Theo Walker

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"Oh, you really wanna see if I'm made of thicker stuff, eh?"
Theo Walker
Player: @TheMindfulFool
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Theodore Roosevelt Walker
Known Aliases: Theo, Teddy
Species: Human
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 167 lbs
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Bald
Biographical Data
Nationality: Etoilian
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Cap Au Diablo
Base of Operations: Port Oakes
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Evaline Walker (mother, deceased), Franklin Roosevelt Walker (brother, MIA)
Known Powers
The ability to shift his skin into the mineral his hand is touching. Slightly augmented strength in this form.
Known Abilities
Hand-to-hand combat training
No additional information available.



Theo Walker probably would have been a painter if he was born in any other place. He's introverted and seems rather hesitant in his decision and word choice. This doubt is further evident when someone makes him feel foolish which caused him to anger and close up. However, past all that is a boy who has a strong loyalty to those he's lived with, teamed up with, or just those he can empathize with. All in all, friendship and routine is something that Theo holds onto more than anything else.

While Theo comes off a touch brutish at times, he's a rather bright lad. His constant want to prove himself capable will either make him go far one day or end up being the reason he's found dead in an alleyway.

Physical Description

Theo wouldn't be described as pretty or handsome. At best, people would look at him and say he's rugged. His nose seems to have broken a few times during his childhood and seems a touch flatter than normal and his hair isn't actually his real hair: In truth, he's bald, and the wig he's chosen to hide this fact isn't all that appealing or cared for.

However, Theo is tall and strong, and he seems to be in good health. He seems to have an obsession with teeth, and it isn't uncommon for him to be seen with a tooth brush hanging outside his mouth while he sits and thinks.

Powers and Abilities

Theo's mutation allows for him to touch a mineral and cause it to duplicate over his skin. This process is completed in a matter of seconds. The mineral he's touching will break down immediately. Sadly, it seems that he hasn't learned how to change without the process ripping out all of his hair. While in his mineral form, Theo's strength seems to be augmented in order to take on the extra weight. While he's not going to be lifting up any tanks anytime soon, Theo's punches have been know to launch people back.

Thanks to his training with the Order, Theo is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and piloting (Land and Sea.

Unknown to Theo, a psionic wall keeps others from mind reading anything involving the secret of Father Gerard Henri's Home for Wayward Youth from him.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Theo's main limitation at this time is that his skin cannot changed into any alloys, just natural minerals. If he does attempt to 'pull' from an alloy, it's extremely draining for him and his skin will take only -one- of the alloy's minerals. Thus, if he were to try to transform his skin by holding a steel beam, what would most likely happen is he'd tired himself out and then have iron skin at the end of it. This process takes longer and demands more substance than what is usual.

A minor limitation is that whenever he does transform his skin into mineral, his actual skin seems to be completely destroyed. When he reverts back, his skin is fresh. This means that no scars, no tattoos, and (painfully) no hair remains. While Theo can grow his hair, the moment he changes his skin, any progress he's made starts over again.


Theodore Walker was born in Cap Au Diable to Eva Walker, a waitress who worked at the University's diner. Theo never met his father, and Eva didn't seem interested in introducing the two. While poor, Theo got to experience a life better than most of the children of the Isles. While he was poor, he was never hungry, and while his apartment was run down, it was located in the relative safe walls of Aeon's domain.

Theodore spent most of his days as a child trying to follow around his much older step-brother, Frankie. The two of them got along as any siblings would, switching between loving and hating each other at a drop of a hat. When Theo wasn't with his brother, he kept mostly to himself trying to trace the pictures in his comic books in order to learn how to draw.

Sadly, this life couldn't remain. When the First Rikti War began, Theo's mom was killed when a parking garage collapsed on her. Theo and Franklin got separated during the panic and to this day, Theo doesn't know where his brother ended up or if he even survived. After spending a few weeks alone, Father Michael O'Connely found the boy trying to return to his destroyed apartment building.

Father O'Connely took Theo to another priest, Father Adam. While Theo wasn't partial to the priest's constant religious rambling, he developed a friendship with the old man. Sadly, two years later, a mugging of the priest led to his death. O'Connely returned once more only to bring the boy to the recently claimed 'Father Gerard Henri's Home for Wayward Youth'.

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