Tammany Fig

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Tammany Fig
Player: @Thundrkor
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: "That Creepy Puppet Thing"
Species: Wooden construct
Age: Unknown
Height: 3'6"
Weight: 27 lbs.
Eye Color: none
Hair Color: yellow
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown, but speaks with a cockney accent
Occupation: Murderer
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: None confirmed, other such puppets are suspected.
Known Powers
stealth, inhumanly quick reflexes, suspected minor suggestive telepathy
Known Abilities
pickpocket, knife expert
a collection of large knives, often wielded fistfuls at a time.

I've always thought puppets were a bit creepy, especially ventriloquist's dummies. Tammany was originally going to be a dummy, but quickly became more of a marionette style puppet once she got underway. Think of her as a sort of Pinocchio gone horribly, horribly wrong.


Member of the Conspiracy of Shadows. Known accomplice of Holy Inquisitor. "Prince Wigglebottom, Lord of the In-Between", the thing on her shoulder.


Willful, rude, crude, and downright vicious. Tammany does what she wants, when she wants. She's a twisted, cantankerous little beast with a decidedly nasty sense of humor. She loves stirring up trouble and most of all, watching living creatures suffer. In fact, when she's not actively spilling blood herself, "The Fig" has oft been site skulking about in hospitals and nursing homes, apparently getting her jollies by spying on those who are grieving or otherwise suffering.

Tammany loves to associate herself with those who also spread mayhem and destruction. Her demeanor may appear cheerful if a bit testy, but make there is always a malicious undertone to everything "The Fig" says and does.


Tammany is not human at all. She is, in fact, a wooden puppet. She uses her small size to great advantage, disappearing seemingly into thin air at will. She is very fast and able to anticipate incoming blows readily. Tammany can be put out of commission by a well placed blow, as she is not very hardy. However, she seems to have some sort of slow but undeniable regenerative power, having returned from apparent destruction on more than one occasion.

"The Fig" is very adept with knives, usually wielding many large knives by the fistful, giving the appearance of some sort of gruesome claws sticking out of her little wooden hands.

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