From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

"Rebelle" is a new face in Paragon City. She has declared class war against the elite and mighty, working under a goal of bringing equitable change to the city's people. With a pair of pistols and a hi-tech guitar, the young spitfire has gradually become a force to be reckoned with.
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Kimiko Matsuoka is a member of the illustrious Matsuoka family, known for their influence in the technology sector. Her parents, Kazuo and Hiroko, were and presently are of a highly conservative stock. Their firm beliefs in "proper behavior" were pressed on Kimiko from an early age. This predetermined morality guided her for most of her years, allowing her to live a relatively normal life for a child of socialites. As she grew older and began to think more for herself, however, the immoral cracks within her family's influence and Founder's Fall's socialite elite began to show themselves.
These "cracks" enticed Kimiko to distrust the rich and powerful. Swayed by anarchist ideals, she has become set on taking them down. This would lead to the rise of "Rebelle," the guitar-wielding, pistol shooting radical.
Body Type and Features
Kimiko is not well-endowed. Standing at 4'10, she is noticeably short. With a pair of tiny arms and little legs, she can hardly be considered muscular. At face value, there is nothing inherently threatening about this skinny, petite woman. This does not mean she is hard to notice, however. Kimiko is VERY visible. Her taste in accessories add to this. The small punk's face is riddled with piercings. She wears a pair in her nose and another pair beneath her lower lip. Her ears are covered in various more, from top to bottom. When visible, another piercing can be observed sitting at her navel. This particular one is usually adorned with various trinkets and charms, such as a Venus symbol, a star, a lightning bolt and so forth.
Her nails and lips are always painted a dark black. This matches her jet black hair, which is typically cut short and stylized. However, it is not at all uncommon for her to leave her hair a mess. She is accountable only to herself in how she dresses.
A majority of the time, Kimiko is dressed in her casual attire. She makes a great deal of effort to emphasize her own individuality through her wardrobe. Her punk style, unsurprisingly, includes leather jackets, vests, torn-up jeans, tight leather pants, sunglasses and other various common pieces. Her jackets are typically decorated with various slogans, buttons and other additional modifications. These are typically political in nature, such as pins advocating eating the rich or "Lesbian Pride" painted on the sleeve. In her eyes, these garments serve as a canvas to her own individuality.
Kimiko does have a preference for traditionally masculine wear, going so far as to label herself "butch." However, this is not exclusive. She sometimes wears skirts and can be persuaded, at times, to wear heels. Nevertheless, leather, studs, spikes and denim remain a consistency and can be observed in a majority of her outfits.
When in costume, she focuses on masking her face. Her crimes against the rich and powerful would make her a prime target. Thus, anonymity becomes a priority.
She wears her usual sunglasses down in front of her eyes. A red mask sits upon her face so as to conceal the lower half. Her attire, meanwhile, is composed of a more simplistic jacket without any identifying symbols that can be traced to her day-to-day wear. Leather pants grip her legs while large boots hold her feet. Her colors of choice are red and black, the colors traditionally associated with anarchy. This it not at all a coincidence, given her ideology of choice.
Perhaps the most striking component of her action wear, however, is the green backpack always strapped to her body. This contains no shortage of equipment, ranging from her guitar (which may be safely taken apart), rations, cans of spray paint and other utilities. This provides the bread and butter for her frequent assaults against society's ruling class.
Equipment and Abilities
Rebelle's signature weapon is a custom-made guitar, bearing the scratched off insignia of MatsuTech. Powered by nanotechnology, the instrument acts as an electric guitar without an amplifier. It is capable of projecting sound at a high volume, making it suitable for any artist on the move.
Its true use, however, comes in the form of its ability to create sonic waves. This offers it many uses, ranging from creating barriers, to directly attacking enemies, to disabling electronics and so forth.
Dual Pistols
Rebelle uses a pair of dual pistols in combat. She is far from an expert marksman, but nonetheless possesses high skill in aiming. Her knowledge comes from her fellow gang members from the streets of King's Row, who have assisted her in acquiring a means of self-defense.
Character Art