Saturn Five

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Player: @darthgm
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Colonel Michael Dunne (USAF)
Known Aliases: None
Species: Gaseous Post-Human Entity
Age: 37
Height: 8' 2"
Weight: 340 lbs
Eye Color: Red, glowing
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: United States of America
Occupation: Field Commander; Sentinel Guard
Place of Birth: Norwood, MA
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: CLASSIFIED
Known Powers
Invulnerability, Energy Melee, Flight, Fitness, Energy Mastery
Known Abilities
Personal Communicator/Beacon linked to Guard Tower Transfer Bay (Recall Friend)
No additional information available.


First Appearance

City of Heroes; Issue 5, "Guard Duty" (October 2006)


Michael Dunne always wanted to be a pilot. He dreamed of flying. Living near the Norwoon Municipal Airport, he'd spend hours watching the planes land and take-off. He took a second job at age 16 to save up money for flying lessons when he turned 18. After becoming a licensed pilot, he joined the Air Force for advanced pilot training.

In 2001-2002, Captian Dunne commanded a B-2 Bomber crew in the Afghanistan War against the Taliban Regime.

After his tour of duty, he applied to become a pilot for NASA's shuttle missions. Dunne was approved, and logged two missions into orbit aboard Shuttle Orbiters. He was selected as the Shuttle Pilot for NASA's newest orbiter, the X-5. It was to be sent on a test flight and inspection of the N44 Stellar Comet. As the shuttle approached the comet, it's experimental shielding failed. Dunne and the rest of his crew were exposed to unanticipated radiation from a comet tail while on the mission. The shuttle was rescued by Statesman and brought to NASA to provide medical treatment for the crew. When they opened the cabin, they found the crew dying, their bodies dissolving into a strange plasma-like gas. Captain Dunne was the only crew member still intact enough to seal into a containment field and preserve. The remaining crew members were pronounced dead, as their bodies were unrecoverable.

Post-triage inspection of Captain Dunne's cellular structure revealed a fundamental sublimation of organic matter in Dunne's Body. His cells were turning into a semi-cohesive energy form. Crey Labs scientists were called in to help stabilize Captain Dunne's rate of decay by placing him in a containment suit. The suit was modified to harness the energy emitted by Dunne's new form.

Crey Industries designed several suits to help contain Captain Dunne's body. Inexplicably, Captain Dunne's consciousness remained intact. Dunne was informed he would be trapped within a containment suit for the rest of his life. After extensive counseling, and physical therapy, Captian Dunne adjusted to his new state.

Crey Industries made some modifications to his suit, utilizing their own research on meta-humans. The added capacitors and focusing arrays to his suit to tap into the energy field contained in Dunne's body. These modifications allowed Dunne to shield himself from harm, deliver devastating melee attacks, and enhance his strength to super-human proportions. Michael Dunne decided to become a super hero, and selected the name "Saturn Five", named after the giant rockets that drove the Apollo missions and helped land astronauts on the moon.


Properly channeled, Saturn Five's energy form can create auras of force protecting Dunne from great harm. When these auras are applied with great force, such as through a punch, they can hit with an impact-force of 6,000 psi. This aura can also cause temporary disruptions in the nervous system of humanoid beings and disrupts electronic networks, stunning them for a brief time. This energy has also be used to enhance Dunne's strength (his current dead-lift weight limit is 30 tons)and can be channeled downward to provide flight. Recently, Saturn Five has learned to harness and focus the seething energy that escapes his suit into deadly eye-beams.

Saturn Five attacks the Freakshow

The Sentinel Guard

Soon after becoming a licensed hero, Saturn Five was approached by Colonel James Anderson. Anderson was putting together a new U.N. Superteam for the Security Council. The UN's previous team, Vanguard, had a tainted image from the Rikti War, and were seen as a "public relations difficulty". Captain Dunne was placed in command as the group's field commander. He led the team through many successful months of activity until Colonel Anderson's disappearance. At that time, Dunne was promoted to Colonel and given complete command of the Sentinel Guard.

With the return of the Rikti, funding for the Sentinel Guard has been reduced to help fund the expanded Vanguard program under command of Lady Grey. Saturn Five doesn't seem to mind the change, he recognizes that the Vanguard program is more suited to the mass-combat style needed to wage war against the Rikti. He continues to command the Sentinel Guard, leading them on special forces missions against the Rikti, Arachnos, and other threats to the world.


Behind the Scenes

Notes by DarthGM Saturn Five is inspired by the "Stormwatch" character, Fuji.

Saturn Five won 2nd place in the offical Manticore Look Alike Contest.

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