Sea Prince

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Sea Prince
Union Supreme Global Defender
Player: @Ultradynamic
Origin: Science
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 39
Identifying Data
Real Name: Ryan McIlvoy
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human (probably)
Age: 25
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Additional Data
Place of Birth: Unknown, but raised in Monterrey, CA
Citizenship: United States citizen
Current Residence: Founders' Falls
Occupation: Diver, cameraman, lab assistant, some surfwear modeling
Marital Status: Single
Legal Status: '
Known Relatives and/or Associates
Mother and father (father deceased)
Known Powers
Ability to draw upon the abilities of any number of sea creatures, most commonly used to generate bio-electricity, regenerate, swim, breathe water, survive ocean depths, and enhanced strength, endurance, agility, and resilience.
Training / Abilities
Aquatic sports, film making, boat piloting
None commonly used
"Together we can make a better world"


Ryan McIlvoy grew up in Monterrey, CA, the son of a semi-famous oceanographer and filmmaker. The scientific part of his father's career was seemingly nominal, although he owns an aquarium somewhere in Northern California where he does some research. His primary enterprise were his oceanographic documentaries, which although made under the auspices of enhancing knowledge of the ocean and its creatures, were primarily a method of achieving some modest wealth as well as fame. From his childhood on, Ryan spent a good deal of time with his father and his crew on his vessel, the Sea King, and learned most of the aspects of his father's work, although he was typically seen as little more than an assistant. Furthermore, while he frequently helped his father conduct scientific research, he was given little general scientific education and was mainly taught to perform the tasks associated with experiments.

Despite his somewhat marginalized status, Ryan seemed to truly enjoy his time at sea and always had a close affinity with the ocean, spending much of his free time swimming, surfing, diving, and in any number of other aquatic activities. As Ryan grew, his father began placing him on camera more, as well, hoping that Ryan's good looks would attract more female viewers to his films. At his father's urging, Ryan also took some modelling work at this time, posing primarily for surfwear catalogs and the like.

As Ryan reached his early 20s, he found himself still working for his father with no real change to his overall status. Unsure of a direction for his life, having little more interest than the ocean, girls, and hanging out with friends, Ryan seemed to be coasting through his own life. All of that changed one night when Ryan and his father were working in their laboratory. While installing a new power generator in the aquarium, a strange surge somehow escaped and flooded the lab. While his father was unaffected, the energy hit the various tanks, and the creatures in them, before striking Ryan directly. Ryan was shaken but otherwise seemed unharmed. However, he soon began noticing changes to his overall physiology. For starters, he found his strength increasing. He also found himself with even more energy and able to swim much faster than previously. Even more amazingly, he realized he no longer needed to hold his breath under water as he was somehow able to draw oxygen from water. Speculating that this may be the result of the energy coming in contact with the various sea creatures in the aquarium, Ryan's father wondered if he had gained other abilities. The first of these that manifested was the ability to generate bio-electricity like an electric eel. Ryan was shocked to realize he now had actual superpowers.

While Ryan was trying to process this information, his father immediately went to the press, announcing to the world that his son was now a superhero, the Sea Prince, presumably in deference to his status as the self-anointed Sea King. Shocked that his father would make this announcement without his permission, as well as ruining his chance at a secret identity, or whether or not he even wanted to use his powers to become a superhero, Ryan decided to move. Heading to Paragon City, and using an apartment his father kept there, Ryan decided to try and embrace his new life as a superhero, and has found himself quite enjoying it.


The full extent of Sea Prince's abilities are unknown. So far he has displayed the following abilities/powers.

Altered Physiology: Ryan's body has been adapted to become completely amphibious and to survive in the depths of the ocean. As a result, he is much stronger than a normal human, able to lift roughly 15 tons. His endurance has also increased greatly, as well as his physical toughness. Also, since he is now suited for maneuvering in the depths of the ocean, he is much quicker and more agile on the surface, where the resistance is much less. Ryan can breath water and can remain in the ocean indefinitely.

Aquatic Animal Ability Duplication: Sea Prince is able to draw on the abilities of ocean creatures. While he can presumable draw upon the abilities of any sea creature, he has certain animals he typically uses.

Swimming: Ryan can swim at an incredible speed, approximately 100 MPH.

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