Trey Cynic

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Trey Cynic & Homies2.jpg
"Chaos Is Order"
Trey Cynic
Player: LoneWolfRGB
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Thugs/Dark Mastermind
Threat Level: 15
Personal Data
Real Name: Cyrus Trey Taylor
Known Aliases: Trey Duece
Species: Human
Age: 26
Height: Approx. 6' 1"
Weight: Approx. 200 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: African American
Occupation: Thief
Place of Birth: Chicago, IL
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Cain Taylor
Known Powers
Limited Mind Control Capabilities
Known Abilities
It is said that in addition to using his mental powers to control others, Trey has also developed the ability to actually Teleport short distances. Whether this rumor is true or not, can't be ruled out...especially in this age of Meta-Humans, but it has yet to be documented.
Normally Trey carries two 9mm handguns, and has also been known to use gadgets of unknown origin as First-Aid, traps, and to amplify his mental abilities.
Trey's brother, Cain Taylor; aka Lone Wolf Rage, is a city-sanctioned hero of Paragon city, and has tried to help him to see the error of his ways a few times. Trey is constantly avoiding him, but every once in a while they clash, and Cain loses just a little more hope, that the brother he once knew is gone forever.



Trey Taylor was always a wanderer. His parent's moved from their hometown of Chicago, IL around the year 1981, to Milwaukee, WI. As a kid, Trey and his brother Cain would wander and play around abandoned railroad tracks and back-alleys. The two would use twigs as imaginary swords, and spar in the gangways.

For a time, the family enjoyed a measure of stability, until Trey's parent's got divorced, when he was about 12 years old. His older brother became increasingly distant and their mother moved them back to their original neighborhood in their hometown of Chicago, which was rife with crime and corruption.

Despite the danger and unrest, Trey began to venture out on his own at night. One night he met a group of kids, who were spray-painting a wall in the shadows. Trey had found a new hobby. He started to carry a backpack full of spray cans, and tag his name and artwork all around Chicago.

"Night Train"

One day, while tagging solo, Trey was in a spot of low-visibility around a darkened train yard. Suddenly he slipped, and fell into a large burrow in the ground! as he reached down to grab any spray cans, or snacks he might have dropped...he felt some kind of fabric. After he climbed out of the hole, Trey saw in the dim light that he had brought a small cloth bag with him. He opened it hastily, and found a pistol, and a red, crystalline stone, a little bit smaller than his fist.

He studied the stone carefully, while wondering if it was a stolen ruby...and how much he could get for it at a pawn shop. Much to his surprise, the stone began to slowly heat up, and emit a dim red light. Startled, Trey tried to drop it, but he could not. It was stuck to his hand! Even stranger, it began to dissolve into his palm as he watched in horror. Seeing the last pointy edge of the stone vanish into his palm, he lost consciousness.

"Training Wheels"

The next morning, Trey Taylor awoke with a start! He was in a yellow pickup truck, bumping down a gravel road. He was in the back seat, and in the front were two railroad workers. He was in trouble. Not only had he been found trespassing on railroad property, but they must have found the pistol from the dirty sack, laying right next to him. Just then, he tried to move his right arm to see if the passenger door would open, but steel handcuffs held his wrists fast! Trey looked over at the emblem on the drivers' shoulder and realized that he had been picked up by the railroad Police, not just any railroad workers!

It was then, that something happened that would change his life forever. Trey sat in the back seat, now sweating bullets, and wished with all his might that the driver would stop.

He did.

As a matter of fact, the driver stopped the truck so suddenly, that his partner was knocked unconscious against the dashboard, and Treys' nose was broken against the back seat. Even though his nose was pouring blood, he sat up as the world seemed to swirl around him in his dizziness. When his vision cleared, he looked at the Cop who had been driving.

A chill ran down Trey's spine, and his heart skipped a beat. The driver sat perfectly erect against the seat, unblinking, staring right into the rear view mirror at Trey. "What the hell??" Trey thought...just as those words came from the drivers' mouth. Trey almost jumped and bumped his head on the roof of the truck.

"What are you looking a..."

Trey's voice cracked, and his eyes widened as the driver simultaneously said the exact same words, at the exact same time.

Two full minutes passed, as the Police Officer stared through Trey, and Trey didn't dare say a word. Finally, he thought...he wondered...was he going crazy or...


It couldn't be...but the same sense of curiousity and wonder, that made him such a great street artist compelled him to try it. He projected his thoughts directly into the mind of the Cop. As he watched...half horrified, half excited beyond words; the Officer opened his door, walked around to the other side, and unlocked Trey's door. He then half-dragged the kid out of his seat, onto the dusty gravel road,unlocked his handcuffs and...unholstered his gun.

Trey felt like he was dreaming. Then, the Officer handed Trey the pistol, along with his backpack, and the sack from the night before. "I did it!" Trey thought. He couldn't believe what had just occurred. He had controlled the man's mind; taken away his free-will and completely dominated his mind!

After a few more tests, including jumping jacks, making the Officer rap his favorite song, and a failed backflip, Trey was certain. In short order, the other Officer woke up, and joined in. They were his mental slaves. If he wanted to, he could send them into a store, and rob it, without ever leaving the back seat! Trey's mind whirled with a million possibilities on the way back home. But when he reached the front door, he found that he no longer felt like this was his home. The world was his oyster! He would never need a permanent home again! He tried out his newfound power on 3 grocery clerks, a bicyclist, and a group of 5 gang members on a street corner. Hellions.

This was when he found out the limits of his power. He could only control the two Cops, and the Hellions for a limited time, before an extremely painful headache set in, and he lost control of all but the Cops, and 2 Hellions. As the other 3 ran toward Trey, obviously intending to jump him, the Cops opened fire on his command, and killed them.

"A New Day"

Since that fateful day, Trey has taken on the name of "Trey Cynic", shunning his family name, and living as a vagrant. He sleeps where he wants, but often prefers the rooftops of King's Row, or Mercy Island. When he needs a good shower, it's childs' play to get someone to let him into their apartment for a day of rest from the streets.

Unfortunately, Trey eventually got bored with merely controlling minds, and began a never ending stream of murders, always surrounded by mind-controlled thugs. Getting new guns and ammo was always easy, and if the tide of a battle turned against him, he could always send a few thugs to cover his escape as he fled the scene...sacrificing their lives for his.

Justifying his way of life, he adopted a twisted version of anarchism as his belief system, which he holds til this day.

His brother, Cain Taylor, aka Lone Wolf Rage...has found him on two separate occasions, but was never able to help his brother.

Recently, Trey has been seen more and more around King's Row...and a few strange accounts of him actually helping people instead of hurting them have been confirmed by unnamed members of the Paragon Police Department. It seems that he was betrayed by the Arachnos, and feels that he can get revenge by fighting against anybody who might possibly be helping their cause.

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