Umbra et corruptione

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Lydia DeNore
Player: @Emerald Shade
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Dominator
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Lydia Prudence DeNore
Known Aliases: Umbra (Darkness), Umbra et corruptione (Darkness and Decay)
Species: Vampire (Tremere clan)
Age: Appears 16 (Apparent), 121 years old (DoB:October 31,1874)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110 lb
Eye Color: Emerald Green (Very beautiful)
Hair Color: Brown (In life), black (currently)
Biographical Data
Nationality: '
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: London, England
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: All deceased
Known Powers
Domination (Mind Control), Path of Shadow Crafting (Fire Assault), Hand of Destruction (Soul Mastery)
Known Abilities
Ritual Dagger (See below), penknife, book of rituals, all black clothes
(Based on oWoD Tremere rules)

Physical Description

As most vampires do she has chalky white skin and black hair. She is always seen in black with deep red framed glasses, the occausional dark purple shirt, and her hair sticking wildly out behind her. She always has dark circles around her eyes as if exausted. If you every see her arms (Extremely rare to see) you would notice it is covered in scars. Some appear to be cuts and others burns. The cuts appear to be self-inflicted, but the burns seem to have been done by someone else or purely on accident.


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