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Azunai is a port of my Champions Online character by the same name. I have decided to design him for City of and giving him a new background special for the game. You may read information about the original Azunai over on Primus Database: http://www.primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Azunai
Player: @Reldin.
Character Build
| Mutation
| Tanker
Security Level:
| 50
Biographical Data
Real Name:
| Azunai
Known Aliases:
| N/a
| 32
| Male
| Zanach
| 12'5
| 3415 lbs.
| Glowing, Green
| Black
| Dark complected
Physical Build:
| Extremely muscular and tall
Physical Features:
| Some minor scars, tribal tattoos on his body and left side of his face.
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Lawful Neutral
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| Public
Years Active:
| 13
Base of Operations:
| N/a
| Confidential
| Gladiator/Conqueror
Marital Status:
| Married
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Strength, Invulnerability
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Gladiator Armor
| Strength
| Endurance
| Agility
| Speed
| Fighting
| Projectiles
| Durability
| Resistance
| Intelligence
| Psyche
| Intuition
| Charisma
ReldinBox Template
Azunai is a rather large and intimidating man of incredibly height. He stands at 12 feet, 5 inches tall with an incredibly muscular physique. He can be seen wearing a full on gladiator-styled costume with rather large boots, gloves and shoulder pads. The helmet he wears is highly decorated with various images while having a rather tech-looking visor that shields his eyes. Most of the armor that he wears are golden while the strap on his chest, his belt, and his pants are the only pieces of equipment that are not fully golden. His body has an assortment of tribal tattoos, as well as the left side of his face. Finally, one last interesting quality that many will notice is the green, fiery glow that come from his eyes.
Background & Personality
Azunai hails from the planet of Zanach, a planet full of gladiator-like people. He is one of few people to be born with a mutation that has given him incredible strength, which has surpassed many adult males on his planet.
Powers & Abilities
- Super Strength: Azunai possesses the ability to easily lift objects that weigh in over 500 tons. He is capable of pushing himself to lifting much heavier objects to the point that his strength has actually never been truly measured.
- Invulnerability: The giant of a man is highly resistant to physical punishment and can withstand anything thrown at him. His bone density and size help him greatly to ignore oncoming assaults by other people.
- Weapons Training: The gladiator comes equipped with a massive two handed warhammer--which he actually wields with just one hand--and is rather well trained in using the weapon.
- Giant Growth: Though it is rarely seen, Azunai has a secondary mutation that may occur during under extreme circumstances. The entire structure of his physical being is capable of growing larger--most of which occur at times of anger. However, he has mentally disciplined himself over the years that this occurrence does not happen as frequently as one would suspect.
- Super Jump: His leg muscles are powerful enough to allow him to leap to great distances and height. A useful tactic during combat, he usually uses this strength to get the drop in (literally!) on his opponents.
Equipment & Paraphernalia
Opinions About Azunai
((Feel free to comment about Azunai here.))
Facts and Trivia
- Each of his boots weigh over 500 lbs.
- His armor adds a total of 2,150 lbs on top of what he already weighs.
All contributions to this gallery have been by other artists or friends of mine OOC. Links to most of the artist's pages can be found on deviant ART through this gallery:
Theme Songs
Roleplay Hooks
- Azunai is always looking for someone to spar with, seeming to always be looking for a challenge. He is not afraid to approach another person when seeking worthy opponents.