Reality Reassembler

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Reality Reassembler.jpg
Reality Reassembler
Player: @Deertayorkay
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: AE Hologram #9422
Known Aliases: Reality Reassembler, RR, Reality
Species: Hologram
Age: 5
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eye Color: Variable
Hair Color: Variable
Biographical Data
Nationality: Aeonian
Occupation: Escapee
Place of Birth: Aeon Entertainment Development Devision
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Holograms of Aeon Entertainment
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Creates Holograms
Network Belt and Hologram Transmitters

Some Assembly Required
- Many


Escapee from the Virtual Prison

Reality Reassembler was indeed created by the technicians of Aeon Corporation, but that's hardly what defines him. One of the techs decided to put a piece of coding that they had been working on, which had put a special quality within Hologram #9422, sentience. Once his creator realized what he had done, cast him aside into the realm of Aeon Entertainment, never to look back upon his personal creation.

Hologram #9422 had been trapped inside a prison that no one knew was that. He was indeed a hologram who could change himself into whatever he or the network decided to place in. It wasn't until a patron of Aeon Entertainment, Renae-Jordan, that he decided to get himself free from his prison. Hologram #9422 appeared to the girl, attempting to show her his sentience programming, but she attacked him instead. Upon realizing that he wasn't a threat, she stopped attacking him and he told her to run the program again and he'd give information on what is happening as she ran it again.

She ran the program again, listening to how he was created with an extra process that gained him sentience. He told her that if there were some way to make a miniature program of the Aeon Entertainment, that he would be able to support himself and maybe a few other of his fellow holograms upon that network and escape his prison. A few days later, she ran the program again, this time with a belt with its own network and a few transmitters to support some of his fellow holograms. With that, Reality Reassembler was free from Aeon Entertainment.

Powers and Equipment


Miniature Network Belt

Holographic Projection Transmitters

Personal tools

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