Automated Assault

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Automated Title 2.JPG

Portrait 3.JPG
"To the Gods, I am Automated Assault, but to you I am..."
"Lord Malice"
Player: Anonymous
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: Fifty
Personal Data
Real Name: None
Known Aliases: Lord Malice, ZX-B23 Alias Terminated.
Species: Synthetic Humanoid
Age: Unknown I do not have time for aging!
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 516 lbs unarmored - 837 lbs fully armored
Eye Color: WRAITH Lenses You'll be dead before you see them.
Hair Color: None .......
Biographical Data
Nationality: No ethnic history.
Occupation: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Nerva Archipelago All of the WORLD!
Marital Status: N/A ... I'm artificial. What would you expect?
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Control of Mu Energies
Six mechanical servants, and one mysterious firearm.
"Bow down to me, or be slain!"


The Biography of Lord Malice

Death is the omnipotent force that drives man mad with fury, repentance, and even his pathetic sense of false justice. Man looks to the ominous future with a grim remorse, he is well aware he has crafted himself this future. By mystery, this deathly future has manifested itself as a servant to malevolence. This servant is man's archaic nemesis, technology, made manifest. He thrives off of ancient Mu energies, as a parasite; clad in knightly armor and hatred.

He is an agent, crafted by a zealot that wishes man's downfall. He will stop at nothing until success is not only in his grasp, but his very slave. He is completely reliant on his own entity, and he will not falter until his sense of malice is sedated. He is combative, aggressive and merciless. His - literally - iron will guides other technological creations into carnage. This wicked harbinger is almost religious, and certainly fanatical by all means.

As the spawn of fanatical and apocalyptic zealotry, this wicked visage of man has been filled with so much twisted carnage, it literally bursts from the seems with hatred. Undoubtedly this puppet is of technological design no less, for it is readily (and physically) apparent when one observes Automated Assault. However, what is relatively less known of this beast is its deep ties to the dark arts. These dark arts gave him unquestioned sentience, such intelligence that not only matches a humans, but surpasses it.

So his mysterious benefactor of divine powers had the mediums necessary to create malevolent life: His veins, formulated circuitry. His soul, a dark force that desires no life on Earth. His passion, cold blooded murder. His drive, the Mu blood and energies that are so plentiful on the Rogue Isles.

Deathly Abilities

((This will be worked on soon.))

The Machine's Past

((Coming soon.))

The Machine's Future

((Coming soon.))

The Many Appearances

Automated Assault does enjoy using a small variety of unique suits depending on the types of scenarios he may encounter. Though the immediate most recognizable suit he dons is the medieval suit of armor, he has made slight modifications to his wardrobe adding a sense of wicked style to his villainous nature.

The Medieval Suit

The Armorless Variant

The "armorless" attire is not entirely without armor at all. He still brandishes his gauntlets, pauldrons, mantle, and breastplate. Seconded to his standard medieval armor, this armor is most often seen on Automated Assault during subtle situations out of combat. The lightweight nature allows for him to achieve greater mobility at the cost of much needed protection.


Ascended to threat level fifty on April 13, 2008.


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