Ashlee White

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Ashlee White
Player: @Resurection Mary
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Stalker
Security Level: 37
Personal Data
Real Name: Ashlee White
Known Aliases: Asorra (female demon), Lee (mutant), Amir (male demon)
Species: Sable demon (Publicly Unknown)
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lbs.
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Delivery girl
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Paragon
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Steve and Judi White (parents, adoptive), Susan White (younger sister, adoptive) Jeremy White (brother, adoptive), Amanda White (sister, adoptive)
Known Powers
Super strength, regeneration, shadow manipulation, teleportation, shapeshifting, and disguise/stealth perception.
Known Abilities



Ashlee is your average young adult; she attends college, hangs out with friends, occasionally yells at her parents in her rebellious nature, and loves her younger siblings to pieces. She's a big fan of "speak softly and carry a big stick," so she won't go around bragging about her abilities or skills. She prefers showing to talking. She's an average student and doesn't stick out in sports. Her temper has a long fuse, but a bigger boom; her tantrums as a young child would leave the backyard in disarray. Despite her origins and the nature of her powers, Ashlee seems content with her place in the world and doesn't care to hold herself above humanity as a few other demons do.


Ashlee's powers are at the same time mystic in origin and natural to who she is. Among them are:

Unknown Powers

True Origins

Ashlee White is, in fact, a demon. This is not common knowledge, and Ash wasn't even aware of it until recently despite instinctively knowing about her powers and how they work. She just called it "magic" and left it at that. She was raised by humans all her life and considers herself one of them, despite her origin.

During the war between Heaven and Lucifer's armies, there were a few angels who didn't feel like fighting on either side. They preferred not to harm any of their siblings, regardless of whom they served. For this neutral, yet still disobedient act, they were banished along with Lucifer and his lot...but they were not granted access to Hell either. They were stuck somewhere in between being holy and unholy. As such, these demons do not register as what they are, feeling as though they are neutral magical creatures rather than demonic.

Stuck in the mortal realm, the Sable demons (as they began calling themselves), slowly shifted over the millenia into a new culture altogether. Their abilities adapted to hiding among the species of the mortal realm and living in peace. Their mastery of these skills and powers are probably what lead to the ability to detect when others are doing so nearby. Instead of raising their own young, they drop them off at the homes of mortals to take in and raise instead; this leads to decades, even centuries, of Sables never finding out what they are and assuming they're just from magical bloodlines of the species that raised them. Such was the case of Ashlee, until her birth parent came back to inform Ash of what she is.


Surprisingly, holy and unholy energies don't do any additional damage that one would think they should. However, because of the neutrality of the Sables in the war, they are neither and thus do not suffer from the opposing energy. They do have their weaknesses, though.

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