Shade Wield II

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Shade Wield II
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 14
Personal Data
Real Name: John Moran
Known Aliases: None
Species: Presumed Human
Age: 20
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 90Kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Unemployed
Place of Birth: Mercy Island
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Shadow manipulation, enhanced physical abilities.
Known Abilities
Skilled melee combatant, knowledgeable about mysticism
T.D.I. insulation armour, 'borrowed' inventions
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No additional information available.




Real Name: John Moran

Known Aliases: 'That Imposter' given to him by his detractors

Identity: Secret

Occupation: None

Citizenship: United States Citizen

Place of Birth: Mercy Island, Etolie Islands

Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island

Known Relatives: None

Affiliations: NeverEnders

Physical Attributes

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 90 Kg.

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde


As a psychological defense system, John makes up for his lack of true adolescent years by reverting to them now, as he's just moving into his 20s. This means he is smartarse, doesn't consider consequences much, and rarely thinks beyond the next few days. He does show a degree of maturity, however, with one of his first social acts in the Shade Wield mask being to educate a 'Robin Hood' style villain on how he is causing more harm then good.

This lack of maturity does mean he has alot of learning and growing to do. Currently he is a very idealistic person, convinced that at all junctions there is some 'right' way to deal with all problems where everyone will be content with the result. How long this will last in its current state is hard to tell.

In stark contrast to Shade Wield, while he admires beautiful women, he feels very nervous about speaking with them. This either shows up as putting his foot firmly in his mouth, or generally acting very awkward.

He follows a vigilante philosophy laid out in a writing he found, by Shade Wield. Essentially the desire to do good is not enough to be a hero, the end goal is barely a fraction of the journey, how you get there is the most important part.


His powers are still in their formative stage so far, but currently they've been reasonably well classified, and show great deals of similarities between himself and the previous Shade_Wield.


So far he has shown little mechanical apptitude, but occasionally he makes use of a device described under the section 'Information on Shade's gadgetry and home base.' Most importantly he uses the T.D.I (Temperature Dependant Insulation) technology that Shade developed for his outfit. In fact, SWII's outfit is so similar to the original Shade's, a key mind would easily note the only way he could actually have it is if he had access to the original plans.

Shadow Manipulation

While the original wasn't a particularly powerful manipulator of shadow, Shade Wield II seems to have far less capacity for this. He has shown some basic instinctive ability to cloak himself in shadow, although this seems to be a reflex action and is not enough yet to hide himself from sight. Currently the primary use of his shadow manipulation seems to be to augment his offensive capacities in direct strikes, and at times to blind opponents.

Physical augmentation

This is where the new Shade Wield shines. His physical abilities seem to be far greater then the original Shade Wield. He is measured as being capable of leaping three stories without any outside assistance (unlike the original Shade), as well as having a natural agility and reflexes already surpassing the original. The current belief is that once his fighting style begins to develop, rather then relying on almost street-fighting techniques, the new Shade will be a very impressive combatant.

Enhanced strength

The original Shade was measured as being as strong as an Olympic Athlete, but his successor's strength can only be considered superhuman. Still not as powerful as some of the powerhouse metahumans, SWII's strength is beyond the abilities muscles of his size would ordinarily be capable of. He is able to lift a fully grown man with each hand relatively easily (although not without some effort), and his leg muscles are powerful enough to propel him to the roof of a two storey building with ease. It is theorised that alot of this strength comes from an unnaturally efficient form of energy coursing through his body.

Superhuman agility

His incredible strength and flexibility certainly contribute to his high level of agility, but the primary factor is his incredible reflexes. Not only does his reflex time seem to be effectively 0.01 seconds (meaning he can react at the same time others are acting), but some training he doesn't speak much of seems to have given him a near instinctive knowledge of how to avoid incoming attacks.

Limitations and weaknesses

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Character History


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Current story

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OOC notes


Something that had always interested me, that I'd seen as the big difference between Marvel and DC comics was the association between the mask and the person behind it. With Marvel, for their big players, the person behind the mask WAS the mask. Some minor characters would change user at times, but a majority of the time it was a set person who was a set character. For DC there are more examples of different people picking up the mask of a deceased or retired hero/villain. I knew I wanted to kill off Shade_Wield, but I was worried that without a main hero I would lose interest in CoX, and leave the game. I needed a main that would capture my imagination the same way as Shade, but not leave me learning to walk from scratch. Killing Shade and having a new person take up the mask gave me an 'in' with RP opportunities (made it easier to approach people), while at the same time avoiding alot of baggage and giving me a strong basis to work from.


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