Simon Orpheus

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Simon Orpheus
Player: @hotclaypot
Origin: Natural/Science
Archetype: SoA Fortunata
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Simon Orpheus
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 35
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 170lbs
Eye Color: Light brown when not glowing
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Port Oaks, Rogue Isles
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
High Level Telepathy and Telekinesis
Known Abilities
Excellent strategist and brilliant chess player
Anything he can move telekinetically
No additional information available.



Simon had the misfortune to be born in the Rogue Isles. The exact year and date has long since been expunged from all known records of him. He lived with his parents in Cap Au Diable, where they sheltered him as best they could and taught him how to stand above the assorted lowlifes and villains that so defined the Rogue Isles. Simon grew up admiring the Freedom Phalanx and their principles and sacrifices. One day he would be like them.

Life however did not treat Simon very well and normally having drawn the short straw in the game of life, one would expect Simon to be long dead in a gutter somewhere. But no. Simon if anything was a survivor. And life had tempered this man and made him into a monster. Not by choice but by circumstance.


Simon's psychic powers surfaced at a young age when his home was broken into by thugs bent on plunder and rape. As he hid in the closet, he watched through the narrow opening, his father stabbed to death and his mother raped before she was dispatched again with the same violent manner. Even though the thugs had opened the closet in their search for plunder, they never saw Simon as he cringed in a corner in plain sight.

It was later determined that that was when his psychic powers had surfaced and he had employed it unconsciously in the form of mental suggestion, telling the thugs that though they may see him, he was however not something of great importance and therefore to be ignored.

Growing Up

Growing up in an orphanage wasn't easy and that went doubly for an orphanage in the Rogue Isles. Heart scarred, Simon entered the system where he grew up never being adopted till the day he was old enough to be let out on his own. He kept to himself and kept his powers hidden as well as he could but without training, it wasn't possible. It wasn't long before word got around the orphanage that Simon knew things about people. Secret things. He was outcast and shunned for a freak. Even the ones who ran the orphanage did the same. In time, Simon eventually learned some measure of control of his powers.

Simon the Hero

Still, Simon left the orphanage in relatively good condition. He still held to the things his parents taught him and he still had his dream. He found a regular job and started moonlighting as a hero of sorts. He wasn't some costumed person swooping down upon evil doers in a wrath of righteous vengeance. No. He was just the casual passerby who would look down an alley at night and robbers would stop in midst of their mugging and walk to a police station to confess their crime, much to the surprise of victims and police. And Simon would walk on.

He didn't tackle any of the heists that the big names in the island did. Stopping bank robberies and preventing break ins at large companies were not for him. Any information that happened to fall into his head though he would forward anonymously to the cops. Thanks to his ability to find out secrets, Simon could always tell the crooked cops from the straight ones and there were a lot of crooked ones.

In time, Simon was eventually found out and was approached by a Longbow who offered to train him in his powers so that he could make a difference in the world. Needless to say, he accepted. His rise through the ranks of Longbow was fast and only eclipsed by another agent by the name of Carter, who was his closest friend.

During a mission together, Simon was reportedly killed in action. Despite there being only one survivor, the mission was a success however and Agent Carter was given prestige and accolades for making it out alive in spite of a near impossible situation. Simon and his team were mourned of course but life went on.

Simon the Crazed

It was several months after a blotched op before someone who looked like Simon appeared again, fevered and raving in delirium, not know where or who he was. He was taken to the local hospital where his wounds were taken care of and his condition was assessed. Several days later, he was transported to an asylum where he was confined.

Time passed and what little knowledge of Simon faded. Word hardly got out that he was even alive though start raving mad. In all respects, there wasn't anyone who went by that name. Just a man with no name in a pitch black cell who was afraid of the light. One day however, the asylum mysteriously burned down with no survivors living to tell the tale. And the story of Simon supposedly ended there.

Simon the Villain

It was a long while before someone who looked remarkably alike to Simon surfaced again. This time affiliated with a terrorist group known as Death 7. Longbow soon confirmed that the lookalike who really was Simon didn't appear insane at all, but that was only to those who didn't know him. Death 7 was known to unleash this lookalike on Longbow and he would respond wit excessive violence on them. To what purpose however was unknown. For after a year or so, Death 7 fell off the radar, it's leaders mysteriously killed or missing.

Simon however did not just disappear along with Death 7. In fact his Longbow hunt got worse. He clearly had a motive but whatever it was, it was unknown. Eventually Simon appeared in Paragon City where he fought with Ms Liberty, intent on bringing the founder of Longbow to her knees. And he would have won had Sister Psyche not intervened.

Simon the Restrained

And so Simon was imprisoned and kept perpetually shielded to prevent him from using his powers to break out. Many a conversation he had with Sister Psyche who tried to sway his thinking away from revenge and villainy. Perhaps she saw something in him worth saving. Perhaps she saw him as a ticket to redemption for her failure with her ward Malaise. Regardless, she failed. Short of entering him mind and altering it psychiclly (which she would not do) Simon remained unswayed.

One day however Simon woke up, floating in pitch darkness. Suspended in nothingness. No sight, no sound. No hunger, no thirst, but there was always the longing. To taste, to touch, to feel. He was imprisoned. And this time it was worse then his tenure at the Asylum. Much worse. And as the deep dark madness started to creep up on him again, he was released.

Simon and Codex

Released by a clandestine organization who called themselves Codex, Simon was given a new chance at life. With the added bonus of "If you so much as put a hair out of line you're going back into the prison". Needless to say, Simon had to play along with them. And so Simon was free. In a sense. He was monitored at all times. There was even a magical warding on him that prevented him from mentally manipulating other members of Codex. His presence was suffered rather then welcome, despite his outward acts of congeniality and good nature.

It was only recently that Simon had been granted full freedom and the warding on him lifted. Of course he knew that same warding would be slapped on him the moment they suspected him of anything but still. Freedom was freedom. And he relished it.


Simon is a natural born psychic and telekinetic. Left to develop on his own, his powers would reach average psychic levels. But something happened during the time he was presumed dead that augmented his psychic powers to levels above and beyond.

Simon's psychic level is currently almost on par with Sister Psyche. What he loses out in power, he makes up with sheer viciousness and brutality. Simon is also telekinetic. Like his telepathy, it potency was raised to epic levels.

A lesser known fact about Simon is that he is able to multitask at a level that those loses out to a computer, is still amazing nonetheless. For example, he can solve difficult equations mentally while typing a thesis with one hand while mentally brainwashing an enemy while playing chess against a master and winning. Of course he doesn't do all those things as he'd much rather plan and plot his next contingency plan.


Simon's telepathy is honed to a razor fine edge. From communication and mental suggestion to insanity inducement and compulsion. There is nothing that Simon is not willing to do. No mental block is beyond his ability to break unless they are stronger them he is or powered from another source. Even then, he can slowly grind his way in. Painfully.

Due to his life experiences, Simon is also left very mentally resilient. Even is someone catches him with his mental shields down, they will find his mind highly resistant to suggestion. Coupled with that, there are several psyches of people stored in his head. The unwary psychic who managed to probe his mind would find themselves confused and can even be driven mad.

A lesser known fact about Simon's telepathy is that he doesn't need to be able to read a mind to affect it. He can stimulate pain and pleasure centers in the brain by using both telepathy and telekinesis in unison. He doesn't do this often, usually more inclined to causing real physical pain.


Simon is telekinetic as well. Unlike his telepathy, Simon employs telekinesis like a sledgehammer and often with relish. In combat, adversaries are known to be physically torn apart while mechanical ones are likely to suddenly just disassemble themselves into a neat pile.

Other then the usual ways of using telekinesis such as shields and moving objects, Simon was a vast array of out of the box methods of using telekinesis. He's has long learned that to stay alive is to always be unconventional. Shields becomes weapons and headlong charges to get into melee range become an adversary's means of their own death. Never expect the usual with Simon. He always has another trick up his sleeve.

OOC Notes

- Yes i made the character to be near omnipotent but there are many character flaws which make him interesting to play and RP with.

- I've used Sister Psyche as a benchmark for Simon's level of psychic power. It is a COH world, i try to draw references and comparisons from it.

- No i do not "godmode" on people. If i do it is always with the other party's consent.

- Yes there is a Praetorian version of Simon who is quite different from the Primal version.

- Went through about 3 re-rolls for Simon and still not very happy with the power sets. I really want a bit of everything from several sets but well can't have everything we want in life now can we.

- Simon is nigh intelligent. The player behind him, not so much. Plus the player lives in asia so don't expect him to "get" certain references/jokes/comparisons etc.

- Simon likes cookies.

- No they are not your normal conventional cookies.

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