Temporal Lass

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Temporal Lass
Origin: Science
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Laura Alexandra Eddington
Known Aliases: Laurie
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 169 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Former physics researcher for the Imperial Sciences Division of Praetoria, now a registered super-powered official working for the Powers Division
Place of Birth: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Base of Operations: Imperial City, Praetoria
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: Henry Adams Eddington (father, deceased), Ivona Oborskaia (mother)
Known Powers
Time dialation and temporal field distoration
Known Abilities
Ability to affect the timespace around people, other objects, and herself
No additional information available.

Her In-game Bio

"Description: Laura Eddington was a researcher at one of Praetoria's most advanced physics labs, studying the geometry of space/time around an artificial rotating singularity. Little did she realize her mother, Ivona, was a member of a Resistance cell. Her cell planted a bomb at a power station that fed power to key Imperial offices. Little did her mother realize it also fed power to the lab Laura worked at. When the bomb went off, it disrupted power to the containment chamber holding the singularity and Laura's experiment went awry. The explosion killed her father, Henry, who was the director of the physics lab, and showered Laura with temporal radiation. Laura was endowed with super-powers which allowed her to slow time around people and things. When Laura found out her mother worked for the Resistance, and that she was the one who killed her father, she joined the Powers Division as Temporal Lass, vowing to uphold the peace and shut down the Resistance."

Praetorian Mirror

Temporal Lass is a Praetorian doppleganger of Primal Earth's Ms. Astounding. The history of this universe's super-heroine is almost identical to her Primal Earth counterpart with the following differences:

- Henry Adams Eddington followed the tradition of his family as an academic, becoming a physics researcher instead of an aerospace engineer. He would die later in an accident during Laura's temporal experiment.

- Instead of Henry Adams Eddington meeting Ivona Oborskaia through the incident of her jet airliner experiencing engine trouble, the two met during a post-opera function where Eddington was a guest and met the pianist.

- Laura Eddington followed in her father's footsteps by becoming a physics researcher instead of a lab technician.

- Ivona Oborskaia forsakened her career in the opera to become a member of the Resistance. Her cell's bombing attempt of a power station would result in the death of her husband and the transformation of Laura Eddington into Temporal Lass.


- Temporal Lass' powers are considerably weaker than Ms. Astounding's, but only because the events that lead to both women gaining their powers occured differently. The exposure to the time-displaced radiation blast was weaker in Temporal Lass' case. While both women demonstrate time dialation powers, Temporal Lass' space-stretching powers appear more like flames than plasma.

- The psycological profile of Temporal Lass describes a woman who is extremely disciplined and very confident to the point of arrogance, with behavioural training consistant with all Powers Division members. Her Primal Earth counterpart on the other hand suffers a confidence issue and, because she is leading a secrative double life, is socially awkward. Both women care deeply for the citizens they have sworn to protect. The main difference, however, is while Ms. Astounding cares for the safety of the citizens as individuals, Temporal Lass, following Praetorian dogma as a Responsibility Loyalist, cares for the safety of citizens as a means to a more important end: a safe, secure, and well-behaved society following Emperor Cole's order.

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