The Hideout

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Hideout banner.jpg (Now known as The Hidden Sanctum)


Virue Verse Info

This page is operated, edited, and maintained by Gelle (So far :) ).

The Hidden Sanctum (formerly known as The Hideout)
Founder: Gelle
Side: Hero
Motto: There is good in everyone, but for those you can't find good in.. your fists will bring it out.
Leader(s): Gelle, Arbiter Shade
Logo: Unknown
Group Colours: Light blue/shaded blue
Levels: All
Play style: Casual
Roleplay: heavy
Timezone(s): Any
Recruiting: Yes
Contact: @Gelle or @ArbiterShade
No additional information available.

A letter from the Over boss

So what is the hideout you ask? Well it's simple... I think...maybe? Yeah... actually it is.

If you seek employment from a merc business who deals with the destruction of drug rings, cartel, mobs, large evil people with a lot of money, and other nasty fellows then the Hideout is for you. This merc group specializes in taking out bad people who constantly pester the everyday lives of Paragon's citizens. So I guess really we're vigilantes. However the best way to describe our little group is that we are a family of misfits. The Hideout has a list of needy contacts who have people that need to be taken out, or sometimes odd jobs to be done. You as the employee decide what jobs you want to take, when you want to take them, and the method of how you complete them.

Bonuses and benefits come with the job if you desire to take it. We pay for loyalty and for work. The more you do for us, the more we do for you. Time, jobs, protection, even cooperation.

We do not tolerate the killing of innocent people, nor do we tolerate collateral damage. I understand if a fight breaks out once in a while, but no killing. The death of an innocent person, intentional or not will result in punishment.

So check us out if you're interested. Or talk to the Over Boss: Gelle for more information.

Comlink 44588

The Leaders

Gelle Over boss, founder, and CEO of the company. Gelle decides what contacts are worth the time, as well as off duty jobs not tied with Paragon's needs. The Over boss is the prime decision maker, though she always allows employee input.

Arbiter Shade Over boss, co-founder, and second in command.

The Facility

The Hideout offers space for employees to sleep, shower, eat, and relax all rent free. The offices of Shade, Shadow, and Gelle can also be found there. The Hideout's facility is based in an unknown location with massive protection through the use of technology.
Lodging Employees are each given a room to sleep in, with a bed and a safe included in all rooms. Additional furniture may be added by request through the Over Boss, or either Under bosses. Furniture additions are based on loyalty, completed jobs, and rank.
The Lounge Employees are welcome to use their lounge for showering, eating, cooking, partying, reading, or relaxing. Guests are welcome. We have a maid clean up the lounge weekly however employees are stressed to clean their areas.
The Offices Each leader has their own office and room. Employees are strictly forbidden to enter the office or room of the leaders without their consent. The leader's kitchen is also off limits, hence why the employees have their own.

SG Theme song

('Cause it's fun :O)

"Motivation" - Dope

OOC Information

This SG is a Heavy/Mature Rp SG. I allow NO ONE under the age of 18 to apart of the group because we swear and use mature content. ERP is NOT included in our mature content and is not tolerated in the base at any time.

We have a SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SG. I plan on keeping it small as well and I refuse to add more than 30 members to the group. One alt is allowed per a person and is not counted as one of the 30 members. I believe in smaller SG's since large ones tend to falter more easily.

Also, because influence is cut in half after level 30 I offer 1 million influence for the first 100K you earn in prestige. If you earn way more than I MAY reward you (chances are I will because I am not evil).

We have one rule in this SG:

Don't be a dick to your fellow members or coalitioners.

However, God-modding and story forcing are strongly advised against as it may lead to others not liking you.

This SG really is lead by the leaders. Shade and Shadow have all the powers that I have and they can and will kick people.

If at anytime you are interested in said SG please send me a global tell at: @Gelle

I decide people's admittance through rp capability, age, and maturity. I don't want messy people in this SG. I am rather picky as bad people tend to lead to downfall. I don't put up with OOC drama between members PERIOD. Save your fighting for yourselves do not bring it to the SG, it's chat, it's members, or coalition. I am not cuddly, I am not sympathetic, and I will not listen to your drama if you're just going to bark about it. Advice, yes. To just tell me to talk about it, no. If you have a problem with a member, work it out for yourselves; you're adults. If you somehow can't work it out chances are I'll kick both of you.

Tools for RP/Chat

We're 90/10 on the roleplaying/Out of character talk. If you absolutely must speak out of character, make sure to put double parenthesis around your comments, such as ((afk)).

Another fun Bind is the AFK bubble message, useful for displaying RP info about your character while you are typing, it is as follows;
/bind enter "afk <your message here> $$startchat"

(note: it is important to inform you that the <,> brackets are not necessary for the bind, nor are the words "your message here" instead type the message you wish displayed above your character whenever you begin to type or are AFK, and also that a "space" must be after the afk, and before the $$.)

You can add some fun Macros with this Binding, allowing you to identify your current target (in game brackets) into your speech! It is best to demonstrate this Binding with an example;
/bind F7 "local Your Crime Spree ends here $target!"

(note: It is important to mention that the "$target" part of the bind (which identifies in text your current target) needn't be at the end of the bind at all, or be followed by the "!". Insert the "$target" part of the bind, whever you wish the target to be identified in your macro. It is also important to mention that the ("local) beginner need not be local, in this example it was used to automatically say this bind in the local channel, there are many different channels... The Bind requires a "space" after the channel and again before the "$target".)

You can add emotes into your binds simply by dividing the parts of the bind with "$$" and beginning the emote with a simple "e". Example;
/bind shift+i "local Your Crime Spree ends here $target!$$e point"

(note: It is important to mention that there are no spaces between the end of any part of your bind and the $$e, beginner of your emote.)

You can also add your own powers into your binds with "powerexec_name <<the power>>", you can find <<the power name>> in your Powers list tray from the pop-up menu... Example;
/bind shift+i /powerexec_name steamy mist

(note: It is important to mention that unlike emotes, powers do have spaces between each word in its name. Nor do you need to use the <<, or >> in your binds.)

It is Important to mention that the "/" can be substituted for "$$" when stringing together multiple functions in the same bind... Example;
/bind f8 "local Your Crime Spree ends here $target!$$e curseyou$$powerexec_name Indomitable will"

((For a full list of "/" commands please visit This Site ))

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