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Has yet avoided cameras.
Player: @Smilee
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 42
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Unknown
Species: Human/Mutation
Age: mid 20s
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 280 lbs.
Eye Color: Shriveled
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: Indistinguishable
Occupation: Corruptible Goon
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles, often sighted in St. Martial.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Strong, he is very strong.
Known Abilities
Able to eat huge amounts of candy without getting a tummy ache.
Beat up black hooded trenchcoat, and a yellow "Smiley" face mask with metal plates over the eyes.
Likes candy, ALOT!!

He is a candy coated hand grenade.

Sugar fueled vengeance, with a heart of gold.

A barbwire teddybear.



Who Smilee was isn’t very important - not nearly as important as who he is. But, for those of you who must know: he was nobody special, a Wolf Spider in the ranks of the Arachnos army hoping that working for Arachnos would someday open a door for him to some measure of success. He had no delusions, and life in the Arachnos army still beat life in the Gutter of Grandville.

Lee David Smith had an ordinary childhood - dad that worked too hard to try and keep his family fed, and an overly protective mother that wanted him to be careful what kids he ran with. Nothing unusual there. He grew up and went to school but lacked the financial backing or ambition to further his education after high school. So there he was, a bored and slightly frustrated young man standing on a sidewalk staring at an Arachnos recruitment poster.

He found himself signing the paperwork and swearing to serve Lord Recluse in the very near future, and his folks were very proud but a little worried. This was finally something they could tell the neighbors when they started asking what “little Lee” was up to these days.

Lee’s paperwork for promotion never came though - instead he got a transfer. Lord Recluse wanted to retake Bloody Bay; after all, he couldn’t have new mutants popping up all over the place, especially if they weren’t his. So Lee was transferred into a “Crack Unit” that would escort the science teams and forward logistical elements into the now abandoned fortress. They were to secure the Fortress, get operations up and running, and begin assessing the threat in the area.

Lee knew things weren’t all on the up and up in Arachnos. You would only know what you needed to know (or were allowed to know) depending on how convenient the truth was. Always with alternatives in the back of his mind, he stayed loyal to the oath he took at induction.

This new unit didn’t seem too “crack” to him though. Most of the guys in it looked like they may have only been one or two generations from having an “Uncle Dad,” and he wasn’t too sure what that said about him. Were these all a bunch of undesirables or expendables or had Lord Recluse been fostering near-mutants in the ranks of his army?

Lee didn’t know how close to the truth he was. Lord Recluse had been conducting genetic screening of his own troops since day one. In fact, Arachnos had gone so far into promoting mutations in their ranks that they formed a special unit of potentials and sent them into Bloody bay, along with a team of researchers and handlers, just in case anything interesting popped up.

See, Lee’s father never told anyone how he had been captured by an Arachnoid once. He had spent some time in a cocoon, but was cut out by an exterminator. Though the exterminator wasn’t able to escape himself, Lee’s father went on about his life unaware of just a couple changes in his DNA strands. Nothing major mind you, certainly not big enough changes to keep him from getting married and fathering a bouncing baby boy, but enough to pass a few key changes along to that boy so when he enlisted into Arachnos he was instantly flagged in his medical record.

So now you know who Smilee was. From this point on he isn’t Lee anymore. As soon as he set foot out into the irradiated fields of the isles that make up Bloody bay he started becoming something more, something less, something special, something different.

There are a few other key things to notice about the next events that transpired. While out on their first patrol Lee’s team found a civilian scientist that claimed to be “studying” the meteors and their radiation. But as soon as they tried to take her into custody she began ranting and raving about how the change would purify them all. She called herself Daisy. ((See Spectral Daisy)) Also, a few of the other men in his unit began going crazy, shedding their skin, growing scales, bleeding through their pores. It was a very marginal success, as far Arachnos getting a freebie at the genetic alteration game, at best.

What used to be Lee Smith soon began go to show less extreme signs of mutation, which he was able to hide for almost a week’s time before someone noticed. Though, once someone did notice, he was quickly whisked away to a special cell all his own, and closely observed. The oversight on their part was that they left this subject, formerly known as Lee Smith, in a cell adjoining the prisoner with the alias of “Daisy”.

It was during these formative days that while he was tested, poked and prodded to exhaustion, she would be whispering to him through the ventilation. Slowly, her insanity became his logic, her suggestions became his mantra, as they would leave him sleep deprived and unknowingly hungry until one day when it was decided that as their only minimal success he should be nudged to a greater level of development.

That night he received a treatment of the Shivan isotopes and a chemical cocktail designed to stimulate the metabolism and glandular function. He awoke the next day wracked with pain as his own body had seemingly turned against him. For the next 48 hours he was merely observed. He became feverish, nauseous, his skin began to darken, and he was decidedly less intellectual. During this time the only outside stimuli was her voice soothing him through the vent. She was telling him to not forget her. Don’t forget Daisy. Everything will be OK. It’s just his body getting better. But don’t forget her.

On the third day since the injection it was decided that the prisoner with the alias of “Daisy” should be removed from the vicinity of their most promising subject. Unbeknownst to them their most promising subject so recently called Lee Smith had awakened that day. His mind a blank slate but his body was renewed. He had survived the change, and all he could hear was Daisy screaming. It was soon after this that the subject effected the release of himself and the prisoner.

On another interesting side note, the subject’s jumpsuit was found, discarded by the shores near the ferry. They were badly burned and torn. The subjects nametape which had read “Smith, Lee” had been torn and burned, most likely with a fire tarantula at some point during the exodus, now read “Smi Lee” in two pieces.

Physical Description

He is a man, evidently Caucasian in origin, wearing a beat up black trench coat and a pair of leather pants that appear to be more patching materials than they are the original leather. A pair of high laced heavy work boots on his feet, which look as though the soles that could explode with a heavy stomp. He is well muscled, and appears to have fairly normal skin tone, except for the dark pigment in areas more sensitive, i.e. his abdomen, undersides of his arms.

The most defining characteristic is his mask. Evidently the namesake for his street handle, it features a wide grin, teeth exposed. Where there would be cutouts for the eyes are bolted two metal plates on the yellow fabric. No report of what lies underneath his mask has ever been made, or found if there was one.

In actuality, what is under the mask would be a letdown for most. A fairly normal human face with the exception of the sunken sockets, with his lids closed over them. Hair has begun to grow there again since the plating his body was so recently covered in finally sloughed off. His evolved form has very few differences from what he was before his mutation began.

Psychological Description

Psychologically Smilee is broken to the umpteenth degree. Say, toss an identity crisis and amnesia into a vat and stir to a simmer, sprinkle in post traumatic stress disorder, and salt and pepper with obsessive personality traits, and delusional schizophrenia to taste, and garnish with guilt.

He seems to have misplaced most of his life learning from before the fateful night in that Arachnos observation cell in the Grandville labs. His morals are grayed by his want for acceptance and a firm understanding of “nice and mean”. Good and Evil is a concept foreign to him, he cant see “Evil” but he can see the Ripper beating on the scavenger, and instantly understands that the Ripper is mean, if for no reason other than he is inflicting pain on another. So Smilee would come to the scavengers aid, and then when the scavenger lashed out at Smilee he would at first try to calm them down, but ultimately have no recourse except to defend himself, left to rationalize that mean people are mean to other mean people too sometimes.

Meanness is an epidemic in his mind and though he doesn’t have any delusion of grandeur as to his role in the campaign against it, he does do all in his power to protect those he calls friends from it in any form. Those of his “friends” that would use Smilee as a weapon are usually smart enough to keep any insults to others high brow enough that Smilee would not understand, then come to their rescue as an angry mob corners them at the bar.

Emotionally, he still displays the whole gambit, in full sincerity. He truly wears his heart on his sleeve and will add his raw emotional fuel to any fire.

As far as his obsession for candy… it is better explained by the nature of his mutation than a psychological need. See that section please.

His Mutation

His mutation was triggered by exposure to Shivan radiations, if you missed that go back and read the background. So, with the above mentioned stimulations to his mutation he has developed in several ways.

His sight is dead. The actual organs are atrophied and withdrawn. His sense of smell may be stronger, but this may be only an observation of his own compensation since he can’t read the label on his jolly ranchers. His hearing is still keen. While he was encased in the chitin growths his sense of touch was insulated and clumsy. It now seems to be hyper active; this is countered by the fact it has also toughened, setting him on an even par. His sense of taste is all but dead and only the strongest of flavors flavor, Buffalo wings and candy making up the majority of his diet.

If his eyes were ever medically examined, it would be found the nerve is still active but reacts to a different kind of impulse. The withered remains of the organ are no longer collecting light, but actually super sensitive to various radiations. This makes him a walking Geiger counter with an optical output to his brain. He does still “see” in this manner, picking up the reflected radiant energies that bombard us all from day to day. Heat is hardly registered, but actual nuclear, ultraviolet, or X-rays brighten his world. This does not mean that if he was in a lead room with nothing else that he would actually be blind as his own body emits a low-level of the Shivan radiations that changed his life. A trace amount of the actual material has permeated every part of his being.

His metabolism has definitely increased. He constantly craves complex and simple sugars. His affinity to candy seems to be as much a necessity for his normal operation as water is for you and me. In part this hyper active system may explain his strength and general toughness. A constant flood of adrenaline and endorphins is swimming in his veins.

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