Black Katipo

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Alien POW
Black Katipo
Player: @Cobalt Cricket
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 20
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown (Suspect: Adam Hawke ?)
Known Aliases: Brown Recluse, Red Katipo, Hawk
Species: Human (Terra Prime)
Age: 103
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 235lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Reddish-Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Caucasian (White)
Occupation: Mercenary, Vanguard
Place of Birth: Missouri, USA
Base of Operations: St Louis
Marital Status: Unknown (Suspect: Spouse Deceased ?)
Known Relatives: Unknown (Suspect: Wife remarried, while with child.)
Known Powers
Beam Weapon/Traps
Known Abilities
Special Forces Operative, Expert Hand-to-Hand, Extensive knowledge of weaponry/applications/survival.
(Acquired) Sustained Particle Beam Cannon, various trinkets/gadgets/survival gear.


American wartime hero, routinely running Special Ops with a New Zealand wetworks outfit. Coining the nickname from his colleagues, he keeps it to this day in rememberance. As a World War II era soldier, his unit was abducted by aliens during his occupancy in Poland. As a test subject for human resilience, they were entered into the gladitorial circuit. Pitted against the most vile, tedious, and enduring tasks. Instinct, survival, and freedom drove these men toward overcoming their captors. Their Great Escape separated them as they stretched the galaxy, searching for a way home. One day, they will be reunited. Their longevity was a necessity, in order to study their long-term behavior. It is unknown whether it was a subject of genetic tampering or just biochemical. All have shown an improved resistance to disease and toxin as well.

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