Operative Daidalos

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Operative Daidalos in the field
Operative Daidalos
Player: @zehntaur
Origin: Science
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 38
Personal Data
Real Name: Roger Baltenko
Known Aliases: Dai, Bal
Species: Augmented human
Age: 33
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Archaeologist
Place of Birth: Reno, Nevada
Base of Operations: Pinnacle BioMedical
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Classified
Known Powers
Psychokinetic Shields (Force Fields)
Known Abilities
Eidetic memory, telepathy, light ordnance, archaeology
Assault rifle; PBM field research team carries (and kills) everything else
Is a crazy psychic (Gavin said so).

For much of his life, Roger Baltenko thought he was merely clumsy. Knocking over things he reached for, bumping into out-of-the-way objects, things like that. This did not do wonders for his self-confidence. He served a tour of duty in the U.S. Army to help finance his college education, but also to attempt to garner a measure of agility from its rigorous physical training program. To an extent, he did fumble things less, though it still happened with a regularity ranging from amusing to irritating.

He did not let this stop him from tackling a program in archaeology; shortly before completing his dissertation on archaeometric techniques, a minor incident involving an empty planter, some loose ball bearings, and a frayed leash revealed to him that his supposed klutziness was actually the effect of random, uncontrolled manifestations of his mutant ability to alter the kinetic vector of solid objects. Thus enlightened, and better able to rein in if not actually control his power, Baltenko plowed ahead into a doctorate.

His research and fieldwork were largely unremarkable, at least until he began taking an interest in certain cultures whose records included hints of magical rituals. Applying the same archaeometric techniques outlined in his dissertation, Baltenko began to analyze and replicate these rituals, trying to find a scientific explanation for the effects said to be catalyzed by magic.

Amid these investigations, he had need to turn to an old mentor, Dr. Neil Gavin; who, upon learning that Baltenko was also investigating methods to control his mutant ability, offered him a partnership in his company, Pinnacle BioMedical. Under the research firm's aegis, Baltenko not only received funding and assistance for his research, but also underwent a highly experimental surgical procedure that essentially turned him into an organic computer, thus allowing him to refine and focus his kinetic control to such a degree that he was able to craft stable, directed fields of force at will. The fact that this procedure left his face severely scarred does not seem to bother him; this itself is cause for concern among some of the PBM staff.

Baltenko continues to work for PBM, and has assembled a small team of fellow field researchers with a variety of skills almost as eclectic as his own.

Baltenko's field research team members include:

Roger Baltenko's Pinnacle BioMedical photo ID
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