Regret Me Not

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Regret Me Not
Player: @ Off Limits
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Dominator. Plant Control. Psionic.
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Everlasting Love
Known Aliases: The Landscaper, Eve
Species: Human
Age: 25
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 120
Eye Color: Pale Blue Grey
Hair Color: Jet Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: Finders Keepers; Manager, Mercenary
Place of Birth: N/A
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: N/A
Known Powers
Attained psionic ability from defeating a strong psychic, she -can- and -will- "read" you; mindblocks do not work on her unless you are mindless.
Known Abilities
Natural command of plants and foliage growth
Venus Fly Trap named Jasmine, Cell-phone onhand
Tendency to dismiss a person by blinking before turning away, (Perma-Dom)

(work in Progress)


The Past

Once upon a time, there was a lovely young woman named Everlasting. She had a wonderful gift and love for growing things; so much so, that she grew a beautiful garden and visitors from all over would come and see it.

One such visitor was most charming, and he swept her off her feet. Eve fell in love. Then one rainy afternoon, the visitor came, “For the last time,” he said simply.

As he walked away without looking back, Eve stood alone, dejected, as the rain fell softly around her, trailing the path of her unseen tears.

Everlasting woke the next morn, heading to her garden in the hopes that the natural beauty would lift up her spirits—only to find that weeds and thorns had choked and smothered the colorful petals and blooms overnight.

As hard as she tried, Everlasting could not restore the beauty. It was not long before her heart resembled her garden; dark and cold, untended and uncared for.

Will there ever come a man who could take up the challenge of thawing her cool reserve? Battle wit against wit? And do the unthinkable; make her smile?

~~News Anchor~~

The Present

Currently manages Finders Keepers (redside) in St. Martial.

Theme Song

Bleeding Heart - Angra


Garden4.jpg Garden1.jpg

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