Nemesis toyed with them for a while, chiding them for having taken so long to make their discovery. He offered clemency to each of them in the new verse to come. As the Device began to hum to life, Nemesis stepped quickly inside, waving airily to the heroes that rushed forward to stop him. The world dissolved in light as a cacophony rose about him. Around him came the ghostly images of each of his other selves, smiling balefully.

But then something went wrong. Their images faltered, skewed, and faded. The sound and fury around him ended with a tremendous shearing force...

And he found himself standing at the edge of an ocean. The sky was gray and streaked with clouds. Gulls called nearby. As he turned inland, disgust, confusion and anger gripped him. The unmistakable bulk of Fort Darwin blotted out even the clouds.

Nemesis had been cast back along the timeline. His powers were drained. His armor was weakened. His vast armies were lost in the mists of the future. He had no choice but to begin again...

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