The Codex/Ranks

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The lowest standard rank within the Codex. This title applies to all recently discovered members whose long-term loyalty has not been established. During this time, the methods and skills of a member are observed.


  • Complete an online application and pass an in-character trial. (Note: Alts of Codex members can forgo the application and submit a dossier instead.)


  • Assets are given given access to the OOC channel, base bins and membership access to the forums.


The second standard rank within the Codex. Members become operatives after others have had time to witness their dedication and loyalty to the group. Building the foundations of trust and teamwork take time. After such a time has passed, an asset is promoted to operative status at a formal induction ceremony, symbolizing the welcoming assets as full-fledged members.


  • Remain active (logging on at least once a week) for the first 30 days after your initial SG invite.


  • Operatives can submit quotes and songs for the media page.


The highest standard rank of the Codex is reserved for Operatives who really excel both in leadership and activity. They are the highest rank recruits can ascend to before being considered for a leadership position. Agents will be trusted to task teams for their own missions and occasionally contact Riverdene directly.


  • Earn over 200k prestige
  • File an IC dossier on the forums
  • Plan and schedule an in-game Codex assignment on the forums which your character will lead. At the end of the mission, you will be promoted to agent.


  • Agents are allowed to participate in the recruitment process. The can conduct interviews and offer invites, provided standard protocol is followed.
  • Access to the forum events calendar
  • Abuse of these privileges could lead to demotion


The first leadership rank of the Codex. Principles work with directors to ensure the day to day operations of the team run smoothly. They assist in member disputes and recruitment while also maintaining frequent contact with Riverdene to receive updated assignments and information.


  • Offered on a case by case basis as more leadership is necessary. Decided by the officers, this position is reserved for operatives or agents which are active both in-game and on the forums, and would be a beneficial addition for the Codex as a whole.
  • Principles that are inactive without notice for over two weeks or inactive with notice for over a month will be demoted to their previous rank. Upon their return, they may be re-instated after a review.


  • Principles are given access to the officer's forum section
  • Access to base editing
  • The right to promote/demote members so long as protocol is followed
  • Abuse of any of these privileges could lead to demotion


The leaders of the local chapter of the Codex are the directors. Typically, every chapter aspires to have exactly four of them (symbolizing the four sides of the Codex cross). They are hand-picked by Riverdene to head up recruitment, leadership and tasking. It is the highest rank a member can hold.


  • Principles that have shown consistent dedication and have notably improved the Codex may be considered for this rank. For concept reasons, there can be only four directors at any one time. Each director which needs to loosely fit a certain niche in the Codex storyline, which would be discussed with potential candidates individually before promotion.


  • All of the privileges mentioned above
  • The authority to determine when privileges are abused

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