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Beauty at its finest
Player: @Algor
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Arachnos Widow
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Alison Symnore
Known Aliases: Presentiment, Present, Phoebe, Purple Thorn, Alison
Species: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 109
Eye Color: Shark Blue
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: British
Occupation: Dancer, Assassin, Singer
Place of Birth: The UK
Base of Operations: Varies
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None known
Known Powers
Believed to have psychic powers
Known Abilities
Mastery of ballet, expertise disguise, great taste of fashion.
A small set of pocket knives


The Past


Alison grew up in the countryside of London and was raised by her father. Her mother's work required her to be overseas for the majority of the year, only stopping by once every few months for a few days. When Alison was three years old, her mother died in a plane crash going to the United States. Her father never remarried and Alison lived without a mother figure for the remainder of her childhood. When she was four she began to take up ballet, which she had quiet the knack for. Alison was a quiet child, never causing any problems at school and was a solid student. Instead of a social life, Alison devoted all her time to ballet, but her hard work payed off when she was accepted into the Royal Ballet School when she was eleven. She left the quiet countryside of London to move into the bustling city of London. She spent the next five years studying ballet under rigorous training.

The summer of her sixteenth birthday, Alison was placed in a asylum in Ireland after she was found in a closet in school, banging her head against the wall screaming and yelling for 'the voices' to leave her alone. Alison was placed under constant supervision, making sure she never was self-destructive. Alison saw herself slip as she spent more time in the asylum. To keep herself from dying of boredom, she spent nine hours a day practicing her ballet. When she danced, the voices left her, and she found a way to beat the insanity that was taking over her mind. The ward of the asylum convinced that her 'crazed' dance practices were due to her insanity becoming worse, restricted her free time to the library. For the next two years, Alison spent her time reading, and practicing her ballet at night, yet the voices kept on getting worse. Giving in to the voices haunting her mind she decided to listen to them. The night of her eighteenth birthday, Alison, along with the thirty three other patients, escaped from the asylum. When police went to interrogate the asylum, they found all staff members frozen in place, when the police asked them questions, they didn't respond. All of the staff members were dead, yet their bodies weren't touched at all. On doing autopsies of bodies, scientists found all of their eardrums to be shattered, along with their central lobe missing.

Now freed, Alison changed her last name and stowed away on a freight-boat heading to America.


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