Zypher Wynn

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Zypher wynn.jpg
Zypher Wynn
Player: @Action Librarian
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Zypher Wynn
Known Aliases: none
Species: human
Age: unknown presumably over 50
Height: 6'
Weight: 185lbs
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: white
Biographical Data
Nationality: unknown
Occupation: adventurer
Place of Birth: unknown
Base of Operations: Currently operating in Paragon City
Marital Status: unknown
Known Relatives: unknown
Known Powers
archer/fire aura
Known Abilities
can preform minor heals
various bows
dimensional travel currently visiting Paragon's reality



Supergroup: The Murkin Supply Company


Good natured and inquisitive.


He owns a host of bows.

Character History

A man lost in the various realities of existence. He has lived in several as a ranger, an assassin, a merchant, a miner, and as a hero. He has visited worlds steeped in the ancient past and worlds far advanced into the future. Forever moving like a nomad from place to place. However each world he has visited offers new opportunities and adventures for him. One day he may return to his own world if he could remember what that world happen to be. Until then he will roam the various dimensions of reality seeking adventure.

Character Trivia

Zypher Wynn is a continuance of a character which I started many years ago in an RPG. I have used the character name and similar look about him in many MMORPGs since. Instead of claiming he is a different person in each game, I claim he is the same person from all and he travels through various realities seeking adventure.

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