Super Ju-chan

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File:Super Ju-Chan combine.jpg
Super Ju-Chan, first costume & headshot.
Super Ju-chan
Player: @Ju-chan
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 30
Personal Data
Real Name: Ju-chan
Known Aliases: None
Species: Robot
Age: 5
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 332 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Laboratory/Workshop
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Father, Mother, 2 Sisters, 1 Brother
Known Powers
not disclosed
Known Abilities
not disclosed
not disclosed


Super Ju-Chan was first created as a normal household robot with basic AI for handling day to day chores and interactions with the humans of the family. When her creator came under threat from The Council, who were determined to take his work for their own, he decided the best way to both protect his family and be inconspicuous about it, was to turn his humble housedroid into a formidable fighting machine. Using a part of the AI code for his Juggernaut Autonomous Battlefield Robot, as well as some of the subcutaneous armor and structural systems of the same, he retrofitted Ju-chan into a robot capable of identifying, containing and neutralizing any threat. At first she didn't have a name, but as time went on and she interacted with the family with her new AI, she eventually became self aware. When her creator realized what had occurred he thought it best to give her a proper name, and so he named her Ju-chan: The little Juggernaut. From then on she became another member of the family until the threat of The Council was neutralized. Afterwards her creator thought it would be a good idea for her to leave home and explore the world, to determine her place in it on her own. While she didn't want to leave home so soon after becoming aware, she was also excited about seeing what else was out there.

Coming to Paragon

Ju-chan had only been traveling for a short time when she encountered three ruffians trying to rob an old lady. Other people were walking by and trying not to notice. Ju-chan couldn't understand why no one would help the woman, so she stepped up to chase the boys away. At first the boys laughed at her and called her a little girl, telling her to run home and play with her dolls. She told them again to leave the lady alone and go away. This time one of the boys tried to shove her, but only succeeded in throwing himself off balance when she didn't budge an inch. Once more she told them to stop hassling honest people and leave. The boy who had tried to shove her responded by trying to hit her. He ended up hurting his hand more than anything else, and his friends tried to help, but really didn't do much good. Ju-chan picked up one by the back of the shirt, grabbed the foot of another one trying to run away, while the first tough with the now broken hand sat whimpering on the sidewalk. By this time the police had finally been alerted and a patrol car pulled up to where she was standing. She was quoted as saying "Now you're in real trouble young men!" as the police took the boys away. After humbly accepting the gratitude of the old woman, saying that she was just taught to respect her elders, one of the officers asked her where she was heading. After giving the explanation of seeing the world away from home and trying to find her place, the policeman suggested she try Paragon City. He told her that many heroes of all kinds lived there and perhaps she'd discover her destiny in the company of others like herself. After that, Ju-chan got on the very next train to Paragon City.

Recent Events

Since arriving in Paragon City, Ju-chan has struggled a bit to fit in and make friends. She's a bit shy, which being away from home has only served to heighten. She was just getting into meeting new people in a social setting when she had a bit of a setback. In a conversation with a person she had met at the Pocket D, she revealed that she was a robot. After that the person called her it, and didn't respond to her claims of being a real person, even if she was made of different parts. Since then she has decided that, while it's slightly dishonest, not to tell people that she was a robot, though she refuses to lie if asked directly.

In her hero work however she's excelled. Taking down not only members of the Hellions, Circle of Thorns, and Freakshow, but Sky Pirates and the evil Council, achieving Security Level 30 in only a few months. She also joined up with a Super Group called ExtraGlobal, who's members she gets along with well, even if they're working alone for long stretches in different locations.

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