
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 38
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Skit, Skitzofrenia, Kit, Rory
Species: Human
Age: unknown (appears to be in mid twenties)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eye Color: various
Hair Color: various
Biographical Data
Nationality: US Citizen
Occupation: unknown
Place of Birth: unknown
Base of Operations: unknown
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: none
Known Powers
Known Abilities
see article
No additional information available.

What little information is available about this woman found its way here by unknown means.


Character Background

This woman has multiple personality disorder. None of her personalities are dangerous for the most part, nor are they apparent to those that interact with her. There are few records pertaining to her. She isn't even registered as a hero, though she does moonlight as one on occassion. She is a skilled healer and telepath with telekinetic abilities. There may have been a time in her past where she was exposed to or heavily influenced by magic, which explains her ability to bring allies back from the brink of death through resurrection.

Though each personality is aware of the other, they do not refer to one another out loud. The switches in her personality are usually triggered by an event or stress. Due to her innate psychic abilities, she often feels the presence of multiple people in her head in addition to her other personalities. These "other" people are usually remnants of those she has crossed paths with and are nothing more than whispered memories or after thoughts.

Each of her personalities have their own name, personal history and characteristics. There is considerable variation in each personality's familiarity with others. Often times she will not remember someone she's met under the influence of one personality if she crosses their path again while a different personality is in charge.

As there are no records of her past, it is difficult to pin point what caused the emergance of so many personalities. Common knowledge of multiple personality disorder states that it can be caused by a number of things, to include overwhelming stress, an innate ability to dissassociate memories or experiences from consciousness, or prolonged childhood abuse.

Symptoms of Multiple Personality disorder can include but are not limited to: headaches and other body pains, distortion or loss of subjective time, depersonalization, amnesia and depression. It is not uncommon for her to experience a severe migraine episode lasting a period of several days after a personality switch. Very rarely will one personality recall events that took place while another personality was at the forefront. It may be safe to speculate that her psychic abilities are at fault for most if not all of what ails her.

Theme Song: "Change in the House of Flies" (from the Queen of the Damned Soundtrack)

The Personalities

At this time this character has only four costume slots available to her. Each costume represents one of her personalities. The fifth will no doubt be the emergance of another personality, which has yet to be determined. As mentioned above, each personality has a different name. Therefore if you interact with this character, don't be surprised if you get a different name on several occassions. Nor should you take offense if she does not seem to recall meeting you. Though physically she appears to be in her mid-twenties, each personality's "age" differs slightly.

Personality 1: Skit

Skit is by far the "youngest" of her personalities, based on behavior. She is roughly 18 and is the most naive of the four. She is a bit quirky, moderately shy, and completely unaware of her powers. She usually reverts to this personality when her psychic abilities overwhelm her to the point that she completely blocks out any knowledge that she has the ability to "hear" the thoughts of others, see events past and present and future, or move objects with her mind. She is dressed in typical all-american girl fashion. She is partial to the color pink, and has blond hair, which she prefers to wear up.

Personality 2: Skitzofrenia

Skitzofrenia is by far the most "normal" or should I say, "sane" of her personalities. She is fully aware of her abilities, and though she has not legally registered as a hero, she chooses to use her powers for good. She wears a technologically advanced suit of armor to aid her inspite of being very powerful without it. Though she has no need for wings to aid in flight, she chooses to wear the pair that came with the suit just in case she becomes too drained of telekinetic energy to maintain flight on her own. This personality is approximately 25 years old. She is slightly cyincal at times, hardened by years of battle and the struggle to ensure the survival of good over evil.

Personality 3: Kit

Kit is by far the most troubled of her personalities. She has a moderate case of OCD (obessive compulsive disorder). She is also a paranoid schizophrenic and uses a potent cocktail of antipsychotic and tricyclic antidepressant medications to stablalize her often illogical thought process.

Though she does not suffer from illusions of grandeur, she is quite paranoid, constantly keeping a wary stance and scanning the thoughts of those she is able to. At times she suffers from hallucinations, which could be attributed to the schizophrenia as well as her ability to see events past, present and near future. Her thoughts are often disordered, making her appear distracted more often than not. It is not uncommon for her to completely change the subject in mid-conversation, often confusing those she's speaking to with her illogical train of thought. At times she makes odd, repetative movements that are not extremely noticable unless someone is paying close attention. She will also go out of her way to avoid eye contact in most cases.

As mentioned, she is moderately OCD, therefore performs odd rituals at times, to include: repeating certain actions, hoarding useless items for fear she may need them someday, habitually organizing and reorganizing things, and playing thought games, such as repeating sequences of numbers, words or other thought patterns. She also has a preoccupation with details,rules and order, as well as an obsession with counting.

When this personality is at the forefront, her appearance is drastically different. She adopts a "tough girl" image, not wishing to appear weak despite her often crippling disorders. She dresses like your typical "bad girl" decked out in leather, and dyes her hair black with purple streaks. She doesn't go out of her way to cause confrontation, but gives the impression that she isn't one to back down from one either. This personality always carries a slim pill box with a supply of medication. It is not uncommon to see her medicate herself if her compulsions and paranoi get too out of hand. Kit prefers to keep to herself, but after researching her ilnesses, she has discovered that forcing herself out of her normal environment can actually help her to overcome many of the fears that drive her obsessions and compulsions. Therefore, she puts some effort into entering social situations that force her to interact with others.

Personality 4: Rory

Rory is your classic beauty. Sophisticated, outgoing and confident, she carries herself with an air of mystery that draws others to her. She enjoys having an active social life and makes friends rather easily. This personality enjoys charity work and volunteers at one of Paragon City's children's hospitals on a weekly basis. She also enjoys free-lance photography. The Paragon Times has hired her on several occassions, but most of her work is donated to charity. Sometimes she feels compelled to snap photos of things that make no sense to her at all, not realizing it is "Skitzofrenia" subconciously nudging her to do so for reasons of her own.

Rory is not aware of her telekinetic abilities. To some extent she is aware of her psychic abilities and uses them to seperate herself from phony people.


To be continued.

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