Silver Wing

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The Legendary Silver Wing
Player: @Dalantia
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50/14
Personal Data
Real Name: Christopher James Neal
Known Aliases: Chris, Sil, ADA Neal, On Silvery Wings
Species: Human
Age: 42
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 198 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Executive Assistant District Attorney, Licensed Super Hero
Place of Birth: Lamoni, Iowa
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Attached
Known Relatives: Parents, Two younger brothers, all alive and well
Known Powers
Steadfast Nature, Blade of Everburning Fire, Wings Of Gentle Hope
Known Abilities
Legal knowledge, athleticism
The Silver Wing Armor
Nightstar of the Circle of Twilight

The Silver Wing was inspired by a freeform RP done elsewhere, and has become very weird over the years. At least he's still close to what he started out as, even after a death..



Chris, as second in command of the Circle of Twilight, pays lip service to the Dawn's diety, but mistrusts Dalantia both for his genetics and his status as a fallen paladin, regarding it as akin to one of his kind betraying them, despite Dal yet having the blessing of his diety. Above and beyond this, Sil is implacably precise in his dealings with the law, securing warrants for every search, announcing himself as a law enforcement officer on entry, and recusing himself from arguing cases he is involved in. His loyalty to the law extends even to his supernatural duties as a Guardian of Eternity - a hero who happens to be undead will be avoided, but not attacked, to respect the law.


In the courtroom and in his armor, Chris tends to be forceful and stubborn. Implacable, regardless of circumstance, Sil has displayed a penchant for bringing down both eon-old bloodsuckers and wily criminals that seek to exploit the legal system. Having stared down the Ethics Committee after a messy incident involving prosecutorial misconduct has made him somewhat brazen in his professional life, but he always is seeking to do what he feels is the right thing.


Some people believe Chris's powers come from the armor he wears - that is not true. The armor is merely a symbol of who he is. His powers come from within the Eternal Soul of the Silver Wing, and the emotions that burn in that soul. These powers, however, turn him into a veritable living siege engine.

Steadfast Nature

Sil's sheer stubbornness allows him to shrug off massive amounts of damage without even noticing it. Digging in his feet allows him to simply deny damage, and occasionally, he can focus to instantly heal his wounds, imbuing himself with Life to prevent more. While this form offers exceptional ability to endure all forms of damage, it also leaves his mind open to outside assaults - unlike other Eternals.

By focusing the power on himself, instead of his armor, he can take on a more subdued form of this regeneration - his body healing itself rapidly, refusing to be harmed, his mind even hardening itself against outside assaults. In this form, he can even negate fatal-seeming injuries and push onward despite severe wounds.

Destructive Pathos

Sil's hate for the undead and love of Life in general manifests itself in the Blade of Everburning Fire. Undead - or Soulmarked - struck by it will never put out the fire completely - it will always lie in wait, waiting to flare up and consume them. The living, however, cannot be killed, or even truly harmed, by it - any wound suffered by a living creature from the Everburning Fire will heal perfectly, in time.

Recently, he has learned to use the Blade in different ways - hurling it at enemies, and then detonating it, using it to fling char in an enemy's eyes, and a simple straight throw.

Wings of Gentle Hope

Sil's hope for the future allows him to sprout silvery, angelic wings, and take to the sky.

Character History

There are three aspects to the Silver Wing in this age. One is the entity that calls itself The Silver Wing. The others are the men it has chosen as its avatar during this age.

The Silver Wing

Little is known about the entity that calls itself The Silver Wing. Most of what -is- known is old legends. Mated to the Silver Rose, the Wing is said to be one of Life's chosen, a Guardian of Eternity, shortened to Eternal in casual conversation. Consummate hunters of those who would drain life from others to feed their own, the Guardians of Eternity are most often known for their bitter and all-consuming war against the undead. Eternals are peerless in this hunt - most undead will flee a region instead of risk an Eternal catching their scent, but undead are not their only enemy. Necromancers, blood mages, demons, and anyone who makes prey of humanity tends to wind up squaring off against the Eternal. Eternals will also admit (somewhat ruefully, at times) to disliking all supernaturals, if only out of reflex.

The Silver Wing is said to be the oldest of these - the first among them to accept the duty. Some particularly ancient undead have whispered that when they were still young, the Silver Wing was still impossibly ancient.

Nathan Caiaris

Nathan Caiaris, MD. Eldest son of Celeste Caiaris, formerly of Crey Corporation's board of directors. Often considered one of Paragon's most eligible bachelors, despite being off the market and publicly engaged to his college sweetheart. It was often remarked that as infrequently as Nathan was home, she must have had the patience of a saint, despite the fact that they had met by breaking his arm. His frequent absences were just waved off as Dr. Caiaris enjoying the sights and having to help around the emergency room...

Until it was revealed that S.A.B.O.T.A.G.E.'s notoriously anti-Crey hero Silver Wing was actually Dr. Caiaris. This began a string of misfortunes in the hero's life - his medical license called into question, his fiancee throwing him out (and eventually severing the engagement), which he took poorly, slipping into a deep depression. He began to see visions, he began to claim he was an ancient entity, older than the world we knew. Despite this, Nathan attempted to carry on.

He eventually began to pursue a relationship with the heroine Kathy Thomas, and focused on solidifying his friendships with the rest of Unity, sometimes crashing on their couches. Believing it was his time, he attacked the Kommandant Hail in an attempt to find out who she was, what she was, and how to defeat her - and was defeated in fair combat. Sometimes, it's said he thanked her, that this was not the way he was supposed to be.

Christopher Neal

Chris manifested the powers of the armor the same night as Nathan's death, single-handedly putting down a prison riot involving a death-worshipping cult. Kathy Thomas's anguish at Nathan's death was unsatisfied, however - she hunted down the Silver Wing through the astral plane and literally ripped his new avatar through spacetime to Paragon. A tense hour of explanations followed, the EADA keeping his fiery weapon ready to fend off the gathered Unity forces. It is rumored that this conversation ended with a plaintive "I'm not going to have to become a defense attorney, am I?"

He rapidly settled into the City, eventually earning a commendation as a Hero of the City. Unfortunately, misfortune seemed to pursue the hero. Not long after Sil earned this recognition, his now-fiancee Kathy Thomas, and his twin daughters, disappeared without a trace, sending Chris into a new depression, despite his wondering why he was so pained about losing this woman he barely knew. Not long after this, two events occurred: Sweet Cyanide lured him to her home, and Chris was assigned to a trial involving a hero accused of assault and breaking and entering on the word of Crey Corporation.

The second caused Chris to be disbarred - the Rhode Island Disciplinary Committee sometimes takes a dim view of perceived abuse of prosecutorial discretion. The first caused him to contemplate exactly what Kathy's loss had meant to him. The combination of these two caused him to make a radical change in his life (some would argue he had a midlife crisis, if only because of events later) - moving in with Cyanide and buying and refurbishing a closed pub in King's Row. Beth's is moderately successful, and remains open to this day as a hangout for both metahumans and mundanes. Within 6 months, though, Chris chose to prepare a brief challenging the disciplinary action that disbarred him. The disciplinary committee eventually found in his favor, and reinstated him - the District Attorney's office immediately rehired him.

Today, the Silver Wing is considered to mostly be an ex-hero. He lives in King's Row, in the same building as his pub, and continues his work as an EADA, instead of as a hero. He still lives with Sweet Cyanide - the pair are renowned (or is it infamous?) at the office for when Cya comes out for "lunch".



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