Sable Falcon/Terra Volta Trouble

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Chapter 1: There's Trouble Brewing

Isaiah's communicator was ringing. He answered it, "Hello Sable falcon, we've got trouble."

Isaiah didn't like the sound of that, Captain James Harlan only contacted him if something really big was going down. Knowing that this couldn't wait, he hopped into the Sable-Mobile and took off towards Founders Falls. When he got there he saw more people that Harlan must have contacted. Among them were Xanatos, The Imperial, Charon, and Fire Wyrm.

"Good, you're all here," the Captain,s voice was deep and gruff from many years of yelling, "I suppose you are all wondering why I brought you all here and trust me, you ain't gonna like it. We have received word that the Freakshow boss by the name of Mad Maartin has kidnapped a young woman named Missy Minton. This may seem like your run of the mill rescue, but we have reason to believe that this could be leading up to something big so be on your guard."

He gave them the location and the heroes set out to rescue the woman.

"This must be a trap, they want us to come after them." said The Imperial.

"Only one way to find out." Fire Wyrm said as he hopped down into the manhole.

The Freaks didn't put up much of a fight and soon they were all dispatched of.

"Hey come take a look at this!" Called Charon with a wave. "Look."

One of the Freaks had an earring that was a keyring with several keys dangling from it. Charon ripped it out of his ear and the Freak awoke with a scream.

"what are these keys for!?" demanded Charon hoisting the freak into the air.

"I-I-I'll never tell you!' the Freak Stuttered.

"I'll give you to the count of three" Charon said pinning the freak to the wall with his staff.

"Th-they're for an office building in Founder's Falls."

Before anyone could anything, the Freak dropped to the floor and ran away.

"looks like we might have just lost the element of surprise," Xanatos remarked, "Let's get going."

Chapter 2: Reactor Trouble

Finding the building wasn't the hard part, they just followed the sound of music being blasted.

"It's like they want us to find them," Isaiah thought, "I'm beginning to think The Imperial was right."

Again the Freaks seemed to fall down for them and they were quickly dispatched.

"You'll never stop us!" Screamed one of the Tanks, "Once we get the radiation energy from the Terra Volta Reactor for the boss, you'll never be able to stop us!"

Before Isaiah could ask who they were working for the Freak's handcuffs beamed him to the Zig.

Xanatos was the first to react, "We've got to get to the Reactor NOW!" and with that he shot off.

The Heroes got to the reactor as fast as they could. When they got to the Reactor they started dispatching the freaks as quickly as they could in order to get to the Core room before anything happened. Xanatos was leading and pushing the others to try their hardest. When they reached the Core they broke up to dispatch the Freaks quickly.

"There are too many of them!" The Imperial roared.

Xanatos thought quickly then yelled, "Everyone surround the reactor We've got to stop them from getting any of this energy!"

The heroes quickly fell into a pattern with Fire Wyrm and Xanatos picking them off from afar with bolts of fire and ice and the rest were fighting the ones that got to close. When the Freaks finally stopped coming Charon saw one of the Freaks trying to sneak out with a container of the radiation energy.

Charon grabbed the freak and hoisted him in the air. "WHO HIRED YOU!?"

Knowing better then to withhold information from him the freak merely caught his breath and muttered one word, "Exsanguination"

Charon threw the freak onto the ground. The freak tried to get up but lost his balance and fell into the Reactor Core, there was no hope for survival.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Isaiah screamed.

"It was an accident, but what's done is done, we have to go find Exsanguination." he ran out to join the others.

Chapter 3: There's More?

Exsanguination leaned back in his chair and took a sip of wine. He really outdid himself this time. By hiring the Freaks to collect radiation energy from the Terra Volta Reactor for him, he would be able to increase his power exponentially, then he would crush all of those heroes and take over then world. He laughed and congratulated himself, he truly was a genius. Suddenly there was a loud crash and the sound of glass shattering.

"Ah, that must be them now, they really must learn to use the door, it's getting expensive to have to replace all those windows. I guess I'll have to teach them some manners."

Instead of the radiation energy, all he received was a kick to the face.

"So you've found me then have you?" and with a snap of his fingers he disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" Wondered Fire Wyrm aloud.

"Right HERE!"

He hit Fire Wyrm. Hard. The heroes whirled around to face the villain.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon, would you like something to drink?"

"How about some PUNCH!" Isaiah yelled and punched him in the face, "but could you add a little KICK!" and he followed up with a fierce kick.

Exsanguination was quick to recover though and he grabbed Isaiah's foot before it made contact.

"Yeah, I think I could do that." He said as he threw Isaiah into the wall.

The heroes lept into action, but they were no match for Exsanguination.

"Maybe I don't need the radiation energy after all, but as long as you guys are asleep I see no reason for me to stay." and with that, he left.

Chapter 4: 2 Suits

"Ugh what hit me?" asked Isaiah rubbing the back of his head.

"that would be the wall." The Imperial said with a chuckle.

"Wait, where did Exsanguination go?" Fire Wyrm said, immediately alert.

"He's got to have gone off to the power plant to get what the freaks failed to obtain. We've got to get moving." Xanatos said.

"You heard him kid, rub some dirt on it and get moving." The Imperial said to Isaiah.

They reached the Reactor just in time to see Exsanguination with a container of radiation energy.

"We're too late," Fire Wyrm groaned, "He's got what he came for now there's no stopping him."

"let's follow him, see what he's up too." Charon suggested.

The heroes followed Exsanguination back to his base.

"What do you think he needs the radiation energy for?" asked Xanatos.

"A time travel device to send him back in time and destroy all heroes before they are born?"

"A radiation powered oven to make the perfect burritos?"

"A machine that radioactively turns everyone into super-powered criminals?"

"I'm thinking it's to power a suit of armor that will increase his powers 10-fold, but that's just a guess on the information that we've got." The Imperial said.

"But we don't have any info--I think you may be right." said Fire Wyrm.

They all turned to look as Exsanguination appeared in a giant radiation-powered suit of armor.

"MUAHAHAHA!! with this suit of armor, my powers will increase 11-fold you can't stop me now!!" Exsanguination roared.

"Oh so close." The Imperial said.

Charon was the first to react and he ran towards the villain swinging his staff, but it was no use. The armored villain simply snapped the staff in half and sent Charon flying with a well placed kick.

"Not to be the bearer of bad news or anything, but I don't think we can win those one guys." Fire Wyrm said.

"I have an idea, you guys keep him busy." Isaiah said as he ran to the Sable-Mobile and took off.

Chapter 5: Endgame

Isaiah knew the risk he was taking, but there was no other choice. The Sable-Mech was probably their only hope now. The Sable-Mech was a hulking suit of armor that allowed the wearer to take on high-powered threats with a variety of weapons. It had only been used once and it had caused a lot of damage, but it was the only thing capable of stopping Exsanguination now. Isaiah reached his destination, hopped out of his car, and ran inside the building. The building was one of Park Technologies warehouses that Isaiah had renovated to act as a base for him as a vigilante. The building contained multiple gadgets that Isaiah used to stop crime and in the corner was the Sable-Mech. He hopped in, started up the computers and blasted off ruining part of the ceiling.

"Gonna have to fix that later." said Isaiah making a mental note of it.

He got to the scene of the battle and it wasn't looking good. Fire Wyrm had been knocked out and the others were not doing much better. He reached his armored adversary just as he was about to blast Xanatos away.

"Take THIS!" Isaiah yelled as he punched Exsanguination and sent him sprawling.

"Thanks for that," Xanatos said, "now lets finish him off."

He made it sound easy. Exsanguination had already recovered and was charging up a blast of energy.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Isaiah said, "it might just backfire!" and with that he shot off an even stronger blast that completely obliterated Exsanguination's suit.

"Nice work with that suit, got any more?" Xanatos asked.

"I don't know if I have this one anymore, that last blast took up a lot of energy."

"You may have won the battle, but this isn't the end of the war!" Exsanguination exclaimed.

"Give it a rest." said The Imperial as he slapped the handcuffs that would send the defeated villain off to the high-security sector of the Zig.

Chapter 6: Birth of a Monster

"Good work heroes, that could have ended in disaster if you hadn't stopped that madman." Captain James Harlan exclaimed.

"It's our job Sir, as long as we are alive, nothing will destroy Paragon City." Xanatos said.

"I'm just glad it's all over." Charon said.

But it wasn't all over. Inside the Terra Volta Reactor something was happening. A certain freak was mutating and dying at the same time. The freak pulled himself out of the radiation.

"Those fools. They will soon feel the wrath of The Acid Freak!!" Evil laughter ensued, Paragon city had just gained another super-powered criminal.

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