
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Nathan Hall
Known Aliases: Trouble-Shoot
Species: Human
Age: 27
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 164 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Vanguard Operative
Place of Birth: Australia
Base of Operations: Sharkhead Isle
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: Father: Jackson Hall [Presumed deceased], Mother: Lauren Gosling [Unknown Location]
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Sharpshooting and physical fitness
Mechanical bow, varied arrows, Vanguard tech
Theme Song: Zombie - Jay Brannan cover

[Accessing secure Vanguard server… Key ~ 2915 Division:

  1. Helm
  2. Gauntlet
  3. Shield
  4. Herald
  5. Sword

Sword Accessed – Additional Passcode Required, Level 7


Operative ID: _ 139 Accepted]

Operative 139 Code Name: Trouble-Shoot

Real Name: Nathan Jay Hall

Age: 27

Abilities: Counter intelligence and spec ops suit him well. He is adept in the use of snipers, handguns, explosives, and knives though his preferred weapon is the bow. Trained in several forms of self-defense he can handle himself well enough in close quarters though his agility is his key to survival.

Known History: Son of Jackson Hall, the original Trouble-Shoot who disappeared shortly after the Rikti War while investigating the possible threat of an alternate dimension [alternate dimension now confirmed as Praetoria – no further contact has been made with Jackson Hall. Presumed deceased.] As a reward for his valor and service for the good of earth, Jackson Hall has been cleared of all criminal records. After being contacted by The Lady Grey, Nathan Hall has spent the last six years with Vanguard and taken up the mantle of his father.

Psychiatric Analysis: Far less of a risk taker than his father, he is excellent at executing orders. One of the top marksman in his division, he’s taken out the most targets for his short time involved. Appears to be introverted and spends most of his free time alone. Shows no signs of PTSD despite his line of work.

Incident - During an altercation another Vanguard operative sustained moderate injuries. Nathan was taken out of action for two months and subjected to disciplinary measures.

Incident – Failed to take out a target. No indication as to why.

No other incidents on record.

[Logging out]

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