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The Femenentals were a super hero group formed in the 90's by G.I.F.T. as an experiment to see if four young girls with wildly different mutations could work together. This worked well for a time, but eventually the team's differences overwhelmed them and they separated. They still keep in touch, save for Seismecca, but each member has gone their own way since then.
- Name: Jeannette Veilleux
- Current Age: 39
- Mutation: Body comprised entirely of water, giving her fluid shape shifting abilities. Along with slight hydrokinesis.
- History: The daughter of two French industrialists, Jeannette was raised to perfection. The best clothes, the best schools, the best of life, everything she needed to become the perfect heir to her parents fortune. But things changed on her 14th birthday when her mutation first manifested. Afraid of what she had become, her parents cut all ties to her daughter and shipped her off to the Americas. More specifically, Paragon City. There she was taken in by G.I.F.T. and taught to use her powers.
- Current Location: CEO and founder of a non-profit organization aimed at helping disfigured and non-human mutants.
- Name: Melody Hoyle
- Current Age: 35
- Mutation: The ability to absorb solar radiation to fuel both her plasma based powers, and all bodily functions.
- History: Single child of the popular fire-based heroine Solara, Melody always dreamt of following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a hero herself. Her dream took a side road though, when her powers backfired and burned down a portion of their home while her mother was away. Unable to to find the time to properly train her daughter, Solara agreed to let GIFT take over and teach Melody instead.
- Current Location: After the break up she continued her hero-work and has trained her powers to their physical peak.
- Name: Danielle Montano
- Current Age: 35
- Mutation: A powerful Terrakinetic. Can control rocks, sand, and mud.
- History: [wip]
- Current Location: Resides to this day as a high ranking member of United Underworld.
- Name: Alice Murphy
- Current Age: 33
- Mutation: The ability to generate high-force tornadoes from her hands and feet.
- History: [wip]
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