
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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ZachsMind is actually Zach Garland, a guy who plays City of Heroes less often than he would like but more often than he probably should. Some of Zach's favorite characters in the game are actually located on the Triumph server, but he created a superhero on the Virtue server called Break Through who is loosely based off Troy Hickman's creation BreakNeck for the City of Heroes comic book story called Smoke & Mirrors. ZachsMind can be reached at

ZachsMind goes by the name "@Elusive" inside City of Heroes. This is because he was stupid when he started, and thought he'd be able to change his global name every time he logged on. The first time he created a stone tanker called Starveling, but deleted that toon at the end of that game session cuz it sucked. When he logged in the second time, he found the rename command, renamed from Starveling to Elusive (a bubble controller he later got to fifty), and then was shocked to learn the third time when he made a blaster called Benny Edison that he was gonna be stuck with the global name of @Elusive for the rest of his CoH existence. ZachsMind has since invented both a defender (Triumph) and a sonic troller (Virtue) with the name ZachsMind, which is designed to look as much like him in real life as CoH will allow. Unfortunately, he doesn't enjoy playing his ZachsMind characters as much as some of the others.

ZachsMind has only attempted to play the villains side of CoX once and never got past the Break Out scenario. He finds playing villains incredibly boring. So almost all of his online time in CoX has been in Paragon City and not the Rogue Isles. Most recently, Zach's created toons based loosely on the Talos statue, and Superadine.

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