Bandit sisters

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Banditgirls red.jpg
Bandit Sisters !
Toni and Bobbi Bandit
Player: Trusting/Drunkfu
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Avatar
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Toni and Bobbi Bandit
Known Aliases: Effing Bandits !!
Species: Human
Age: 14
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 98 lbs
Eye Color: black pupils with luminus red iris's
Hair Color: Dark brown that lightens to white as the seasons change to winter
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Students
Place of Birth: Richmond, Virginia
Base of Operations: Berlin, New Hampshire
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unamed mother and father
Known Powers
Avatar of the Mustelidae spirit
Known Abilities
Various Mustelidae like abilitys
Iphone , School backpack with books , Stolen ham , digging implements and journal

In the Begining

Bobbi and Toni were well-to-do children of a Real Estate contractor father and his beloved wife, a teacher at the local private school who lived a happy if uneventful life in the Virginian suburbs that their dad had helped create and plan.

Dizygotic boy and girl twins that were nigh inseparable and easily well known in the private school where they wreaked havoc on their fellow students with pranks, outrageous schemes, and the occasional fight with bullies. However, one day the twins were playing "Coliseum of Caligula" in the backyard using a frog wearing armor of tinfoil, an ant mound, and a number of toys arrayed in a circle around the spectacle, and had discovered an ancient bronze watch from the colonial era! That time when religious exiles had crossed a boundless ocean to fuck with Indians and spread rats, dogs, and weasels into the wilderness indiscriminately. Instantly enamored with the artifact, both siblings were startled when a spirit sacred to that artifact spoke with them!

Few humans will ever know the nature of the spiritual, intimate discussion that occurs between an avatar and the spirit that chooses to make a pact, or cohabit with them. But in the case of the Bandit sisters it is known, because they posted it on their live journal. It went like this;

"...Psst. Psst, hey, kids!"

Startled, they both looked around for the sound of the mystic voice, soon realizing it had come from the filthy watch at their feet.

It continued. "I can grant you powers beyond belief! All you have to do is...."

"WOW!" One sibling replied. "Awesome, POWERS!"

"...Yah, you wont believe this, it's-!"

"What kind of powers?!" "Ooh can we shoot fireballs when we eat flowers?" "Or fly?!"

"Uh no, but..."

The siblings exchanged looks, and threw the watch back into their Coliseum of sediment and mud where even now a lone brave frog clad only in tinfoil was beating back the heathen ant hordes "Pff, pass."

The watch glimmered in annoyance, and psychically yelled at the two, stopping them in their tracks, "Listen up you fucking kids! If you sign on with me, you can sleep ALL you want, eat all the food you want, be granted super human boons and be closer to your sibling then ever before!"

"Wow!" "Sweet!" "We're in!" "Where do we sign up!?"

It was that day that the Bandit twins accepted the spirit of the Mustelidea into their bodies, both having (apparently) been avatars of unknown strength. The Mustelidea's blessings however, were mixed. They discovered, when one day the twins noticed they had started to become more alike physically in appearance, and also discovered they could psychically converse and cheat on tests, and cause trouble like never before! This was alright for a few months, until their bodies started to undergo more drastic changes, and their parents were forced to withdraw them from the slightly less than prestigious private school and send them to a slightly different private school that specialized in super-humans .

Months Later

"Hey, when you said 'can sleep and eat all you want' we didn't think you meant we HAD to sleep most of the day, or that we had to eat like a full pig each day or we go crazyzors, or that we'd go from Dizygotic twins to identical twins!"

"Well, next time read the fine print. Pfft at ME, will you. How do you brats even know the word dyzotic?"

"Duh, we went to a private school!" "You know, it is kind of awesome yelling in a crowded cafeteria for everyone to stop masticating immediately and know what it means" "True that!"



Bobbi and Toni each possess slightly oversized padded hands and feet with sharp bone claws that extend from the fingers and are very useful in digging tunnels through the ground around campus as well as offensively to rake at their opponets , these claws continously grow so the girls have to constantly wear them down by filing them daily or using them for their desired purpose ...digging ! Perfectly capeable of digging through hard packed earth and roots they are either unable or lack the patience to dig through harder substances .


The Bandit sisters love to dig and explore as well as get into places they shouldn't be via digging , in the instances where they are unable to dig all the way into something via their claws alone they are more than happy to break out the tools and chip away at a troublesome blockade over time until it wears down .Both sisters keep small journals to keep track of all their tunnels and bolt holes they've dug as well as found around campus , these journals are eventually added to their master map known simply as "TEH Mapppp !" If you need to find a way around campus with out being seen these are the girls to go to ...provided you don't mind getting dirty and hanging out in tight cramped spaces .


Picture a bear trap with strawberry scented lip balm and you get the idea of the destructive power in the girls jaws and teeth ! Both sisters possess a wide mouth and slightly oversized jaw filled with sharp piercing teeth as well as enlarged Carnassials , they are quite capeable of piercing flesh and breaking bones with their jaws and teeth and seem to delight in simply getting on and opponets back and clamping their jaws around an appendage and bleeding their prey to death .

Jumpin, rollin , climbin and divin

Blessed with a petranatural agility and sinuous grace when in movement , the sisters love to jump through the air , dive between foes legs and scramble over others in a orchestra of continous movement . Fully incapeable of standing still they seem to be in a constant state of motion . Why walk from point A to point B when you can run across the heads of students in a packed hallway , scramble under them and flip through the trees ...if you could do it you so know you would !

smellin an ah trackin

Bobbi and Toni have an advanced sense of smell enabling then to track quarry and tell when someones been touching their stuff or been in to one of their hidden bolt holes , when meeting people they sometimes have a habit of snuffling about them for a bit to get a good taste of their smell . they have a severe dislike for perfumes and such due to most chemicly made scents causing their nose discomfort.

Night Vision

One of the more distinctive features of the Bandit sisters are their eyes black pupils with luminous red iris's , while they only faintly glow during the day at night they positively shine alowing the girls to see much better in the dark then some folks see during the day . Many a students romantic encounter has been cut short as their lover runs off in terror due to being spooked by the seemingly floating red demonic eyes watching them from the darkness .

Super secret Bandit sister sense

Like alot of twins Bobbi and Toni have a certain empathy with their sibling a general feel for their well being as it were , but when in close proximity to one another they actually piggyback with each others senses allowing them to see, hear and smell what the other is sensing but also to get a jist of what their twin is going to do and move in tandem to help them accomplish a goal. it has been surmised that the sisters may indeed have some sort of short distance esp allowing them to discuss things among themselves and while they remain mum on the subject the often over long awkward pauses when they are caught doing something and trying to give explanations on how its a misunderstanding speaks volumes.

The Downside to having Strange and inhuman powers

Hyperactive Metabolism or why we eat our own body weight in food and sleep 16 to 18 hours each day

Bobbi and Toni have to eat 40 percent or more of their body weight daily or tend to get a bit feral and blood thirsty they also appear to be crepuscular as they sleep 16 to 18 hours a day and are decidely nocturnal being most active in the hours between dusk till dawn . This excessive rest and consumption seems to fuel their Hyperactive nature while they are awake , or in their own words "We are only awake for half the time you are so we need to make the time we aren't sleeping three times as awesome and exciting !"

Bandit Sisters weasel war dance

While not a power or a major drawback per se it has been noted on several occasions that the Bandit sisters sometimes spontaneously burst into awkward spazztic yet highly energetic dances when they accomplish something they deem a victory , during this dance they often loose track of whats going on around them often leaving them easy prey for anyone they may have just been victorious against .

its not theft its borrowing , or if you really wanted it you shouldn't have made it shiney and cool

The Bandit sisters have a bad habit of pocketing things they find intresting and taking them home with them , if you see the item and ask for it back they will happily oblige your request .though in their defense they usually zero in on rather gaudy things that no one is that likely to shed a tear over loosing .

Special skills of Note

Playin dead so as we don't need to admit to havin been caught doin somethin

A unique but virtually worthless skill the sisters have developed is the ability to feign death , anytime a authority figure is likely to yell at them they will oft times puke up a noxious green bile out of their mouth and nostrils , spasm for a bit and let their body go limp . During this time their heart beat and breathing are virtually unnoticeable . this "Ability" while useful perhaps in the wild is not quite so useful during third period History when your teacher is yelling at you for not doing a homework assignment again .

Video gamin and the interwebs

The Bandits love their console as well as online computer games and sometimes force themselves to stay awake so they can have extended play times by drinking copious amounts of Jolt cola and caffeine tablets ,they should be avoided during these times .

Campus Security reports:

Security report 0343

In response to a complaint by personal from the custodial Department, investigations were made concerning mysterious dirt mounds that began appearing throughout the campus. Further investigation by the bomb squad and Hazmat team revealed them to be food caches. On first inspection, it appears to be seran wraped food liberated from the cafeteria (burritos, hamburgers, bacon, other foods high in meat content). Checking the security footage, we were able to discover that the Bandit sisters were at the source of the mysterious mounds, and they were sent to detention after a brief argument where they tried to claim shape changers did it .

-Note- they apparently slept through the entire detention and when attempts were made to rouse them they puked up green goo and went limp apparently playing dead , in the future make sure to schedule their detention between dusk to dawn as they are Crepuscular.

Security report 3423
Security camera footage of the sisters in action
Complaints from some of the students and teachers from the various Devisor and Gadeteering classes claim someone or someones have been sneaking into their subterranean labs at night and disassembling the security protocals set there and doing the same to most of their projects. A magical recording device was set up one night to determine the identity of the perpetrators, and the Bandit sister's were discovered to be at the source of the problem. When confronted with these allegations, they went silent and stared at each other for several long minutes while franticly waving their hands at each other , then simultaneously came up with a very detailed alternative story, claiming that this time, "mind controlling androids had been speaking to them at night begging them to release them from their bondage-like imprisonment". They were given detention cleaning up the subterranean passages this time during the hours between dusk and dawn , and were later caught passed out with brooms in their hand, attempting to feign death.

-Note- When Bandit sisters appear to be dead, before calling for medical assistance, first try yelling "Get the defirbilator pads!" The Bandit sisters have learned from experience that this means they'll be given electric shocks, and will often miraculously awaken from their feigned death claiming "It's a miracle! I saw the other side!"

Security report 6999

Apparently at 1959 hours, student code name "Freeballin" (This officer refuses to write the students code name again. From this point on in the report, he'll be classified as "Aggressor A"), a high level exemplar and one of the new kids trying to throw his weight around, and the "Bandit Sisters" became involved in an altercation regarding the remaining "pizza bites" in the cafeteria . Witnesses say the Bandit sisters had claimed the last pizza bite, when Aggressor A demanded ownership of the last pizza bite. The Bandit sisters apparently ignored him, enraging Aggressor A into pushing one of the two Bandit sisters. The reports at this point were hazy, but they apparently tripped him with an impressive display of team work, and by the time security arrived they had to be pryed free having clamped their jaws shut on Aggressor A's left most inner thigh and his left back shoulder , Excessive amounts of pepper spray and minor electric shocks had to be used to pry the Bandit sisters off of said student where upon the sisters both played dead disgorging a amount of green bile from their noses and mouth . Detention was given to all three students. The Bandit sisters were found passed out at their assigned detention in Hawthorne, sleeping next to Fubar's tank despite dripping in copious amounts of mucus. "It was nice and warm" they were reported as saying.

-Note- this is the tenth pizza bite incident this semester, very strongly recomend removing pizza bites from the menu .
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