Skunk Lass

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Skunk Lass
Player: @Skye Rocket
Origin: Science
Archetype: Corruptor
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Fiona Blake
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Syracuse, NY
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Bio-nuclear enhanced thiol compound projection.
Known Abilities
Neuro-Genetic Transponder
In the employ of Dr. Primrose Moffet of the Malodarian Academy of Sciences.

From the Journals of Dr. Primrose Moffet
Transdimensional Exploratory Office
Royal Malodarian Academy of Science

The Alpha-Sigma Dimensional Cluster is a strange place. On these worlds a species of large primate has evolved into the dominate life form rather than skunks. The infinite variety of the multiverse continues to astound me. Although they are primitive and barbarous creatures they have managed to develop a crude form of interdimensional travel. I fear that this presents a danger to civilized and peaceful skunks everywhere. Hence, I have decided to halt my explorations for a time and attempt to bring some order to these savages. I have befriended a young female of their kind and am employing her as my native guide and bearer. I've devised a simple neuro-genetic transponder that allows me to project my powers through her, which as proven most useful. She's a stout hearted lass, if none too bright, and I believe that together we can do much good, both for skunk-kind and for the pathetic beings of this benighted place.

Dr. P. Moffet

My explorations of the Alpha-Sigma Cluster began with the world know as Praetorian Earth (Earth being the local name for Malodaria). It appears to be a largely orderly and well run place under the leadership of it's wise ruler Emperor Cole and I have decided that my intervention is not required there. My guide, Fiona (or “Skunk Lass” as she has fancifully come to call herself), found it oppressive and actually wished to join a terrorist group known as “the Resistance” dedicated to sowing anarchy and unrest. She means well, but I fear that her simple minded idealism could lead her astray without my mentorship. I convinced her of the foolishness of this plan and so we have moved on to Fiona's native dimension, Primal Earth.

This is a far more troubled place, divided between various warring factions and at the nexus of a number of transdimensional and extraterrestrial threats. I have yet to determine which of the local power groups it would be most beneficial to assist. The organization called Arachnos seems to be promising, with the kind of backbone it would take to set this place on an orderly path. Fiona, of course, has other ideas and wishes me to throw my support behind a certain “Freedom Phalanx”. I judge them to be too weak willed and disorganized for the job, but they are lead by this world's mirror of Emperor Cole. Perhaps with the proper prompting they could be molded into as effective a force as their Praetorian counterparts. We shall see. . .

Dr. P. Moffet

The invaluable Fiona has secured lodgings for us in the native dwelling know as Paragon “City”. There was some trouble with our landlady who informed Fiona that she would not be allowed to bring her “kitty” because of their “no pets” policy. She relented however when I informed her that I was neither a pet nor a kitty, but a gentleman, a scholar, and a skunk.

I have determined not to immediately approach either Arachnos or the Freedom Phalanx but first to establish my reputation as an agent of order with one of the local citizen constabulary organizations (immodestly know as “supergroups”). I fear that I may have erred however in allowing Fiona to choose our new allies. She has thrown our lot in with a questionable group of young ladies known as the Justice Girls. I was initially pleased with their sterling reputation as crime fighters but, after being introduced to a number of them, I am beginning to have my doubts. As brave and effective as they may be, they are universally women of suspect character and low breeding. I fear what their influence might be on my impressionable young guide. Ah well, if I can help one young girl find her way on the path of rectitude I judge that I can do the same for any number of them. Onward.

Addendum: I may have judged the girls too harshly. One of their number, Mystic Menace, has invited us to something called an “S&M Party” this evening. Fiona was unsure of the exact nature of these festivities but Miss Menace is a very friendly, if somewhat forward, young lady and I am greatly anticipating learning more about the quaint native customs. As a gesture of good will Fiona and I are baking muffins.

Further Addendum: The less said about the events that transpired at the aforementioned “S&M Party” the better. As I have said they are a primitive and barbarous species. Some of their habits are simply not to be discussed in the society of polite skunks. The magnitude of my mission civilicatrice here is even greater than I had imagined.

(Note to self: investigate how one gets whipped cream out of fur.)

Dr. P. Moffet

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