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Player: @doppledragon
A.K.A.: VampyrKnight
Species: Doppleganger/soul dragon spirit in human body
Day of Birth: 11/12/1975
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: brown
Nationality: U.S.A. citizen
Occupation: Caretaker
Location: Central Texas
Marital Status: Single
Need to get ahold of me? Drop me a line at

Global: @doppledragon

Forum: Doppledragon

Though I've known of City of Heroes since it was still in beta (and drooled over it), I'm still not even a year into this game and have no intention of stopping yet. I've created characters that I love, though still working on finding a good concept for a corruptor, a peacebringer, and a warshade, and have recently gotten my favorite hero in this game, Sarah Sleet, up to 50 (12-19-2007 at around 11:45 a.m. CST).


Characters on Virtue

American Essence - Magic Empathy/Electrical Blast Defender
Penumbral Sorceress - Magic Illusion Control/Empathy Controller
Sarah Sleet - Natural Ice Blast/Ice Manipulation Blaster
Solar Baby - Science Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tanker
VampyrKnight - Magic Dual Blades/Regeneration Scrapper
Mary Marauder - Technology Claws/Ninjitsu Stalker
Quantum Interference - Technology Energy Melee/Energy Aura Brute
Sarah Giovanni - Magic Necromancy/Dark Miasma Mastermind
Terminus Knight - Technology Gravity Control/Energy Assault Dominator


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Player Gaming Information

Since being introduced to roleplaying in April 1995, I've played various games with a few breaks between. I started out in tabletop with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition and have also played Shadowrun, Robotech, World of Darkness (classic), Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, and a few others I can't recall, and have run campaigns of both editions of D&D along with World of Darkness (classic and new), Shadowrun, Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game, and a few others.

Video games and computer games don't appeal to me as much, and generally I'll only play a given game for a couple weeks at most (2-3 days average) before moving onto something else. City of Heroes/Villains, however, is another story. Before starting in April 2007 (though I did purchase the game back in 2005 and tried to start playing...before finding out the computer's graphics chip couldn't handle it), my MMO experience only consisted of Runescape. However, I did do extensive roleplaying online in chat rooms from 2000 until 2004 and on occassion I still do.

Currently, from time to time, I do play Pirates of the Caribbean Online with some friends, but otherwise City of Heroes/Villains is where I spend my gaming time.

Roleplaying Style & Preferences

Characters live, and I play them as I see fit, even if it's not something I would do or want to do. Good example, once there was an evil wizard PC in a D&D campaign, and because I played him exactly as he should've been played, the Dungeonmaster hated me with every moment that wizard lived (too bad it was the DM who gave that Amulet of Never-Dying to that wizard...) So, if I roleplay with a player, my character's going to do what he/she wants, regardless of what might be "best" for a story. I'll play various types of characters with varying personalities, so don't expect one character to have the exact same personality as the next (ever run into Sarah Sleet and VampyrKnight, take a note of the differences between the two to understand).

Yes, I do play mainly female characters in the game, but they are more interesting to try and play correctly, not to mention it's a nice change after playing so many male characters (which out-of-game, most characters of mine tend to almost exclusively be male). I'm not adverse to mature roleplaying (i.e. complex, adult issues and themes, not cybersex MMO-style), can do heavy, storyline roleplaying, but I also do enjoy light, casual roleplaying. If it fits the character, yes, he/she will swear and cuss and whatnot.

Many of the hardline roleplayers wonder how I can tolerate those who don't know how or aren't very good at roleplaying, but it's easy so long as I remember everyone has to start somewhere. As such, there's no particular roleplay style that isn't me, and the arguments for or against one style over the other will incite me to declare both sides equally good and those arguing to be completely bad. Unless someone is rude, does something or says something particularly offensive (racism and such things are transgressions I WILL NOT tolerate), or in some way manages to irk me, well, most times that person will just get ignored, though if in-game and particularly offensive, a petition will be sent as well.

Play Style

For the most part, I have no trouble teaming or going solo in this game, though a lot of the time, I'm solo simply because of circumstances. Before Issue 11 hit, I stayed mostly solo just to do the story arcs, but now, that's no longer something I'm worried about. When on a team, I try to follow orders (I DO NOT give orders well, preferring to lead by example) and try to support the team as much as am able. Because of my style, I do well in all the roles, able to tank, scrap, blast, defend, or control, though if just switching alts, it may take a few deaths to get it in my head that I'm not playing the previous alt (I don't have the same archetype on any character on Virtue). I do, however, have a tendency, just a bit, to charge in, even as a non-melee archetype.

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