Nova Wasp

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Nova Wasp
Player: @Mach_JenX
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Jenny Tsujimoto
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human female
Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140lbs (200lbs in armored-suit)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Natural dark with dyed streaks
Biographical Data
Nationality: American Japanese
Occupation: Owner of Jen-Tech Power Solutions Inc.
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Masumi (Younger sister)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Technological Inventor.

Ingenuity In Electronics and Thermal Engineering.

Technological suits with protective Impervium plating outfitted with gadgetry. Plasma, fire and electrical weaponry.
No additional information available.



Early Life

Jenny was born to Satoru and Debra Tsujimoto, father and mother respectively. Her father was the owner of a major corporation that is in the business of producing and inventing military weapons. Her mother was a housewife who spent the most time with her during her childhood, thus being the closer parent to her. At the age of 5, Jenny started showing herself to be very bright and creative, often playing with toys that were complicated enough for those twice her age. By the time she was 10, she had managed to build herself an advanced remote-controlled car from scratch, with only the guidance of her father who taught her the usage of the tools used for such a creation. Her sister, Masumi, was born a few years later, who often was in rivalry with her older sister mainly because of jealously that Jenny was the favorite child.

During her early schooling years, she had skipped preschool altogether and went on straight to elementary school when she had reached the entry age. Even then she had managed to skip four grades, thus graduating early.

Teenage to Adult Years

Jenny had proven herself to be an immensely bright student who did exceptionally well in her studies, skipping grades and advancing in her education quickly. Her schooling life was not all that perfect though, as she often faced social rejection from other students who often ostracized her with names like "geek" or "stuffy bookworm". She was also very protected by her parents, and was forced to return home straight after school by armored limousine that had at least one bodyguard seated inside. This fact also gave the impression to alot of her fellow students that she was a "rich spoilt kid". She was never allowed to socialize freely and publicly outside of school, hence living a very sheltered life. Her parents did not want her to walk the crime-infested streets of Paragon City, and decided that their method of upbringing was best for her.

However, even with these difficulties in life, Jenny had managed to achieve her PhD's in Electronics and Thermal Engineering by the time she was 23 years of age; An outstanding educational achievement by any standard. It was also during this period in time that Paragon City faced its first invasion by the Rikti. It was also during then that she watched the many heroes who fought against each attack on the city, feeling inspired by what they did. Having no powers of her own, she often envied those heroes, having the up most respect for their dedication and sacrifice in defending her home city.


It was on a fateful summer night that Jenny had come across an event that would change her life forever. During her parents' attendance during a corporate dinner party at a prestigious grand hotel restaraunt, an undetected terrorist bomb exploded within, killing nearly everyone who was inside, including both of her parents. It was during such a tragedy that the immense shock of her loss drove her to a catatonic state and she spent a year in a mental hospital slowly going through her recovery. The feeling of guilt also overcame her for the longest time, for the night before Jenny's parents had attended the dinner party before meeting their demise, her father and her got into a bitter argument. Her father wished for her to inherit his business and take over ownership of his corporation, but she had rejected his offer, wanting to go on her own path in life and start a business of her own; inventing technology to aid in the civil sector. They had both refused to talk to each other after the argument was done as both parties could not come to an agreement.

Upon her full recovery, she spent a month reflecting at her high-security condo apartment. She made the heavy-hearted decision not to take over her father's business, instead giving that right to her younger sister Masumi. Over the years into adulthood, both sisters still couldn't get along even after their parents' deaths. Masumi gladly took over ownership of their late father's corporation, be it out of greed or spite of her older sister and vowed never to speak to Jenny again, accusing her of having "betrayed father's wishes and shamed his memory". However, Jenny had already inherited a bigger share of her father's fortune as opposed to her younger sister's, a fact that only works to deepen the rivalry between them.

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