Belladonna Nightshade

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Belladonna Nightshade
Player: @RagabashMoon
Origin: Science
Archetype: Warshade
Security Level: 38
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown/Nightshade
Known Aliases: '
Species: Unknown/Kheldian
Age: Unknown
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: '
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Actual name in game does not contain a space due to 20 letter maximum for names.




Species History

Originally a peaceful species with extreme psionic powers, Belladonna's species does not age. As population started to grow out of control, they developed space travel, and began to attempt to colonize nearby planets. However, the first planet (a planet they'd seen every night for countless generations, as it was many times their planet's size, like comparing Earth to Jupiter) they came to saw it as an invasion. On the verge of space travel themselves, they attacked Belladonna's people, and sparked a war. This war raged on for centuries, with neither side gaining much ground. Belladonna's species had superior firepower once they turned their intellect toward war, but the other species was shorter lived (shorter lived than humans in fact), however very quick breeding, making for a literally endless supply of "soldiers" with not even the entire population needing to be soldiers. Belladonna's species tried to end the war peaceably many times over the centuries, but the other species wouldn't or couldn't understand.

Belladonna's History

Belladonna (that being, she says, the closest match on Earth to the plant she was named after, and the irony of her Nictus being called Nightshade is not lost on them) was born during the war, and was therefore not taught of peace, she was taught of war. When she came of age, she joined the war effort and started work on an idea to end the war, once and for all. After many experiments, she discovered a rare mineral on her home planet. This mineral, if melted into a liquid state, then immediately flash frozen to absolute zero, could be fired into a star and cause it's immediate collapse. Whether she didn't think of what it would do to her people too, or whether she didn't care, Belladonna fired two shots of this weapon into the twin suns of her solar system, then activated her hyperdrive and left. The war ended as two black holes destroyed half a galaxy, and Belladonna found her psionic powers were gone as well.

Belladonna spent many years traveling the universe, just stealing what she wanted. Those that refused to give it, she killed. Occasionally she tried using the threat of her black hole weapon, and occasionally it worked, but it was an idle threat, as without the mineral she now realized was unique to her planet, the weapon would never work again. Then, as the centuries passed, the threat even quit working, because nobody remembered when those two black holes formed, much less the war it ended.

Nightshade's History

Nightshade is a very ancient Nictus, possibly as old as the Nictus themselves. Nightshade had little interest in the "nova" or "dwarf" races, and instead set out across the galaxy to find a "better" host. Just as time was running out, Nightshade found its ship being attacked by a space pirate. Realizing that this may be its last chance, it attempted to possess her. Whether Belladonna had a weak will after the loss of her psionic ability, or whether Nightshade was just extremely powerful, neither of them will say. However, Nightshade took full control of Belladonna's body, and she was unable to force it out. Only partially merging with Belladonna's mind, Nightshade realized that Belladonna would never die unless killed. He had found his "perfect" host.

Over the next centuries, Nightshade joined his fellow Nictus in all endeavors, until it met a Warshade. It had heard of these "Warshades" and their silly drive to be "good Nictus" but listened to it's story, just for a good laugh before it killed the idiot. However, this Warshade had a profound effect on Nightshade. Instead of killing the Warshade, Nightshade agreed to join it.

Belladonna Nightshade

Which, left the problem of having an unwilling host. Nightshade realized that if it left Belladonna, it would probably not survive long enough to find another host. It also knew all the horrible things Belladonna had done before she met it. So, it made a deal with her. Allow it to live, and together they could seek redemption for both their horrible pasts, on The Path of the Warshade. Having been put through centuries of torment as an unwilling host, but also knowing Nightshade's sincerity due to the merged mind, Belladonna agreed, and they arrived on Earth to work with Shadowstar.


The 5th Column and The Council

Nightshade seems to know Requiem and Arakhan. As old as it is, it probably worked with their Nictus over the years, but now Nightshade wants to stop them, once and for all.

The Rikti

Since Earth is now Belladonna and Nightshade's new home, they of course don't like the invaders. Belladonna has tried "talking" to a Rikti, but they just shoot at her, same as in her species war. So be it, if the Rikti don't want peace, she'll wipe them out, just as she did before. However, up until she wipes them out, she'll always try to reason with them and end the war with peace. When asked if she would employ a similar tactic to end the Rikti war as she did back home, Belladonna just smiles, and says something in her species tongue.


Belladonna and Nightshade found that with a full merger, Nightshade is nowhere near as powerful as it was when it was in full control, however they are careful to hide this fact, causing a bit of arrogance sometimes. This is also why they don't just go kill Arakhan and Requiem immediately, as Nightshade is, in a way, starting over, whereas Requiem and Arakhan have been in whatever form of control they have with their hosts for many, many years.

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