The Traveler

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The Traveler is a NPC character found in AE missions on the Virtue server. He is used as a henchman and background stories. A rank and file villain, he is free to be used in other AE missions, info given below on his stats, and his history expanded.

The Traveler.png


Character History









You can add The Traveler for your own AE missions by copy and pasting the information found in the Critter Info Box into a plain text file from either WordPad (for PCs) or TextEdit (for Mac). Name the file and change the extension to .critter. Critter files are nothing more than plain text files with .critter as its file extension, so you can also edit other critter files this way too.

Next, add the file to your Custom Critter folder in the CoH section of your hard drive. For PCs the folder is typically c drive > Program Files > coh > Custom Critter. For a Mac, you right click on the CoH program, typically found in the Applications folder, and chose Show Package Contents. You then navigate Contents > Resources > transgaming > c_drive > coh > Custom_Critter

Critter Info box

{ Name "The Traveler" VillainGroup Villains PrimaryPower Mission_Maker_Attacks.Energy_Melee Difficulty Hard SelectedPowers 63 SecondaryPower Mission_Maker_Secondary.Invulnerability Difficulty2 Hard TravelPower None Designation ArchVillain Ranged 1 Costume { CostumeFilePrefix male HeadScales 0.4724, 0.02095, 0 BrowScales 0.4686, 0.02095, 0.4057 CheekScales 0.5029, -0.501, 0.1886 ChinScales 1, 0, 0 CraniumScales 0, 0, 0 JawScales 1, 1, 1 NoseScales 0, 0, 0 SkinColor 42, 124, 42 NumParts 27 CostumePart "" { Geometry Armored Texture1 !Hips_V_Ulterior_01 Texture2 !Hips_V_Ulterior_01_Mask DisplayName P3237373182 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Armored Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 49, 97, 97 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Jackets Texture1 !Chest_V_Ulterior_01 Texture2 !Chest_V_Ulterior_01_Mask DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets" Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 49, 97, 78 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Helmet Texture1 helmet_modern_02 Texture2 helmet_modern_02b DisplayName P3020775162 RegionName Head BodySetName FullHelmets Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 49, 97, 78 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Smooth Texture1 !Glove_V_Ulterior_01 Texture2 !Glove_V_Ulterior_01_Mask DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets" Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 49, 97, 97 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Banded Texture1 Chiton_02 Texture2 None DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Armored Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Vee Texture1 test_01a Texture2 test_01b DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets" Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry HD_Side_Vent_02 Texture1 HD_Side_Vent_01 Texture2 HD_Side_Vent_01b DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName FullHelmets Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName FullHelmets Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Top Texture1 Base Texture2 diamond DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets" Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 253, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets" Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 18, 31, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 18, 31, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2488029243 RegionName Head BodySetName FullHelmets Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry Magic Texture1 !Cape_MagicHarness_03 Texture2 !Cape_MagicHarness_03_Mask DisplayName P4269687129 RegionName Capes BodySetName "High Collar" Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 152, 153, 0 Color3 51, 0, 0 Color4 102, 102, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx capes/CapeMagicMale01.fx Geometry magic_01 Texture1 Cape_Magic_01 Texture2 Cape_Magic_01_mask DisplayName P4269015351 RegionName Capes BodySetName "High Collar" Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 152, 153, 0 Color3 51, 0, 0 Color4 102, 102, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_TOP.GEO/GEO_Top_Leather_01 Texture1 !Top_V_Leather_01 Texture2 None DisplayName P828551227 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName "Sleeveless Jackets" Color1 31, 0, 0 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 212, 70, 0 Color3 97, 85, 60 Color4 212, 70, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 }

CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 }



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