Solar Oracle/Portions of a Pattern

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Paragon City

King's Row

On top of a water tower...

Jace Bastion smiled.

The authenticity of the smile was what made it unique on the young man’s face. It was not a fabrication of social pressure or a mask to hide his typical angst. It was not created to quench an awkward silence or to hide disappointment. It was born somewhere deep inside of him from a place that he’d locked up and lost the key to. It was warm and genuine. And he was…happy.

Onyx eyes watched as the dashing object of his affection flew up into the sky and out of sight. Jace didn’t move for a moment, but stood transfixed, gazing into the empty night sky. After a moment of pleasant introspection he threw off the chains of gravity and lifted his weight from atop of the water tower. He didn’t soar off at great speed, as he so enjoyed doing, but instead drifted slowly and easily to the ground, like a leaf from a tree during autumn. His feet connected with the pavement and the young man released himself to the force of Earth’s pull once more.

Pointing himself in the direction of his home, The Komturei, Jace shoved his hands into his pockets and strolled easily down the street in no particular hurry. He had things he could do… Studying was always an option and there were always a few minor skirmishes taking place around the city that he could have interjected himself into, but instead he chose simply to walk. It felt nice to simply be - free from the anxiety of the day and the worry of interpersonal relationships.

“Do you know your name?” The voice was that of a woman’s… Ageless, yet ancient.

Jace paused and turned around. There was indeed a woman there, her pleasant face smiling sagely as she stepped forward into the light of a streetlamp.

“Sorry whaaa?” Jace froze like a deer in headlights.

“Forgive her penchant for the dramatic, “ said another female voice from the direction he’d just been traveling - where no one had been just a second before. Jace spun again to face the new voice. “She likes a grand entrance…” This woman practically beamed with whimsical mischief.

“We haven’t the time for games,” said yet a third female voice. This woman came from the direction of the street and walked up to Jace in a matter-of-fact way. Her sharp but pleasant features focused on the young man as if she were examining a vegetable at the market.

“Sorry…” started Jace with a confused look on his face. “I’m not sure… Have we met?” His innocent question was met with light laughter from the second woman. She strolled up and put an affectionate arm around him. And he suddenly realized he was surrounded, yet… He didn’t exactly feel threatened. He felt wary, but somewhat at ease.

“I’m Lacie,” said the first woman. Her presence was almost maternal in nature and Jace instantly felt like he could trust her. “This is Attie,” she said indicating the whimsical woman, “And Cloe,” indicating the matter-of-fact one. “And no…we haven’t exactly met…”


“But we’ve known you…of you… for a while,” said the one called Attie with a sharp twinkle in her eye.

“Let’s not put riddles before the boy,” said Cloe, obviously ready to move into the purpose of their visit. “We’re here by design through the culmination of things that must be to prepare you for the next step… To warn and to guide…”

“Soooo… You’re like my… Guardian angels? Orrrrr?” Jace stood surrounded, on guard yet intrigued.

Attie laughed, “Hardly! We’re not anything so nugatory…”

“Atropos!” The maternal one scolded with a knowing smile. “Calling the celestial by such terms is rather unkind, don’t you think? Show some respect.”

“Feh,” said the whimsical woman with a shrug. She released Jace from her one armed embrace as she’d been holding him and spun into a little jig, her full pig tails bobbing with her movement.

“The truth of it is this,” said Cloe, still quite to the point. “There are those for whom the threads of destiny are woven tightly. Their free-will is hampered but their choices are paramount. For these threads of destiny are created to affect change and influence life. You are a thread tightly woven, though you do not yet realize it.”

Jace listened, and as he did so his brows fell low over his eyes. His smile, which had been so genuine and warm only moments before faded. “This sounds like a lot of pressure…”

The maternal one, Lacie stepped forward and wrapped her comforting arm over Jace’s shoulder taking Attie’s place. Cloe seemed put off by this and ready to leave the scene, their job done. “It may well seem like. It may well be. But, little Phanaeus, this is the way of things. This has been the way of things throughout the whole history of…well, the whole history. But take heart, Delphinius… You are not alone. There are many for whom the web of destiny pulls tightly. These heart strings are often woven together…”

“To their peril,” said Cloe with a hint of warning.

“Oh stop being such a stick in the mud, Cloe… Sometimes you’ve just got to let it ride,” said Attie, still dancing in the street.

“So wait,” said Jace holding up his hands in protest. “Are you saying I’m important? Cuz I’m not trying…”

“All beings are important, little Aeglates,” said Lacie with a knowing smile.

“Ha! Hardly!” Attie giggled out her judgment on the matter.

“Respect, please Attie… Respect…” Lacie intoned.

“Lachesis, we need to be on our way… New threads are always being woven.” Cloe, if she’d had on a watch, would certainly have looked at it.

Lacie nodded and pulled Jace close again. “You’re already moving onto the right path… The pattern is already in motion around you. But you must learn your own story. That’s the next step for you…”

“Oh tell him about the off-worlders! He needs to know that part!” Attie stopped her dancing and moved closer in a hurry, her expression serious for once.

Cloe shot her counterpart a look of warning. “Not all things are for revelation, sister…”

Attie turned up her nose and continued anyway. “The threads of other worlds are unpredictable, Jace. Joining the vanguard of protection for this world may well lead to your demise…”

“Wait, do you mean Vanguard? Like…the organization, cuz…” Jace started but was cut off.

“Our time is gone…” interrupted Cloe. “We will find you again, young one. Your trials are ahead, twelve in number… But first you must discover yourself and exist in the reality of whom and what you are.” With that she faded from sight like a dream upon awakening.

Lacie took Jace’s chin in her hand and pulled his onyx gaze into her own. “Trust your instincts, Acesius. They are informed of the adyton. Like your mother’s were…” And she was gone.

Only Attie was left and she hopped into view. She was taller than Jace but exuded youth and mischief. She smiled with irony and sang, “Gooood luuuuck,” as she followed the other two into the ether.

Then Jace stood alone on the street. Only his thoughts remained to keep him company. Sighing deeply, Jace took a few steps towards the Kom before realizing he didn’t want to be there. Instead, he took a page from someone else’s book, and walked. He walked and thought until the sun came up. And even the sunrise, Jace’s favorite moment of any day, did nothing to bring the young man peace of mind. Only answers would do that… And he made a decision to find them, no matter the cost.
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