Silent Helper

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Silent Helper
Origin: Science
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 32
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: '
Species: '
Age: Confidential
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Healer
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Empath and Telepath
Known Abilities
Origin of character deals with Torture. Reader discretion is advised.



Imagine you were minding your own business one day, without a care in the world. Then without warning you were grabbed by persons unknown and subjected to a battery of tests and experiments. These tests and experiments were aimed at breaking a person down, twisting them, and turning them into a villain, part of a larger program for corrupting more powerful heroes into powerful villains to toss back at Paragon City.

These tests and experiments were beyond description, sadistic, debased and degrading. They didn't stop and went on for days, weeks and months. Non-stop.

Then picture that your body starts to pick up powers, but it’s the wrong set of powers, for the ones running the tests let slip one day that they picked you since you have latent healing abilities in your genes. So then they become even more sadistic trying to find out what makes you tick and how they woke your gifts up, and trying to enhance them more.

And then they manage to succeed in the most cruel and horrible way: your body becomes toxic to others to touch... but then it tries to heal itself and the organic matter it just tried to kill. Then in-organic matter starts to become affected. The tests continue. What do the one's running the tests do? They sew your eyes close blinding you and sew your mouth shut to silence your screams and then pour over you a special containment suit, sealing you within it.

And then they run more tests.

Then somewhere along in the madness... they take and shatter your mind.

Finally your body and very soul can take no more and it lashes out in one enormous explosion, and then your mental energies cascades continually out of control as the madness, pain, and darkness, chaos and noise, confusion continues to grow and press in...

.... and then silence as a collar clicks shut around your neck.

Imagine all that... and welcome to Silent Helper's life.

When a bunch of heroes discovered the wreckage of the warehouse several days later, all they found was burnt out remains of the sadist experiments that was being carried out, and Silent Helper. There were no other remains left, nor any evidence other then greasy smears on walls and the floors in particular patterns to indicate that someone was here in the past. The heroes almost concluded that Silent Helper was a corpse left behind. After all, what living thing could survive this destruction intact? And the medical scanners showed no heart-beat, no signs of life. It was only the faint telepathic whisper that one of the members felt that alerted them to it being something not normal.

Deeper scans (by more qualified personnel) shown that, yes there was an active mind, amazingly enough, within the shell. However the mind had been almost completely wiped clean of the recent memories. After much debate among various people in power, if was finally decided to release Silent Helper from observation. By this stage she had gained mobility and had expressed a desire to help... so she was registered as Silent Helper and off she floated into Atlas Park.



Silent Helper is a Empath, or in other words, a healer. Her body is trapped in a continual heal/consume cycle. However with minor concentration she can extend the healing portion of the cycle onto others. Silent Helper has also been shown how to stimulate various chemical productions in others.[1] Being basically a mind in a shell, has freed her from others limitations and allows her to in a burst of concentration, boost the recovery of those around her[2].

Telepath and Pschic blast

The control collar on is there mainly to harness and limit Silent Helper's offensive Psychic abilities. Without it, she would be a danger to all venerable minds within a significant radius. However over time, either her powers are getting stronger, or the collar's effectiveness is weakening. She now demonstrates the ability to selectively toss things about with her mental powers[3], and with concentration put them to sleep[4].

The control collar does not interfere however with her non-offensive telepathic abilities, for they seem to operate on a different 'channel' as it were. As a reflex, Silent Helper can punch through virtually any mental shielding and tap into the visual cortex and hearing centre of those around her. This is done without conscious effort on her part. The visual cortex is used because that's how she sees the world - through the eyes of those around her. If everyone around her believes something is there, then so will she... but if one person doubts it, she will to. However she -can't- transmit images, only receive them. On the vocal front, she can talk through almost any shield, because that's the only way she can talk... but that's all she can do. Just talk. She can't make people listen. And she can only talk to one person at a time.

She can not pick up other telepathic signals, nor can she read minds. She can not read emotions. She can not crack open minds, nor can she plant thoughts. The closets she can get to any telepathic ability other then 'throwing her voice' is telling if someone has a red/blue/green/orange/white halo[5].

Yes, Silent Helper can hear you when you speak to her in Local and team channels, she just will respond in either gestures or via telepathy[6].

Other telepaths when they scan her have reported seeing very crude mental shields and then endless darkness. Trying to read her mind is like trying to listen to distant radio station with an out-of-tune radio station - nothing but the soft hum of a body's static generated but the shear fact of living. Another telepath (one of the strongest on record, but name suppressed to maintain confidentiality) reported finding a 'residual self image' inside Silent Helper's mind. This 'residual self image' was identical to her physical shell and was just floating in space. Diving through it, found yet another and then another... contact broke off before they got too deep. Silent Helper had no visible reaction to these deep scans.


Silent Helper is currently in the V.I.P, looked after by Sweet Salvation, among others. However she does have a duty of care to the heroes of Paragon City. If not needed by V.I.P she will be happy to help out where needed.


OOC Notes


  1. Fortitude and Adrenalin Boost
  2. Recovery Aura and Regeneration Aura
  3. Telekinetic blast
  4. Will Domination.
  5. a.k.a. enemy players or dying, friendly players, team players, dead players, afk and typing players.
  6. emotes or tells.
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