Operative Nowakowski

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Where few dare to tread
Steven Carl Nowakowski
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Arachnos Soldier
Threat Level: 34
Personal Data
Real Name: Steven Carl Nowakowski
Known Aliases: Ski, "Daddy"
Species: Human (Cybernetic Augments)
Age: 34-37
Height: 6"5'
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Hair Color: Brown/Grey
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Operative
Place of Birth: Charleston, South Carolina
Base of Operations: Warburg
Marital Status: Taken
Known Relatives: Mother-Deceased, Father-Deceased, Brother-Alive, Nieces(2x)-Alive
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Crab-pack, Taurus revolver, ammunition, pipe, glasses, supply-belt
No additional information available.


Recruitment Summary

Tuesday, March 19th, 19xx.

Potential Operative (PO) is currently sitting in front of desk, smoking a cigarette. Despite flagrant no-smoking sign planted on wall. Obvious PO has blatant disregard for authority. Talks in short, terse sentences. Keeps chatter to minimum. Does not seem too comfortable with standard Night Widow uniform. Always glances away when Recruiter pushes forward. PO is very tall, barrel chested and in good shape. Takes good care of itself. Wanted to join army, but was denied due to certain factors it will not expound upon. Arachnos was third choice after air-force, but poor vision kept it from joining. Voices opinion that Arachnos 'gets shit done'. PO would have to be kept under close surveillance once enlisted, given low-starting position in order to determine worth. Claims to have no family. Background check shows it has a brother and several nieces living on west-coast. No contact in years. Brother is currently an information gatherer for NSA. Might be able to access files once PO is enlisted. PO has monetary issues. No income. Claims this is one of its reasons for joining. After explaining that uniform costs money, shows signs of hesitation. After some time, PO whittles recruiter down to giving him old uniform. Claims to be decent with mechanical engineering, could retrofit armor to something more suitable for standard operations. Leaves after signing name on form, agreeing to complete history nullification and Arachnos basic training. Will enter organization as Operative.

Recruiter Notes: Steven is a prime candidate for Arachnos. He has little family, and few ties to keep him tethered. There is no doubt in my mind that after basic he could become one of the best soldiers in his field. He has a way about him. A drive to get things done. Keep a careful watch on this one. -Night Widow Lumia

Nowakowski's Journal (Basic)

Friday, May 20th, 19xx

I don't know why they're making me write this shit. They claim that every potential operative needs to have practice writing logs so that it will be easier once they enter the field. This job is almost all paperwork, so they say. That doesn't quite explain the training exercises, however. This morning they woke us up at five in the morning, stripped us down to our underwear and had us run around the compound. All the while shooting rubber-bullets at us. It wasn't a live-fire exercise. Honestly, I think they just do this shit to screw with us. I was shot more than a few times. Delilah, one of the new recruits decided it would be a good idea to stop a friend from getting shot. They lit her up like the fourth of July. She's in the medical tents now. It's starting to make sense, believe it or not. Arachnos wants us to look after ourselves. We're soldiers, yes. But plenty of times we're going to be on our own. Operating like splinter groups. Something about being captured and unable to tell the authorities anything about how this damn machine runs. At this point, I'd honestly embrace being shot at with regular rounds. At least then it would be over, and I wouldn't have to deal with this crap. Looking forward to tomorrow, though. Something called 'Psychic Shielding'. According to Guiseppi, one of my bunk-mates... it'll prepare us for any invasive mind-probes. Wish me luck. And as for the bastards that are reading this-- fuck you. I'm going to make it. -Future Operative Nowakowski

Certificate of Achievement

This notice hereby declares that Operative Nowakowski is now a fully fledged member of the Arachnos organization. He is versed in the realms of firearms, psychic defense, hand-to-hand combat, combat medicine and beginner's magic. -Executioner Harlowe

Ship-out-date: September 16th, 19xx

Location: Mercy Island

Position: Shipping and receiving

Missing Item Report

Under Operative Nowakowski's watchful eye, the following items have been 'requisitioned' by factions of Arachnos that do not currently exist. Find the leads. Find those responsible. Punish them. -Fortunata Kalinda

Arachnos Standard-issue Personal Digital Assistant(1x),

Copper Wiring(10x),

Ceramic Armor Plating(20x),

Shock Absorbers(2x),

Electro-Magnetic-Pulse Dampeners(5x),

Arachnos Standard Issue Utilities Kit(2x),

Officer Amenity Package(2x)

Arachnos Officer Logs

Tuesday, February 15th, 20xx

Consider this a formally issued order. Operative Nowakowski is hereby to be placed under the care of the crab-spider program effective immediately. He has shown mental aptitude in his dealings with Longbow counter-ops, as well as excelling in the training exercises conducted on Mercy Island. It's been years since he first joined up. What say we go through the motions and give him something he can brag about? Standard procedure. 3 D's. Detain, Drug, Defenestrate. We'll see whether he can handle the stress. If so, put in my official recommendation for the Warburg Special Ops program as well. -Executioner Kronos

Monday, March 12, 20xx

I'm wishing I could say I was surprised Operative Nowakowski lasted this long. His deadened pain receptors easily accepted the crab-pack, and he's been taking care of business for us ever since. I'm amazed how little time it took him to recover. He could be the perfect candidate for the new soldier-augmentation-program (SAP). If he can take a crab-pack to the spine running, I'm sure what the Orbweavers want to do to him will be cake. -Executioner Kronos

Tuesday, June 14th, 20xx

SAP has been deemed to expensive to proceed. Continue monitoring Operative Nowakowski for any detrimental effects. Program could still be put to use on officers and high-ranking officials. -Orbweaver XXXXX

Soldier Augmentation Program Summary

Deemed to expensive to use on a massive scale, the Soldier Augmentation Program was designed by Orbweavers to increase the combat effectiveness of the standard Operative ten-fold. Dozens of cybernetic and physical enhancements are plugged directly into the nervous system of the target soldier. Including, but not limited to;

Reflex packages (To increase speed and reaction time. Experimental Group showed almost precognitive abilities. Can sometimes be overloaded by too much input, resulting in a shut-down of all nervous-system functions),

Augmented Reality Interface (Allowing soldiers to instantly upload and receive data about their combatants and reconnaissance targets. Access to dozens of Arachnos databases, as well as a technology/internet uplink. Still no way to reinforce against EMPs.)

Reinforced skeleton (Increasing bone-mass to the point where normal force would not be enough to break them. No metal alloys. Simply a reactive polymer to augment skeletal structure. Can be known to cause cancerous tumors.)

Enhanced healing/immuno-suppressant abilities (Nothing near as effective as that which spawns from mutagenic ancestry. Wounds that would heal in months now heal in a number of weeks. Particularly grievous lesions may not heal entirely correct. Scar tissue has been known to form instead of normal skin tissue, reducing combat abilities.)

Personnel Relationship Summary

Operative Nowakowski, or 'Ski' as he likes to be called is certainly a man to be trusted, in the sense that we can trust his consistency if nothing else. He is a roamer. Almost feral in nature. He never stays in one place very long, either due to a short attention span or external factors. Alliances never last longer than a month, and the only thing certain in his life is that he will push outside forces away given enough time or opportunities to do so. May be subtle at first, but it will happen. This is once again what makes him such an excellent agent, seeing as he keeps things so neat and tidy. There is never any clutter, anything that would influence him away from Arachnos objectives. Please find enclosed a list of previous employers, previous relationships et all.

Mika Kitravich: The soup de'jour for almost thirty days. Operative showed signs of genuine affection. Started small business together, maintained close atmosphere with her for some time. Eventually left after solving what he believed to be the big problem in her life. Not sure whether he did this out of some misguided form of kindness, or merely to perfect her as a person. Operative has remained deadly silent on the matter, and provides only enough information for this inquirer to state for a fact that Mika is behind him now.

The Doll: Name unknown, maker unknown. Intelligence reports state a magical/scientific construct along the lines of homunculi. First met Operative as an attacker. Began to grow closer as time went by, for some strange reason. Operative is still unsure where relationship is headed, but used the chance to volunteer for a classified Arachnos project. See attachment 3046x for greater detail.

Ivy: Last name unknown, personal information hard to find. Dubbed 'Red' as so many others. Similarity to Kitravich. Served as an obstacle for some time, then fell out of touch. Seems to spend most time hidden away. Operative has stated that he has 'given up', and inquirer is to interpret that as he will.

Charlie: Small child befriended in early days of costumed aggression. Violence in bar escalated, Charlie sprung to aid. Fast 'friends' ever sense. Innocent enough, possible romantic connotations. Eventually, efforts were abandoned as more people entered the mix. Operative maintains tentative contact, but hasn't been seen with her in months. Inquirer's note: Investigate further. Possible leverage, if Operative were to go rogue.

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