Novus ordo arcanium/The Codex

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The codex is the chantry laws that binds the Novus Ordo Arcanium and defines the process and application of it's rules. It is Divided into three chapter

The Lex Primo; The prime laws are the four principal rules upon which the order is based. Violation of these core rules is a very serious crime and often lead to bannishment or capital punishment for particullary strong offense. They are meant to keep the order from falling into darkness

The Ordo Connecto The connecting order defines the ranks, privilendge and the organisation of the order's members. It also details the process of conflcit resolution and the protocol of how to work in the absence of an officer aswell as the process. The Ordo connecto exist to keep the order togueter and defines it's function

The Modus Officina The third chapter of the Codex details minor rules such as workshop, lab and library usage policy, the pressence of guest and emergency plans. While most of the Modus Officina consist of formalities and simple logical rules in the lines of "Clean up after yourself" it still is an important part as it ties loose ends.


Lex Primo

1) You shall not use a sentient to fuel your magic.

A member of the order shall never steal the lifeforce or soul of another sentient being to power my abilities. Nor shall (s)he destroy one's soul and avatar. Animal sacrifice are tolerated but will be adressed if they become too frequent.

The penality for breaking this tennet is death. And the sundering of the Soul/avatar in severe case. An overuse of animal sacrifice will call for a ban of the use of such practise by the offender

Self sacrifice, while not encouraged is allowed if an overseer or above is present during the ritual and consent to it. He shall first be informed of the circumstances and will only accept if all other solution have been exhausted.

2) You shall not enthrall another.

Retainers of the order may not remove the will of any being able of complex thoughts, this include alien and energy beings. Spirits, Fae and celestials may be bound onto temporary service. When a Daemon is bound into service, the magus is to treat him well and provide compensation for the spirit's help. This also aplies to summoned familiar and sentient robot/AI

Any magic or ability removing the ability to make decision or that alter the personality of another is banned.Usage of mind magic for trivial things such as temporary and simple one time control such as "Leave" or to erase the trace of passage from witness's mind if justified can be acceptable.

The punishment for such offense is variable but goes from Mindwipe to bannishment for case of enthrallment, Ban on usage of mindwork for irresponsible usage and dismisal of familiar/spirit for breaking the rules

3) You shall contribute to our projects to the best of your ability and availability

Being part of the order grants priviledge to access many of the world's most secret and valuable knowledge, technology and artifacts. But to access it, every man and woman of the order must help expand it. Members must be productive and be contributors not parasites

Also, every member are to contribute to the chantry/compound's health by keeping the labs clean, clear and in goodshape. Note that this is not restricted to lower ranking members. Magister and Overseers are also to do their part.

The punishment for failing to obey this simple rule is mostly removal of priviledge for uncooperative members and bannishment from the order for the troublemakers

4) You shall not abuse the knowledge we have provided you

Being given access to many, many dangerous informations, members of the order are prohibited to use such information, artifact or technology for petty things such as petty crimes and use them as weapons against people that are not enemies of the order. It is also forbiden to use other's work as a way to gain money without the consent of the original owner.

For this reason, the order grants finantial compensation to members that needs it. Breaking this command often result in bannishment or simply the removal of access for lesser cases

Ordo Connecto



The headmaster coordinate the order and is in charge of chantry politics, diplomatic relations with other organisations and the management of the base itself such as supplies, maintenance and construction

The headmaster may also veto any of the problems in the chantry to solve them once and for all. Ofcourse an abusive use of this veto which is meant as a final solution to an issue is badly seen and may result in the headmaster being deposited.

When it is time to select a new headmaster, he or she is alway chosen amonst the overseer by vote to see who shall become the next overseer. If a stalemate is reached, the elder of the overseers become headmaster temporarily.

There are three ways in which a change of headmaster is possible


Overseer are those that holds the actual power, since unlike the headmaster their function is more to regulate the population of the order rather than political and logistic control. Thy are also tasked with nominating the headmaster.

When it is time to take important decision for the chantry, every overseer get a vote. Decision includes but are not limited to: Nominating a headmaster, bringing modifications to the codex(The Lex Primo being non-modifiable) and banishment of one who breaks the codex rules

Overseer also have complete acess of the order's file. Including security details and personal files. They also have the to invite, promote(not above magus) demote members of the order

To become and overseer, it is imperative that a member meets the requirement, which are as follow


Magister are the low officers tasked with organising projects and sortie. Their priviledge include things such as: Inviting prospec, promoting(not above magus) and access to most files(excluding personal files and the most clasified security details, but they may get the general information)

While not exactly granted a vote on most important matters, Magisters may vote on new policies and base construction. They may also present topics to the hheadmaster for debate and vote on them.

To become a Magister, one must;




Modus Officina

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