Vigilant Eye

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The Vahzilok made her a victim. Crey made her a poster child. Neither one truly understood what they were making.

Vigilant Eye on patrol
Vigilant eye
Player: @Shyft
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50 (8/24/09)
Personal Data
Real Name: Danica Bowie
Known Aliases: Dani (to her friends)
Species: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Green (left)/Mechanical Reticle (right)
Hair Color: Auburn
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero, former sales associate at Circuit Town
Place of Birth: Paragon City, RI
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI (with an apartment in Steel Canyon)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Joeseph and Betty Bowie (parents)
Known Powers
Cybernetic enhanced human
Known Abilities
energy sword, force screen shield
Theme Song: "Faint" - Linkin Park

The hero may save the day, but he doesn't always get there in time to stop all the damage from happening. In Danica Bowie's case, the hero saved her life, but the Vazilok had already harvested nearly half of her body. The Crey Corporation offered her a chance to regain some normality. Using newly designed cybernetics, they refitted her missing limbs and eye, augmenting her to super human capability. Taking armaments from Crey's alternate weapons devision, Dani began her career as a super hero. Justice may need to be blind, but it's servants don't need to be.



Supergroup: The New Regulators


Coming soon!


Coming soon!


Before her abduction, Danica was an average college co-ed with the physique of someone who exercises regularily and watched what she ate, but nothing extrordinary. After the Cybernetic refit, her physical strength, speed and agility were augmented to exceed normal human maximums.


Cybernetic limbs

Dani's arms from the shoulder and legs from the knee down were cybernetically replaced. Because of the added strength, her skeleton and connective tissue was augmented to support the added weight and power the new limbs could generate. She isn't strong enough to lift a car over her head, but she could flip one out of her way. The added strength also allows her to leap great distances.

Cybernetic Organs

Dani lost one lung and her heart was badly damaged by the Vahzilok assault. Both her lungs and heart were replaced by high performance cybernetic ones, that allowed for higher blood/oxygen transferrance and delivery. She can hold her breath for nearly 15 minutes while maintaining heavy physical output. At rest, she can nearly double that mark.

Cybernetic Ears and Eye

Dani's ears have been replaced with units that give her the full human band of hearing, as well as subsonic and hypersonic hearing on a par with canines. She also has a full band radio/cellphone implant designed by fellow New Regulator Shyft, that allows her to operate hands free when in combat. Dani's right eye can scan both infrared and ultraviolet bands of light, but Dani dislikes it because she finds it diorienting.


Before she left Crey's security division, Dani was issued several sets of experimental force edge weaponry and personal force screens. Not satisfied with just the Crey-made gear, she recently aquired similar technology adapted from the Rikti by Vanguard.

Weaknesses and Limitations

None that she would readily admit to. In the end, she's still only an athletic person with hardware modifications. Knock her down and she's going to be hurt.

Inspiration (OOC Information)

Early Inspiration

At a very young age I saw a PBS special on using a tiny computer in a fanny pack that controlled a set of elctrodes attached to the muscle groups of a parapaligic and using a walker for balance, was able to walk. Since then I have had a facination with cybernetics, especially when used to repair damaged or disfigured people. As a child, the Bionic Man and the Bionic Woman were two of my favorite shows.

Character Motivation

I've known several people who were victims of abuse or discrimination. I am always amazed at those people who take that and use it as a motivation to combat it or champion awareness of it.

Appearance and Costume

Once I saw the cyborg set, I immediately knew I wanted to make a cyborg of some type. The idea of a former victim using what some would consider to be a disfigurment as a symbol of what they were capable of immedately got my creative juices going. A good friend of mine has a huge scar that covers her shoulder and a good bit of her back (she was burned as a child). Rather than cover it up or try to hide it, she simple accepts it as part of who she is. Her wedding dress was backless and sleeveless, and she was radiant in it. I used that as the motivation of VE's costumes all being very skimpy (other than her sealed hardsuit) as her was of showing off that she's still a woman, and still sexy, cybernetic or not. It's been an interesting character mindset to develop.

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