Scarlet Doctor

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"I live to hate people."
Scarlet Doctor
Player: @Shival
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: 25
Personal Data
Real Name: Anton Gorske
Known Aliases: Doc, Burning Scarlet
Species: Unknown
Age: 31
Height: 7'
Weight: -unknown-
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Silver
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Shaman/Doctor
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Atlas Park
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Adopted, real parents unknown
Known Powers
Thermal Radiation
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

((The following is to be used OOCly. If you wish to be involved with Doc or his past, please let me know.))


The Doc

Doc is more known to spend his time in Pocket D than be productive. Although he's gained a reputation as a villain, Doc seems to be two-faced when around certain people.

The Story

Born with strange markings, Doc's body temperature was extremely high. Any attempts to withdraw blood only lead to the plastic containers melting, therefore the only medical records were taken on medical scanners of the time. He was placed in an adoption center until the Gorske family took him under his wing, doing the best they could in covering his body from sight.

As Doc grew, he found his ability to soothe wounds with the warmth of his flesh. The natural ability lead his thoughts from his early years of longing to become a doctor to help people without sticking out as a sore thumb. After graduation from high school, Doc quickly hopped aboard the roster of one of Paragon's top medical schools. From there, he went back to his home in Atlas Park, becoming one of the many doctors in the hospital, but there was something different.

All his life he only heard of the super heroes through newspapers and the television, and here he was, up close and personal with the heroes. He learned that all the media coverage seemed to cover the true side of most 'good doers'. Doc found them to be self-absorbed, finicky, annoying brats who had absolutely no sense of common courtesy. He found himself becoming stressed, both mentally and physically. The heat contained by his flesh began to raise, altering him.

Doc's hair became streaked with silver as his muscle mass made him into a bit of a giant of a man. But the outside appearance was only the beginning, as the temperatures in his body began to burn like a raging inferno. Whenever Doc used his healing abilities, his flesh burned like a fire, burning most materials off his body. Upon the discovery, Doc vowed to never heal another person, in fear of what was happening to him. The problem was, the longer he held in the heat, the more he could feel as if his flesh was burning him from the inside out.

The stress of work and the drastic changed of his body lead Doc to become bitter. Bitter soon was formed into pure hate of heroes and everything they were and stood for. On his free time, he plotted a way to rid Atlas of the 'capes', but Doc knew there was nothing he could do physically. So, he took the medical knowledge he had to concoct a chemical.. a poison.

From the point of view as a doctor for so many years, he realized the best place to apply his hatred. Trauma Center, residence of those heroes under intense care. He found the heroes that laid on their cots were often depressed and worried, waiting for their wounds to heal and otherwise being powerless. With several vials full of a bright, red chemical, Doc finally took action after months of planning.

Doc hurried all the nurses and fellow doctors out of the room, addressing each patient by name. He said he held "a solution to get you back on your feet and out on the streets". A few denied his claim, but several were desperate enough to trust the man. Injecting the chemical into their IV's, gave them each a fake smile and left, promising to return to check on them in a moment. Underestimating his own creation, the chemical took work faster than anticipated. Screams of pain, screams of horror.. the heroes soon found themselves in excruciating pain, frying their insides as fast as the chemical was pumped into their system.

Unprepared, Doc's only thought was to escape as soon as possible, knowing the few who rejected his 'help' knew what he looked like. The PPD and longbow were quick on their feet, tracking Doc down as he ran out of one of the hospital's emergency exit doors. Doc was fired upon, often being riddled, but his healing abilities luckily worked for himself, soon sealing the wounds as they came. But one of the PPD managed to ambush him, and landed a buckshot on the left side of his face. The shot took out his left eye and a good chunk of his flesh. With his newly found strength, he caved in the officer's skull and ran, holding his wound closed with his hands. His own abilities was able to close the wounds and stop the bleeding, but the eye would never return.

After hiding for months, Doc finally found a way to escape from Paragon into the only home that'd accept him... The Rogue Isles.


Thermal Radiation - Born with a higher than average body temperature, Doc learned that the heat had healing properties. Through concentration, he can transfer his body heat to another to aid those around him

Fire Control - In recent times, Doc has found his flesh feeling as if it were on fire. His temperatures soared in such a manner that he found he could manifest it to be used for harm instead of good.

Marksman - With a cybernetic implant in his left eye, Doc becomes a skilled sniper if his natural abilities are not enough. The rifle often looks to be of Longbow issue.

Empathic - Through his time as a doctor, he found a different sort of power forming. As he treated patients, he found himself able to sense their thoughts, feelings, and pains. As of today, he kept this ability a secret from those who seek his aid.

Electricity - Through the essence that runs through his blood, Doc was able to manifest and control the sort of powers that the Isles more commonly knew only the Mu could.

Previous and Current Affiliations

Death 7 - In his time on the Isles, Doc found himself seeking work in any sort of manner possible. The first bite he had was as a doctor for a mercenary group called Death 7. Although not trusting of those he worked with, he did the best he could until the leaders made a sudden disappearing act. Seeing the group disband, he took his leave for a place better suiting him.

Inevitable Evolution - During his time in D, Doc found many people speaking of or apart of IE. As he heard tales of their goals and doing, he was amused. Doc found himself wishing to become apart of a cause, and became added to the roster as a doctor and a self proclaimed shaman.

Ghost Hound - After an extended disappearance from both Paragon and the Isles, Doc has come back under the employment of Ghost Hound. Using both old and new skills, he works as a mercenary.


Miss Jasmine - One day, Doc heard a friendly voice ring in his head, a figure of curiosity and perhaps boredom. From that day on, Doc had found himself growing trust and becoming fond in Jasmine, going each day in hopes to catch her and see a friendly face once again.

Enerix - Doc was leaning against the railing of D in his typical fashion, watching over the action (or lack of) that went on around him. To his surprise, a charming woman with small bat-like wings took interest in Doc. Although doubtfully doing a decent job at showing his worth, Doc found a chance he would never find in a lifetime. After Enerix came down from the rafters with her throat slit, Doc managed to beckon her over to him as he sealed her wound. Since then, Doc found a new respect for D's resident "succubus".

Urban Ledgend - Although they don't have much of an extensive history or an elaborate introduction, Doc holds Trent in high regards. Jasmine originally introduced eachother, and since have gotten to know each other.

Dergo - There is little known of what sort of relationship Doc has with Dergo. The only times the two are seen together is to exchange few words and packages. It is said that Doc does work for this man.

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