| Rank
| Origin
| Archetype
| Level
| Status
| Description
Pollux Grey
| The Center
| Science
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Former Leader
| Magic
| Tank
| 50
| Active
| Description
Patriot's Guard
| Council
| Mutation
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Invincible guardian of truth, justice, and the American way. And a father/husband to be.
| Shieldbearer
| Magic
| Controller
| 50
| Active
| Description
Roxanne Rhubi
| Shieldbearer
| Mutation
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Friendly Texan and rockstar, emphasis on 'rock'.
| Council
| Natural
| Dominator/Controller
| 50/10
| Active
| Optimistic, empathic alien who wears her heart on her sleeve.
| Sentinel
| Magic
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Description
Silent Willow
| Sentinel
| Magic
| Defender
| 50
| Active
| Quota fulfilling jerk archer.
Star Hacker
| Sentinel
| Technology
| Dominator
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Sentinel
| Magic
| Corruptor/Controller
| 50/50
| Active
| Magical extra-dimensional space elf princess gone magic consultant.
Polydeuces Grey
| Shieldbearer
| Science
| Stalker
| 50
| Active
| Description
Azure Watcher
| Council
| Science
| Stalker
| 50
| Active
| Description
Azuree Hendrake
| Council
| Magic
| Controller
| 50
| Active
| Description
Verdian Vaungur
| Council
| Magic
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Very sparkly.
| Aegis
| Natural
| Tank
| 50
| Active
| Description
Luminous Fortress
| Shieldbearer
| Natural
| Peacebringer
| 50
| Active
| Description
Grey Guard
| Aegis
| Science
| Scrapper
| 40
| Active
| Description
Signal Fire
| Sentinel
| Natural
| Scrapper
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Shieldbearer
| Technology
| Tank
| 40
| Active
| Description
| Shieldbearer
| Mutation
| Defender
| 40
| Inactive
| Kind-hearted empath with a grab-bag of mutations and an enormous amount of potential. Currently taking an indefinite break.
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Brute
| 45
| Active
| Electric-charged code monkey and heavy hitter
Heat Screech
| Shieldbearer
| Science
| Corruptor
| 50
| Active
| Description
Cinetique Masque
| Aegis
| Magic
| Blaster
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Dominator
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Shieldbearer
| Technology
| Mastermind/Scrapper
| 50/41
| Active
| Description
Able Valtorez
| Aegis
| Technology
| Mastermind
| 50
| Active
| Description
Aegis Eternal
| Aegis
| Technology
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Defender
| 50
| Active
| Foreigner turned hero due to her powerful mutations.
Bishop Manny
| Aegis
| Magic
| Defender
| 50
| Active
| Description
Bronze Booster
| Aegis
| Technology
| Dominator
| 28
| Active
| Description
Call of War
| Aegis
| Magic
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Brute
| 50
| Active
| Description
Drish Earthscale
| Aegis
| Magic
| Defender
| 50
| Active
| Description
Ebon Breaker
| Aegis
| Technology
| Stalker
| 29
| Active
| Description
Ferralis Nocturne
| Aegis
| Magic
| Scrapper
| 50
| Active
| Resident Praetorian werecreature.
Flying Flag
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Blaster
| 44
| Active
| Description
Friede Hanzel
| Aegis
| Magic
| Dominator
| 36
| Active
| Upbeat, energetic lich.
Genesis Dragon
| Aegis
| Natural
| Tanker
| 50
| Active
| Description
Grappler Claws
| Aegis
| Magic
| Brute
| 44
| Active
| Description
Human Anomaly
| Aegis
| Technology
| Defender
| 35
| Active
| Description
Invisible Spectrum
| Aegis
| Science
| Stalker
| 50
| Active
| Description
Johnny Crisis
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Scrapper
| 41
| Active
| Over-confident professional fighter, actor, and hero who has more to him than he appears to.
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Controller
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Technology
| Corruptor
| 50
| Active
| Observant, no-nonsense tactician and deadly shot
| Aegis
| Magic
| Tank
| 50
| Active
| Description
Magnus Zephyr
| Aegis
| Magic
| Controller
| 38
| Active
| Description
Michael Anson
| Aegis
| Technology
| Brute
| 25
| Active
| Description
Mitzy Madzuko
| Aegis
| Magic
| Stalker
| 30
| Active
| Description
Orange Mantle
| Aegis
| Magic
| Scrapper
| 45
| Active
| Description
Riou S. Hotaru
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Scrapper
| 41
| Active
| Description
Solar Song
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Corruptor
| 50
| Active
| Description
Speed Trial
| Aegis
| Science
| Defender/Brute
| 50/14
| Active
| Description
Starbright Avenger
| Aegis
| Natural
| Peacebringer
| 35
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Science
| Warshade
| 50
| Active
| Description
Sunshine Girl
| Aegis
| Technology
| Scrapper
| 41
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Mutation
| Controller
| 24
| Active
| Description
Thyme Bandit
| Aegis
| Technology
| Controller/Corruptor
| 50/50
| Active
| Description
Ultimate Synthesis
| Aegis
| Science
| Tank
| 50
| Active
| Description
| Aegis
| Magic
| Scrapper
| 49
| Active
| Description
Devil Dare
| Initiate
| Natural
| Brute
| 6
| Active
| Description
Cricket Crimson
| Initiate
| Natural
| Scrapper
| 20
| Active
| Description
Silver Horns
| Initiate
| Magic
| Brute
| 18
| Active
| Description